The German federal prosecutor's office searched a boat in January that was suspected of carrying explosives used in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipeline detonations in September, according to a statement from the prosecutor’s office. CNN’s Melissa Bell reports on Germany’s investigation and the latest developments from the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Germany searched boat suspected of carrying explosives used for Nord Stream pipelines attack

Anders Rasmussen has the experience, I wish US, UK, NATO etc would listen to him now.
I’m not a hawk, but I can see inactivity now, having disastrous repercussions over the next decade.
Agree with the above reply. The cost of weakness will be very high in a few years. Our leaders should remember what happened in the 1930s when we let Hitler develop.
@Thomas Smith dude, for starters, Russia is already the biggest country on earth, they don’t need more.
Second, Ukraine is not an unimportant country. Just because YOU might know little about it, doesn’t mean it’s unimportant.
Third, allowing Russia this move, to take big chunks from a sovereign nation without repercussions is not a garant for peace, on the contrary. The fact that Russia got not enough contra when taking the Krim in 2014, has led to where we are now. Allowing this further is just an invitation for other countries to do the same, which will lead to WWIII for sure. Allowing other nations to take over others has always led to big problems and ongoing wars in history not prevented it. I’m born in Poland, it has been wiped out 3 times in history when other nations took big lands each into their territories. It’s not peaceful times that followed exactly. The Polish oeople have been traumatized again and again, it did the country no good in term of development, it only bred resentments, leading to new wars. Therefore I must say I find your take extremely dumb. And it sounds like something only a US citizen would say, that had seen no war on it’s land by other countries for ages and doesn’t know what it means to be taken over by another nation. Hint, it’s not exactly nice and fair. More like theft in big and small, violence, corruption, rape, your culture being wiped out, etc
@jsean g yeah, shows exactly who it falling like flies
I remember as a kid there were MIGS in Viet Nam so I say what goes around comes around regarding F-16s
F16s need AWACS to be used properly, otherwise they are not in the same league as Russian MIGS. Who is going to fly these AWACS and from where? Any airfield used by AWACS that control F16’s in Ukrainian airspace then become targets.
@Doodly Doo what would need to happen for Ukraine to be able to take Crimea? They need to fight through a small stretch of land that is heavily defended and fortified. The fortifications will make Bahkmut look like a stroll in the park.
@Wouter Banning All modern fighter bombers require AWACs to some degree…even the Russian planes. An AWAC can look down from around 30k feet and look forward up to 280km. It doesn’t need to be in the vicinity of the strike. How often have you heard of anyone shooting down any airborne warning and control system. Russia requires them for their migs also…and Ukraine used them for their migs also. They are a pretty smart lot and know full well how to conduct air attacks and defense with integrated systems. So my guess is that they will fly their own AWACS as provided as a reticent part of any F16 package and training. I am pretty sure the US doesn’t want its F16s shot out of the air immediately they go into battle. The military minds tend to think of the this goes with that part of the war.
There were SAMs as well, a lot.
Rasmussen is spot on.
@Wayne Gore i say we send germans
the russians would be confused since their partners told them they would stall nato and no help would get through
@Cleigh TorresGermany doesn’t really have an army
I am surprised they didn’t show Prigozhin’s recent video release where he berated Russian high command for not sending the ammunition promised and he wondered whether that was due to incompetence or design to ensure he failed.
I raise it as its a part of the overall story, the inner conflict between RA and the WG.
That and maybe they really have problems to get ammunition to the front in general.
Maybe they have abundant amunition but lying to say that they are winning without amunition or without full strenght and that conflict is not that serious..
My head off to you Mr. Rasmussen You’re absolutely right about the ways NATO and the US trying to do with this war THEY’RE too PHUCKING dammed slow and reluctant helping Ukraine in this war against Russia. I’m really feel sorry for Ukraine and their people have been begging the WEST for the military aids they need BUT they have not come soon enough and TOO LITTLE.
@Skys ehhh, we make about 10× what everyone else does. I would be content with a proportional match. Like a percentage of available value. But that’s hard to expect from countries equally terrified and close to Russia. Its understandable entirely why the United States is paying for the war. It’s actually in the best interest of America to straight up give Ukraine everything. But the issue is Russia will escalate to make statements and I thoroughly believe the NS advisors are doing their best to work around that in a slow pace to minimize the outcome. Time is legitimately the shadow currency here. The longer it takes to win the more you need to drag it out to make sure the other guy doesn’t get desperate too quickly. But the point I’m getting at here is, it’s probably better that the united states is in control of most of the aid. It allows them to do damage control and protect assets and supply lines.
@Og gamer they are also all better at spelling, punctuation, and war analysis. The world is far more complicated than a “they should have done this” or “there corrupt theifes.” Notice in the second one. I spelled things similarly to you. Does it make sense to you? Does that second sentence scream credibility?
@Og gamer Tell that to the ukrainians who stopped the 2022 offensive. That is a huge improvement from 2014.
@Skys us has sent the least of their own budget percentage.
@jaqueline hyde in Afghanistan ukraine sent a large number of soldiers
Prigozhin should be a “makeable” target, it is to foresee where he will appear, usually newly captured targets of some visual importance, his setup with security should be easily spotted with a drone – my taxes on that rocket is well invested!
Right now Prigozhin is safer in Bakhmut than he would be in Moscow!
Is this your assignment to the Pentagon, or are you rehearsing a speech in defense of paedophilia?
Kings don’t kill fellow Kings
Take AIM Ukrainians. Let your missiles and bullets make its mark on Prigozhin and his mercenaries.
At last ….an expert or knowledgeable person saying they aren’t going to interfere or give advice from the sidelines to a country that is fighting tooth and nail for its very existence. Ukraine can make its own calculations on how to conduct its defence and those in command have proven their adaptability and ingenuity in prosecuting its strategy. The media is fixated with Bakhmut and ignoring everything going on elsewhere and in doing so it is giving both Russia and the terrorist group Wagner importance and publicity.
@mike jones christian values
A well spoken assessment.
Fixated or pushing the exact same narrative in media.
The problem is, it makes no sense to risk losing all soldiers still in or around Bakhmut. The reason given by Zelensky is also questionable. Russia is in no shape to make a move over open terrain that comes west of Bakhmut – lets call it, it would be good for Ukraine if they tried!
Right now, they grind one another down in rubble combat without any meaningful mechanized maneuver elements, which is an advantage for Russia because it can just drown Ukrainian forces in Russian blood, wave after wave after wave.
Look at Vuhledar and how Ukraine kicks Russian mechanized infantry butt with nearly 150 destroyed or disabled armored vehicles! Thats the warfare Ukraine should be aiming for because they are way superior to Russia in it. And if Russia doesnt move further west after Bakhmut, thats also good. Prepare the counter offensive and eventually push them out of Bakhmut again once the western IFV and MBT arrive in numbers.
Where’s the new info on the searched boat?!
So Germany searched a US naval vessel?
German boat.
That conspiracy theory didnt last long

This would be the direct result of the lack and never ending delays and excuses for holding back equipment.
Give Ukrainians all they need now!!!
@john breeden
Yes WW3 now
@Blas Chavez ruzzia can’t even win over Ukraine and you think WW3 could happen?
Admire your news coverage.
Lol Trump calls CNN fake,,OK good coverage I guess
Is Bachmut in Germany near the Nord Stream pipeline?
I do
@21st Century Scots Bakhmut is in Ukraine
Well one would need a list of all boats operating in and around the pipeline prior to the explosion by many days.
Then we need to identify all boats, and back track by satellite photo all position of these boats and chart their curses
Once it can be excluded that these chips didn’t be associated (no idea how you would do it) as the charges could have been planted months in advance.
When the headline says Nord Stream and the video says Bakhmut, it becomes harder to believe headlines or find relevant material.
@Alastair Dallas I’m sure you can cope.
and a banner with Zelensky throughout the video
I don’t think it’s that the headline is a lie, just that it’s the wrong headline for this video. I don’t do my job perfectly and so I can understand a certain amount of human error.
Finally, someone talking sense
You are 100 % correct Sir!! Thank you!!
He’s a old colonel that is needed to help Ukraine with body bags
There is an interesting interview on Breaking Points with Seymor Hersh who cast a lot of doubt on this theory of it being done essentially by a well financed & organized Ukrainian militia, which raises more questions than answers. Where as Seymor Hersh’s findings are a lot more likely
I respect Hersh but his reporting here all rests on the shoulders of one anonymous source, essentially Hersh is saying we just have to all take his word for it.
This guy makes so much sense
Ukraine: We want 01. weapons, 02. air defence systems 03. Heavy weapons 04. Tanks 05. fighter jets 06. Short range Missiles 07. Long range Missiles 08. LAST Nuclear Weapons. Surely at the end there will not survive a single person in Ukraine. Thank you US <3
Thank you for this great report this man tells it like it needs to be done
Respect for Anders Rasmussen; he tells it like it is! Indeed, why are the politicians dragging their feet on providing Ukraine with what they need. I don’t understand it either. It would prevent so many civilian deaths. I wish the politicians in my own country were not such cowards.