In Maricopa County, Arizona, an updated vote count is not expected until tonight in a pivotal race that could determine control of the US Senate. Workers are now processing early ballots in the state's most populous county. CNN's Victor Blackwell has more. #CNN #News
Go behind the scenes of Maricopa County’s ballot processing operation

The Red Wave wasn’t even a ripple.
Imagine being so stupid that you look at Trump…this treasonous, traitorous, totally corrupt, self-serving, ignorant clown, this racist, semi literate moron, this sexually assaulting, minor grooming, pathologically lying, feeble-minded, morally bankrupt, documents stealing, dictator loving, constitutionally-illiterate simpleton, this bloated nitwit with his cotton candy hair, radioactive tinted skin and obese dishevelment, and think “Now that is a guy I really admire”.
Wealth without work, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principle. TRUMP666 Approves.
@Nake Fews Elon can be Robin Hood. Free Tesla’s for everyone
@T B They have to be now. Each Party has its own decaying elements in society and all need to clean up their own mess. GOP has switched level higher financially and we need to pull out money out of their hands because they will grab it with 4 arms
Turns out they just needed some midol
Poppy Harlow’s voice makes my ears bleed.

oh Don Le’mon is still alive?
I heard Tom Brady’s wife is going to have Hershel Walkers new baby

Walker said it won’t happen because he said he’s got reptile dysfunction.
It’s amazing people still vote democrat after these last 2 years.
Well I’m wondering what’s going to be the outcome after the situation with people’s emotions is it going to be different or is it going to stay the same who knows stay tuned for the next episode
Great show eh?
@Ld O yep I have a feeling its going even more crazier
What Americans merely suspected after the election of 2020 they now know for a certainty.
Our elections are being rigged.
I am starting to appreciate the simplicity of Canadian elections. Citizens are sent a card that they take to the polling station where they show government issued ID. Then the voters are given a paper ballot where an X is put inside a circle next to the candidate of their choice. They fold the secret ballot and put it in the box. By 10:00 PM, they know who is elected. The process is pretty much the same as it was 155 years ago.
Your country’s history and development was different. If you are really interested in why try finding out why instead of complaining about how the US does voting.
@Yvonne Plant where did they complain? They said “I am starting to appreciate the simplicity of Canadian elections”
@Yvonne Plant How do you that I haven’t asked why the US’s voting system is so different.
Canada was lucky that the British helped us keep independent of the USA.
That Red Wave just turned into a big Red nose
bit like the official paul pelosi story
I understand
It’s not anonymous?
Just say it its over for Nancy.
is anyone surprised about Maricopa Co.
The reason drop boxes take longer to count is because they have to stop, water and feed the mules while they stuff the boxes.
Trump Lost. Deal with it.
AZ, Stand Back & Stand By…
Arizona, Specifically Maricopa,
4 elections in a row that Maricopa had some form of ‘glitch or error’ that delayed timely tabulation of the vote, not to mention the ‘tampering’ thing.
Whats wrong with this picture?
Whoever _repents_ of all his sins (turns from sins) and _calls_ on the *Name* of the *LORD,* will be save. *He* who died on a cross for the sins of the world, _rose_ from the dead on the third day, and by *His* blood, whoever _repents_ and _believes,_ has full redemption of sins and eternal life.
Today is the day of your salvation, accept *Jesus* the *Christ* now and be saved, because you broke the law but *He* paid your fine with *His* life’s blood.
For those with understanding: Matthew 24:40-41 will take place very soon, this is the sixth seal! This is the generation of the harpazo, rapture, and behold you will witness the trumpet blast that will make the sky recede as a scroll being rolled up! Therefore, be ready and be the five wise virgins, do not be the five foolish virgins! (Parable of the Ten Virgins)