“If there is a good degree of infection and spread in any part of the world, it’s always a threat to where you are. So, if we really want to crush a pandemic, it has to be a global effort,” says Dr. Fauci. Aired on 2/2/2021.
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#Fauci #Vaccination #MSNBC
‘Global Effort’: Dr. Fauci On The Need For Vaccination Push Across The World | All In | MSNBC
my country cant even afford the vaccine yet and I see videos of Americans saying how its “fake” or that they dont like that their country is buying vaccines… Some people have no idea how fortunate they have it. People in my country dying and hoping we can get just a few doses of vaccines so we can hang on and we have to watch other countries mishandling huge batches of them and throwing them away… smh.
God bless you both.. so refreshing to hear truth!
@Dan Ozomatli account created 1 month ago?
@Gabe Dudley cancelled previous to that. For speaking truth
@Dan Ozomatli welcome to 1984
@Gabe Dudley yup. Google and YouTube should vet their employees for bias
@Dan Ozomatli what about when the people vetting them are bias? Thats how they do it. They pick the best sheep
Dr fauci needs more cowbell.
I love being old enough to get that^^
The more manufacturers producing effective vaccines the better.
why so big pharma can run your life more
@Doob Snackz Well when you can make an effective vaccine in your garage, get back to us.
You guys must love people like Martin Shkreli..
Its still a MRNA vaccine
@D E Especially a vaccine for HIV/STD/AIDS, Ebola, Cancer, etc.!!!
Lol, not many nations on this planet.. where the news anchor asks if the nation gives a flying F about the rest of the
too shitly funny
One of the better interviews of Dr. Fauci. Hayes did a good job of letting the Dr. illuminate the complex situation in direct language. Well done.
Anyone else notice that certain snowflake tRolls get tRiggeRed by vids of educated persons holding adult conversations on topics of merit? “Look at me! I can eat boogers!” tRolls have no game, just the smell. Don’t feed them.
@Jörgen Larsson I’m still waiting on Dr. Anthony Fauci to truthfully say that tying a garbage bag around ones head completely eliminates the chance of getting “Covid-19”.
@Gyrene_asea But please cancel ‘Paw Patrol’!!!
@Gyrene_asea Troll’s do not come here to watch DNC opinions being constructed for profit. We just come here to laugh at you who are weak enough to think hollywood elites offer actual “news”.
Трамп 2024 (That’s trump 2024 in Russian!)
@Jörgen Larsson Oh now you need evidence? DNC’s own logic dictates that heresy and conjecture are both “kinds” of evidence.
Not when it’s against you huh?
If we don’t win in 2022 and 2024 we may lose our democracy to republican authoritarians. Vote!
We don’t live in a democracy
“republican authoritarians”… DC is a police state pushing for a 1 party system after a summer of endless riot’s across the entire country. Biden has signed more EO’s in his first week then any other administration in American history. But you are worried about republicans? Is that some sick joke?
@J the EOs was to undo the Damage Trump has done.
@Roxane Reddy I think Trump had 4 or 5 EO’s in his first week.. It took Biden 40+ to undo all that “damage”?
By damage, are you referring to our energy independence or do you mean more on a progressive level like it was damaging for Bruce Jenner to be restricted from girls sports?
Trump already has a note from his doctor to get out of the impeachment trial.
Where is that big plan our potus said he had? This is it? Wear 2 mask? Thats the plan? Oh we suppose to keep thinking about orange man? Is he not gone?
@Gabe Dudley If you step out of the Fox Box and READ you will learn what’s really going on in the world. You have a LOT of catching up to do.
@Julie B fox vp is bidens former chief of staff. Its the same thing. Do you have a better talking point?
Draft dodger
The richest countries need to join together to fund the vaccine distribution to all poor countries otherwise we’ll never suppress this virus.
People like Musk, Bezos, Soros, or Gates are all richer then most country’s in the world.. Odd that you have these socialist world elites riding the donkey train and none of them seem to have your back.
So once again Fauci flip flops. A couple of weeks ago he says “It’s common sense to wear two masks!” Now a few days ago he rescinded it and said “There is evidence that says two masks make a difference”
So why stop at two masks? How about wearing 4 or 5? Then watch the hospitals fill up with people suffering from asphyxiation. This is why the whole muzzle mandates need to end. If two masks don’t make a difference then we shouldn’t wear any. Only N-95 masks are affective and they belong in hospitals only. Fauci is a tool. We’ve been wearing masks for 10 months already even though we’re social distancing. It’s not who we are.
At first Fauci said no masks.. Changed pretty fast when Trump agreed lol.
Part of that trial is happening near my work. Heard the taking in the elevator about it. I haven’t heard about the efficacy though. Fingers crossed.
Everybody don’t let this moment pass you make the most of it by you making the best decision of your life right now by allowing God to come into your life by you praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of your life everyday and in every situation of your life everyday for I guarantee if you do this everyday then your life will get better, you will have more peace, you will be more successful, you will have more happiness, and all your dreams will come true that’s because when you pray to God then God will make all good things possible for you and you must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way
Notice how the people who were screaming my body my choice are now requiring YOU to where a mask?
What does womans control over they’re reproductive rights gotta do with wearing masks you f#$king weirdo
So true!
With the new and more dangerous strains, would it make sense to ban travel that is not within the borders? When a person or family travels to England, I am having a problem seeing how that lowers my risk of catching the new strains. When travelers from outside America come to visit, it seems that it would not lower my risk of catching the new strains, either.

there is no long use data or data on the biochemical mechanisms involved in the PEG/anaphylaxis allergic reactions to the pfizer vaccine yet they still think its justified to push the vaccine.
take NAC to stop the replication of the virus and then quarantine for the remainder. unless your physician , without external motives, says you wont make it
why hasnt pfizer published their allergy data?