The president's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, baselessly alleged during a Thursday news conference that voter fraud in the 2020 election was nationally coordinated. The Morning Joe panel discusses, wondering when top congressional Republicans will speak out. Aired on 11/20/2020.
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#Giuliani #VoterFraud #MSNBC
Giuliani Pushes Unproven Claims Of Voter Fraud On Thursday | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Just because people are “educated”, doesn’t make them intelligent.

absolutely! Different wording, same meaning and we all get the point 
Education is about giving intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (someone), typically at a school or university, TRUMP lacks all the basics
@Q Wins Well Said
@Man with a Handycapped No that’s not what I’m saying. But nice try Cathy Newman
@joboygbp Careful now don’t want to give them a reason to try and ruin your life lol
Mitch McConnell doesn’t care, he never cared, this was his goal.
@LISA N See you can’t even defend yourself. Simply proving my point…
You shoudn’t of replied.
@LISA N “…see you in court”? Bring a mop, clean up on aisle 45.
@George MacMovies yep and very dangerous…they remind me of the pro Khomeini religious fanatics chanting in 1979 in Tehran… Seeing it on TV was very scary then and seeing the pro Trump nuts marching in DC was just as scary…it’s the same level of insane fanaticism and cultism
He’s not American
the guy knocked apples as a child. whats that tell you?
This is basically showing everyone in this country how many ignorant unintelligent people live amongst us I feel like that’s the most scariest thing of all
@John Sozio
@anoldladi Calling other people dirty is a major disqualification of your own value.
@Steve Vash Please show some evidence?
@Elkysium sad but true!
Guliani sweating like he just took a hit of some bad drugs
It’s called we got em by the balls
Reached for comment, Mitch said “Sorry, Joe, Putin’s orders.”
@Gk Fn
@Akashes Klay
Lets sing along; “putin is putin his left foot in, he’s putin his left foot out, he’s putin it in and he shakes it all about, does the hokey pokey… thats what its all about”
ya me?
Moscow Mitch cares nothing about American citizens or democracy. He is public enemy # 1.
moscow mitch – i prefer to call him number 2.
You can believe fake news all day, every day- I really do Not care. I just come here to tell you what you’re missing by falling prey to grobalist propaganda.
Check out my bro talkin the talk
The Officer Tatum
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#SidneyPowell #GeorgiaRecount #Arizona
Trump lawyer: we’ll prove ‘landslide’ win; Rep. Davidson: fixing US Fiscal Policy | NTD Business NTD Business News- 11/19/2020 1. Trump Team To File ‘Major’ GA Lawsuit 2. Trump Lawyer: We’ll Prove ‘Landslide’ Win 3. Georgia: Trump Votes Counted For Biden 4. Wisconsin Orders Partial Recount 5. Wayne Co GOP Members Rescind Their Votes 6. AZ Gov: Let Election Challenges ‘Play Out’
Top Canadian Pathologist Tells Alberta Government COVID Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public
Democrats are enemy #1.
@L So you go by @L? So that means you are a loser,Just like Donald Trump.Maybe you should email him and console each other!
Let’s have a recall of mitch mcconnell’s vote.
Lindsey Graham’s too. You know that was straight up fraud in the SC senate race against Jaime Harrison.
Rudy Marked the Runway for the FLY.
The Runway was Heading towards Rudy’s Mouth
Dominion Executives refuse to testify in Pennsylvania? They’re worried they’re scared they’re panicking!!! The walls are closing in Joseph Biden will not become president
Can you say “educated idiots”?
The world is full of them!!
Mitch McConnell “I’ll do my best to make this a one term President”. He was speaking the truth at the time but was wrong about it being Obama. He was really talking bout Trump.
Moscow Mitch doesn’t care how he will be remembered by historians. He doesn’t even care about 250k Americans lives. He only respect political power.
@Cynthia Neighbors the virus was sent upon the world by Democrat but buddy China… Even if the virus really was responsible for the reported number of deaths, that number is 1/10th of the expected cases…

.. and Trump is still winning 

When Trump was closing flights you boobs were calling him racist..
What would you have done better???
Oh yeah nothing b/c liberals and Democrats are a crock..
Democrats say they stand for democracy but steal elections
@Please Do Tell Trump is winning what? The clown show award?
@Cynthia Neighbors you’re cute if you believe the liberal media electoral maps
@Please Do Tell Go tell it to someone who cares about what you think.
@Cynthia Neighbors hmm k..
Stop trying to talk to Mitch McConnell. He is our enemy, quit acting like we’re gonna reason with this monster.
@Justin PG…an enemy of globalists, socialists, communists, leftists, pedowood, MSM, and just about anyone/anything else that sucks
@Instant atoms Biden is going to give us the old Obama health care he’s not going to do anything ,in 6 to 8 month’s Harris and Pelosi kicking him out of office and they take over the White House.
@anoldladi that’s a very minor win compared to the damage he’s done to the most important of American institutions. Policies can easily be reversed, the erosion of our institutions cannot.
@George Swank Hi George – No one with a brain cares what a brainwashed cultist thinks. Bye George.
@Justin PG Dominion/Smartmatic Voting Systems – Same ones that got Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan Dictator, elected were used in 27 states and swung the vote for Biden. The trap was laid, the sting took place, and Demonic Party Got Caught Bigly in Election Fraud. Time to Celebrate.
Why does the media even cover these losers and criminals ?? They are giving them fuel…STOP giving them attention and they WILL go away !
Exactly. The media should completely ignore Chump’s cabal of clowns and stop reporting anything they say or do.
@mazatano That’s a classic tactic from oppressive regimes.
Their goal is to wear the people down lawsuits based on lies.
@JD MacGyver ..A classic tactic from oppressive regimes…Yes, if it’s state run media I get it. In this case, CNN, MSNBC, etc., are privately owned media. They don’t have to report everything. For example, do they report stuff from Alex Jones? No. Same here. Why entertain and propagate known false claims and conspiracy theories.
Even dictators around the world be like, “These people be wackadoodles”. And Trump supporters be like, “Sounds logical to me”.
Dominion Executives refuse to testify in Pennsylvania? They’re hiding their scared they’re worried of being exposed of their crimes!!!!! Joseph Biden will not become president
@Richard Barry But wait, where people not hiding scared when they ignored congressional requests to testify during the impeachment hearings? I think you Trump loyalist should keep the same energy but all you’ll do is say whatever benefits your stance on any given day
Mike’s fly and Rudy’s dye. When they go low I get high.
Joe, just because somebody has a lot of money or are “very educated” according to the college they graduated from does not mean they are intelligent in the true sense of the word. And what is driving those people is NOT belief in Trump or his cray cray conspiracies, they are just interested in grift and greed, period. They’ll support Trump because he’s good for their cheating lying wallets and bank accounts.
I don’t care” what they Believe” because they thought Trump won in 2016 even tho Russia helped him to the WH.
Exactly how did Russia help him win the White House. After millions upon millions of dollars in investigation, the Weismann investigation, AKA Mueller investigation, learned that some Russian operatives bought ads on Facebook. Did they control the voting procedure? Did they have dead Russians vote? Did they prevent Democratic poll watchers from seeing the process? Did they use Russian-made vote counting machines to ensure the election went for their puppet? Please, we are dying to know, what did the Russians do to help Trump? Wikileaks? Assange has already said it did not come from Russia. He all but articulated Seth Rich, the young idealistic guy that got extremely mad when he witnessed how the DNC was working against his candidate, Bernie.
Guliani’s leaking hair is more evidence that he’s a right wing extremist
Unbelievable, is this really United states of America who wants to teach the world about Law and democracy??
“Patriotism means standing up for country, not the President” – President Theodore Roosevelt
Presidents come and go…but WE Always have Our Counrty and The People….!!! United We Stand, Divided We Fall..!!