Admiral Brett Giroir joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the potential "to save or lose tens of thousands of American lives" in the holidays, stressing the need importance of mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing, and avoiding travel to mitigate COVID's spread during this period as we await vaccine approval and distribution. He also addresses his work with the Biden transition, saying "all of us on the health side, you know pledge to do whatever we can to make the Biden transition as successful as possible." Aired on 12/10/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#BrettGiroir #Vaccine #MSNBC
Giroir: ‘We Have The Ability To Save Or Lose Tens Of Thousands Of American Lives’ In The Holidays
There s only 2 options left at this point, either behave like a half decent democracy and pay people to stay home, or behave like china and lock them up by force. Either way, stop talking and DO SOMETHING!!
@New Blue 2 all you want is a handout
@M. Robinson A handout is what people in Canada and Europe are getting. And those countries actually care about their citizens unlike this country.
@M. Robinson
Spoken like a true Trump parrot.
You like giving the wealthy huge tax breaks on your dime?
Explain to us how Apple, Netflix and Amazon make billions and pay no taxes?
@New Blue 2 It’s not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Get a job kid.
@B. T. I do things the way I was taught 50yrs ago, it wasn’t easy but it has worked for me.
No one in my family even mentioned visiting for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
@Shawn Wales SCP 5150: Donald Trump…..
Object class: Keter
@mr Pepperidge Farms lol. Remember when bob Mueller debunked your Russian conspiracy circus when he destroyed 31 cellphones and other devices while knowingly withholding excupitory evidence from the defense??
Plus, there’s way more english, kiwi and Canuck posters than Russians. Catch them all the time.
@mr Pepperidge Farms Hanoi John McWetStart defected to the enemy and almost sank the uss forestall.
Trump deferred, bill and joe dodged. See Webster for the difference.
The more you know
@Zaidia Naif say it with me now. Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero
@mr Pepperidge Farms I think he may be living on a one way dead end street.
… and it’s the ability to lose that will be exercised by the loser trump.
The thing about all these Trumpies is that no matter how much you explain the situation to them even when you make it so clear that a 5 year old understands it, they won’t accept the reality no matter how much you seperate the fact from their fiction. They just won’t let go, they are too far gone. @William H is one of those examples.
@Frsztso what your saying is you love the lockdowns and mask? Because with trump those things will disappear
@William H 1out of 42 lawsuits is pretty embarrassing. Just yesterday SCOTUS says no in PA, doesn’t even give a reason just NO.
@ROBERT MONNIER what she do, make false claims and lose 40 lawsuits? Or did she have 2 lawyers catch covid and the rest of WH employees?…oh wait, wrong person.
The same idiots that gathered on Thanksgiving will also gather on Xmas. They never learn, even though people are dying left and right. SMGDH!
@You’re Beautiful we know. Just stay away from children, otherwise we will send out kyle Rittenhouse
@You’re Beautiful Awe mommy didn’t pay your allowance
Nobody I know has covid-19. I have never worn a mask. I had a huge Thanksgiving with my family and friends. I will have an even bigger Christmas gathering.
@Jasmany Foch #MeToo
President Trump just announced yet another peace deal, this time between Morocco and Israel. He has done more than any other president in the history of our country to facilitate peace in the Middle East.
300,000 Americans dead and donald plays golf
@Tim Hodgetts well Tim.
I’m catching crappie right now.
I’ll be in touch
Thanks Tim
Sadly true, The killing fields of America are growing because of the stupidity of the few.
@Darcy Munro we haven’t brought our guns out of their safes yet.
Then you can talk about “the killing fields” when we start the revolution. But until then, keep burning down your own cities. It’s entertaining
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact
You should rread a book, I can recommend Comander in Cheat by Rick Reilly
@M Reuter did you stutter????

A lot of people will die before the light in tunnel while the WH was playing golf.
A lot of people are STILL wearing dummy masks at this stage in the game
@William H I bet your wearing a mask now willy
The thing about all these Trumpies is that no matter how much you explain the situation to them even when you make it so clear that a 5 year old understands it, they won’t accept the reality no matter how much you seperate the fact from their fiction. They just won’t let go, they are too far gone.@William H is one of those examples.
Another npc drone comment
William needs a diaper for his little mouth, turds are flying all over youtub
Defense Production Act for mass rapid testing so people know if they are sick before they leave their house. That isolates the infection
‘This pandemics gonna end’.
Covids going nowhere soon. Vaccines are a-OK magic and that’s great but don’t drop ones guard, Covids here for some time yet. Stay very safe.
Funny, I thought they were telling us Covid was Democrat hoax. Masks don’t work. We’re rounding the corner on the hoax. They are all criminals. They are all murderers.
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact You probably believe we never landed on the moon and the Earth is flat. Come on tell the truth you know you are one of them.
@Stew you crying we caught you in the biggest Rico trap ever??? The earth is round but there is something called the “van allen radiation belt” that you should research. In the 2nd grade we learned about it instead of gender studies
@Stew Don’t bother. They are just a paid troll who cares more about money than human life.
LoL I knew it. The tin foil hat is strong with this one.@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact
@L W LoL, I knew right away he was one of them.
He Speaks not a word Of Our Lives
The White House People Have many Cases
and Go into the Hospital and get taken care of
RIGHT AWAY,, even before our NURSES
My vote for Biden was not in vain. I chose to keep hope in a better healthier richer America for all. Keep hope alive people.
@M Reuter SON you are to stupid to be commenting!
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact irrelevant
@Brett Connor 72% of Trump supporters live at poverty level or below. They need bail out money just like you.
@Pretty Thoughts are you smoking Hunter Biden’s crack pipe? Which party campaigns on unlimited welfare for votes???? Which party campaigns on getting rid of Medicare and Social security Ponzi schemes???
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact you are deceptive and irrelevant. God is with Biden.
brilliantly said, ty adm giroir and ms mitchell. please everyone, stay safe!
Sorry Admiral your talking to the wrong people you need to go on OANN and Fox news etc. if you want to help the country.
Hmm, like walking into a cult commune and…being pilloried from pillar to post? There are none so blind as those who will not see.
…. Admiral of what full of it…. Credentials are Pooh…
The material is too difficult for the Fox News crowd to process.
FAUX SNOOZE.??? I think NOT good sir TIMOTHY,!! They are a HUGE PART of this failed response to the tRUMP VIRUS,!,!!!! LIES AND MORE LIES,!!! DUMP TRUMP AND HIS republiKKKan ENABLERS NOW,!!!
Gop incompetence is literally killing us
Lol. We are killing you??? Lol. Just wait until you drooling inbreeders try rioting and looting our GOP cities and towns…. Then get back to me

John O For along time.
We owe every healthcare worker…from epidemiologists to doctors and surgeons and nurses, the aides, and anyone that chose the field to help others, a debt of gratitude. Unfortunately, it seens thats all they will get…is gratitude.
How can we vaccinate that many when we only have 1/2 of what you’re saying will be inoculated because Trump turned down our 2nd shipment offered to the US by Pfizer??
Perhaps he could suggest this to the so-called president? Never mind…he is not interested.
The Admiral’s message is the same that are being spoken by Health professionals all over the World. How can anyone have missed it by now? Why are so many people so thick?
When your told minute by minute , hour by hour, day after day, month after month, the same propaganda. IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING A COMPLETE LIE. William Colby former CIA director.
“We see the light at the end of the tunnel.” Yes, and it’s a runaway semi-truck with T**** at the wheel.