Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) continues to push the military harassment bill through Congress after it was blocked.
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#Gillibrand #Military #Senate
“smother me in man gravy” – William H Music
@Insignificant360 I don’t hate anyone
@William H Music 2021 Except LGBTs.
@Insignificant360 I NEVER said that
@William H Music 2021 Just keep bringing up how Democrats support them with the insinuation that they’re bad things over and over and over…
@Insignificant360 That’s YOUR assumption
“I once churned a man and made butter” – William H Music
My other account is William H music 2021
I am also William H Music 2021 and a lover of man meats
Women are still fighting to be heard and taken seriously on a level field….. our male ego need to get out of the way
@Suckass Dems
hate farmer
When referring to sexual assault cases its probably best not to lead off with, “I’ve watched as you’ve gone down to the floor repeatedly”
It always was big problem in the military. To have a chance for military women, to file complain with personnel outside of military that most of the time they get harassed or silenced by, is a great way to begin fixing the issue.
I was in the military 4 years and it’s a harassment junkyard full of bullies.
I appreciate the way she explained things. No double talk and throughly. Also both sides of the spectrum ups and downs.
This reminds me of the tale Hook scandal in the Navy in the late ’80s and early 90s of the abuse that female pilots had to endure in the navy. They handled that well, or covered it up, but the army seems to be severely lacking being that it’s 20/20 and it’s still an epidemic
While this report on harassment merits my attention i seem to have a mans meat with gravy on it on my mind.
Thank you Se. Gillibrand

For libs like me brown eye play is always an option

Gillibrand should be ashamed of herself and apologize for calling for Senator Al Frankin to resign! He was one of our best Senators and WE HAVE REALLY NEEDED HIM THROUGH ALL THIS BS!
He is a good honest man that actually cares about this country and all of us.
Thank you Senator!