Coutts, Alta. Mayor Jim Willett says he wants to see all the vehicles blocking a highway at the Canada-U.S. border to 'get out of the way.'
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2 years in and now he can talk about freedoms he values being trampled on. Interesting.
@Boomafoo It is being challenged in federal court by the sole remaining survivor, Brian Peckford, of the group that created the charter of rights and freedoms (1982) that was signed into law by Queen Elizabeth II. There are 3 or 4 specific charges being brought to bear. The main one is the right to travel freely in Canada and to leave Canada. Try doing some research and learning a little about the constitution and the charter of rights contained within it. Near the beginning of this LEGAL document it describes exactly what factors are required to circumvent it with any type of ’emergency measures’. These conditions have NOT been met. The government is breaking the law and taking away freedoms they have no right, by the law of the land, to do.
Just move the fn trucks to the side of the road and let Grandma go to the post office and get a few groceries. Big fn Bullies.
@Doo Dad you miss the irony of your statement don’t you?
I love the way the right eat their young..
@Andagger Herc oh here comes a tin foil hat version of it I am sure! No iron in what you are about to say, boy
It’s still Peaceful ..not Afghanistan not even close …
@Laura Simpson Honking terrifies you????
You should be more terrified by your tyrannical Prime Minister and your clueless mayor.
I don’t believe anyone has threatened your life.
When you have PTSD you can’t decide what triggers it, so the fact that it isn’t as bad as Afghanistan isn’t the point. The point is, it’s not peaceful “tranquil, lacking in disturbance”, and it’s not normal for their area, so it’s understandable that she’s upset.
@paul geisel is the live feed showing the entirety of the protest? I highly doubt it can be everywhere. Did it show what happened in the mall that had to be shutdown because of the protest, for instance? You don’t live in the area but this lady does. If she says that this is happening to her in her neighborhood then saying you watched a live stream does nothing to disprove her experience. Have some empty.
@j. D. The trucks are parked on the the road. Don’t know how that is less than peaceful.
@j. D. Your right.
You are in a group like the mayor of ottawa. All Ottawa mayor has heard is bad flags and pissing in snow
@C M you don’t have as much support as you think
@timothy Dempsey Support is growing.
@timothy Dempsey ok sure. All I know is that I have thousands ready to fight. How many do you have?
@timothy Dempsey we do bud.
@C M lol you have thousands ready to fight.. come on now.. lets be serious… you know you dont
End the mandates
Why weren’t they taking these steps with the blockades on pipelines and railines etc… or the forestry industry. Seems odd.
Need 20000 more trucks here . Shut it down
@Not Sure ah yes they were STOP LIEING!
@paul geisel I know, it’s insane.
@kijiji user we need to blockade every border between Canada and the usa. Goverment will fold in less than a week.
@J On nihilistic of you…
We should be careful here. I understand that the authorities make be the issue here.
If you think a trucker blockade is bad,
Wait until every community has a PASSPORT BLOCKADE
screw that.
Truckers, dont go anywhere id rather navigate around trucks than navigate around checkpoints like its north korea
Its so true!! pep dont wake up! That is how Communisme start!
i want the govt to get out of my way, too. but here we are.
I elected the government, I didn’t elect you. Your protest is illegal and disruptive. You should be arrested.
@some guy lol, you’ll be alright. have a drink.
Think they need a new mayor. Government officials have done far far worse than shut down a road for a few days.
I stand with the truckers .
The police are handing out food and drinks to the truckers thanks guys.
Coutts Mayor says stay as long as you like, invite your friends.
You can leave anytime, just need to ask. Next breath we are being hold hostage!!!
No actually , its OK for you to move freely, but its not OK for them!!! Time to rethink this , its OK for you to have your job, but not OK for them.
How about the impact on thier lives!!!
My support 100% for the trucks let take Canada back
But if I honestly never seen the RCMP work so hard at doing nothing oh my bad they’re like that everyday
Riding horses..
It should only take 2 weeks to flatten THIS curve.
I think is better that we stay put until we flatten THIS curve
sounds like the town of coutts needs a new mayor who isnt ignorant of what is really going on with all of this non sense about mandates and vaxports.
Locals at protest say there was no assaults on the RCMP. The RCMP said they weren’t assaulted in a release. Local say no current pressure from enforcement.
Agreed, get out of the way and let others lead Mr former Mayor!!!