Admiral Brett Giroir, US Health and Human Services assistant secretary, shares what he knows about a new coronavirus variant that has been discovered in the United Kingdom. #CNN #News
Giroir: Here’s what we know about the new coronavirus variant

Admiral Brett Giroir, US Health and Human Services assistant secretary, shares what he knows about a new coronavirus variant that has been discovered in the United Kingdom. #CNN #News
Mike Pence: there will be no second wave of coronavirus.
Mike Pence: gets vaccine
@Punjabi Sabhyachar interesting link… whilst I support the Indian farmers wholeheartedly…I don’t support Communist price fixing …like Canada’s milk quota or wheat board…. careful what you wish for
@Ke Mo
“Communist price fixing”
Oh FFS man, get over yourself will you?
@Mick Swann yeah dimshit , you read it right.
Canada is a Communist country we just don’t know it yet.
Free market economy..
Not the corporate fascism that exists…
Nor Grey Communism
So did his wife. Those shots should be for more vulnerable people.
Giant chore boy is leaving town, vacation in Europe or maybe he said that and is actually going to a bunker. Honestly, who would travel while this is all over the place….O wait most of us, sadness
It’s inevitable this thing will mutate and frankly it has already done so several times. Science is still lagging behind in terms of research available to the public. At the end of the day, COMMON SENSE is your best defense against this thing, you can think it is no more than a common cold, but I was taught from very young that if you have a cold, you stay away from crowds, always cover your mouth, use separate utensils, and get a good night sleep.
@grider1936 nope. studies show that STATISTICALLY they are of no value. Of course I agree that they MAY help an individual, but since when did we decide on ALL wearing masks to keep one person from getting sick. Just take care of yourself.
@cervellone No not from Q but from actual studies done to see why most people that wore masks ended up dead and those that didn’t lived. Maybe you should get better sources. What they found was more people died from sickness due to wearing masks than did the actual virus.
@cervellone Nope no expert but I do know where to look for information. The so called experts have yet to be right about anything.
@James Miller
I had OSHA certification for 25 years.
I used to work in hazardous material removal.
Gardeners, industrial workers, and many other workers outside of medical work wear masks for hours while working.
Most reuse them.
None are passing out or dying from lack of oxygen.
In some countries with mask mandates and low case numbers of Covid, many people are reusing 2 layer cloth masks, and washing them in between uses with hot water and alcohol.
They aren’t getting Covid.
Stop pushing your rhetoric.
You sound just like Diaper Don.
@LoboKhan1 You sound like a moron. Most people are using bandanas and never washing them.My point is even the best protection is useless if you do not now how or are unwilling to learn how to use it. OSHA has rules on all occupations that require masks and none of them are what most people are doing so the useless cloth is even more useless and even deadly. I suppose you think that OSHA just pulled the regulations out of their rear end like the so called experts did for covid.
I wish this virus would disappear.
@Alexander Hay it will disappear n virus would not be spread as fast if all the steps: masks, social distancing, no gatherings (learn how to be still) hand washings etc would be followed.
First discovered in Sept I guess its here?
Trump did too. But it didn’t.
I agree with you
We didn’t create this virus but the president DID enable its spread by his inaction to take this issue seriously.
Allowing flights of people from Europe to New York, was the cause of the mass spread the last time!!! Why isn’t anyone listening to Cuomo!!!
Oh dont worry this new strain is here already its had months to get here. Come on its obvious
@Marvin Guigar this is a lie, and joe Biden doesn’t even like flight bands.
Because people don’t listen to common sense these days from anyone, sadly.
@Marvin Guigar which bands? I’m naive to who’s wanting to do airborne concerts.
@Joey Bidenson where you learn math? 0.10% of the country has already died from this virus. That doesn’t include people that are going to live as an amputee or stroke victim. So take your karen comment and shove it.
It was absolutely unnecessary to take a swipe at the Governor of New York for being worried the strain may have already hit the ground in his state. It’s a valid concern given that New York City is America’s gateway to the world. He’s got 6 flights coming into his state per day from the UK. Why not work together to assess and tackle the problem head on vs. being petty and striking with accusations? So what he requested 40,000 ventilators and thankfully didn’t need them. Good grief, whatever happened to an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure? This petty partisanship in the face of public health crisis must end. It helps no one.
@Kathleen Martin
And the truth also is that Gov Cuomo acted acc the CDC guidelines and those patients sent back to nursing homes were NOT CONTAGIOUS ANYMORE.
To me Gov Cuomo had done a great job.
@Laura Gomez

@OverlandMD B
Get yourself educated before posting such nonsense.
Those patients weren’t contagious anymore. See my comment a minute ago. But you seem to be a wanna be smart expert on an issue you haven’t got a clue.
@cervellone I agree Sir.. He did the best job he could under the circumstances.. The bottom line is that if this were a Democrat President who had acted in the identical fashion Trump has.. those who Support Trump as well as Right Wing Media would be in the streets demanding that Dem President be held accountable. The Governors who need to get their heads on straight are the ones who still are minimizing this Virus..
USA has so many good universities…but I don’t know why its students fail to understand that corona can’t vanish by doing alcohol parties day and night…..
@Brooke Baldvag Your fake news is much better than CNN….lolololol
@Civil War2 the south will rise again, then trip and fall flat on your face
They living the YOLO life
US universities are fed mainly from US schools.
I suggest you look there for one source of stupidity.
A view from afar
@Mister Emm True but “touch-wood”, we are still Covid free in the community, here in NZ.
This is down to strict border control… all arrivals (returning Kiwis/approved visitors) go into 2 week hotel quarantine.
Our only cases are in managed isolation.
There is an awful lot of unknowns for us not to worry.
@A OK if you are forced into it always reiterate..I do not consent..
There’s a difference between accepting the mark of the beast and having it forced
@Ke Mo Fair enough but in reality when they start restricting our liberties I’m sure many will accept the vaccines. I would like to think I will resist but for how long I do not know. A ban on all non vaccinated international travel will be first and then it will get worse….
You know, worry does not help. Control what you have control over to the best of your ability. The rest will happen anyway. I also believe in God, who showed me that worrying is a waste of time and energy.
@A OK There are lots of countries who require certain vaccines already. Yellow Fever, Rabies, Hepatitis, Cholera f.e.
Toh yes
oh wow
I guess we are not “rounding the corner” after all.
@Egon Pax
You don’t even know what fascism means.
More akin to circling the drain.
@Brooke Baldvag BS as usual.
Sure we are. It’s just there’s three more corners to turn and then we’ll be right back where we started without any real plan or accountability.
It is a fallacy that this variant is just confined to the UK, we were just the first to be honest about it.Every other country should be concerned, you have it too. To pretend otherwise is foolish to the extreme. It is right that international travel is banned, this should have been the case all along. I live within a hotspot for this variant, and anecdotally we noticed the spike in positive cases around us. It made no sense as we were in quite a strict lockdown. Stop all international travel, not just from the UK. People need to stay put, not spread this more.
@Tsubadai Khan
My uncle lives in Perth, West Australia. No new cases and no deaths there in *9! months*.
It can be handled by a COMPETENT government. Like Australian and NZ governments f.e.
@engela elize
Jo. En laten we ook hopen op een mooi en gezond 2021.
@cervellone Precies. Een mooi en gezond 2021 voor iedereen. Wees voorzichtig, blijf veilig en geniet
@cervellone Hey! I live in the same city as your Uncle. We not only cut off international travel, we cut off our State from the rest of the country. That’s not possible in most places. Here we blocked 2 roads, one airport & stopped passenger trains on the one railway line, & we were 2600km (1500miles) away from the nearest major city. We don’t have Covid, but it’s tough on people with family interstate or overseas, but the images of overloaded Hospitals mean most of us think it was the right thing to do.
We export literally millions of tons of raw materials to China, where the demand hasn’t diminished, so our State Government’s even turning a profit this year allowing for even more infrastructure projects. Empty hotels have provided housing for the homeless. It’s Xmas as usual here, but, watching the rest of the world struggle, we can’t help but feel a bit guilty.
Turns out our isolation’s a good thing during a pandemic.
I would isolate us too, we’re a disaster
@A Brash Unapologetic Conservative In a pandemic one needs the skill to cope and adjust..Try and find some..
@Q Graham yeah it has nothing to do with you living on a self-sufficient Island with a relatively tiny population
With Trump still in office, most likely, he’ll do NOTHING!
@A Brash Unapologetic Conservative I have no idea what you’re talking about now. I am saying the world should isolate BRITAIN, this has nothing to do with any individual…understand?
With 600$ well probably die of starvation first. And it’s all on Mitch McConnell. He should resign immediately.
@J SPAM sammich
@strangersprison I think there are books out there that could explain that, some are as old as time it self
@OBRon Konobe I agree but does it make sense to put interest of another nation over Americans? We all know the answer there :/
@hua zhang GTFO with your epoch Times, we know that trash.
Cheesy trash is the worst kind of b.s.
“This country” and “this administration” are entirely separate entities, one completely divorced from the reality of what it means to be a country or a humane being for that matter. Call treason for what it is.
You got that right.
@Joey Bidenson I am tracking NYC Covid deaths for my own information. Here are my numbers.
Covid deaths by Borough — Last 7 Days
(data from Worldometers)
BOR — M — T — W — Th — F — S — Su
> BKN: 7 — 5 — 8 — 4 — 10 — 10 — 7
> BRX: 6 — 4 — 4 — 3 — 10 — 1 — 6
> MAN: 0 — 6 — 2 — 4 — 3 — 4 — 2
> QNS: 2 — 7 — 5 — 10 — 16 — 5 — 4
> STA: 4 — 0 — 8 — 6 — 9 — 5 — 6
> Totals: 19 — 22 — 27 — 27 — 48 — 25 — 25
— 193 NYC deaths in 7 days (12/14-20)
— Equals 27.57 deaths per day for all NYC
— NYC population is approx. 8.3 million
— 0.0003% of NYC pop. died daily from Covid
Note: Not 3% of population — 0.0003% (ten thousandths of a percent)
I will now be attacked for reporting facts. Incoming…
Toh yes
oh wow
If it’s easier to catch and spread. To me , it’s deadly More than the original virus.

What he said was stupid!
Sick of being told don’t worry as the numbers just climb and climb and climb, and we just keep disrespecting the virus, the healthcare workers and each other….
Goh yes
oh wow
Snarky comment on the Governor who managed the highest cases of COVID
due to this administration not shutting down
Flights from Europe!
Yay, another $600 for another 9 months of torture while government gets a total raise across the board
whooping $66.66 for each month. Use them wisely.
And 90% of people are mindless drones who will just grumble about it for a minute and accept it
@Yankee Fan101 Woke
Toh yes
oh wow
World: *Creates vaccine*
Coronavirus: launches *Covid19 Pro Max*
Even after all these tragedies, how can people still doubt its severity? Well sadly if facts can’t convince them, experience surely will
I like that better than Covid 20
Covid 19 Deluxe
Tim Covid: I’m SO happy you’re joining us today on this lovely morning! And I’m super excited to announce the BEST Coronavirus we have ever made!
You have a lot of high earnings people that shouldn’t be earning a dime
Coronavirus: ”This is not even my final form!!!”
Identified in September? September? We’re learning this now? Remarkable.
@First Last well, I’m thinking in the case of a government response, that’s got to be considered a “rapid response.” They’re probably sitting, leaning back in their chairs, fingers laced and reflecting on the expediency of that response.( I was just informed that this was not the case, it was discovered in December. Bearing that in mind this IS a rapid response, and I stand corrected. My apologies for what was a snide remark.)
The new variant has been named VUI – 202012/01 – the first variant under investigation in December not September. It
@Cathriona Kilgarriff In that case I stand corrected, apologies
The admiral misled when he stated the new variant has been around since September.
Toh yes
oh wow