FOX News Correspondent Geraldo Rivera says we should pay tribute to the president by naming a Covid-19 vaccine after Trump. MSNBC's Brian Williams reacts to that suggestion. Aired on 11/20/2020.
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#GeraldoRivera #Covid19 #MSNBC
Geraldo Rivera Wants To Name The Covid-19 Vaccine After Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
I have a better suggestion: name the virus after Trump.

@Vix Vix The….DUMP! TRUMP!

I’d vote for that
@Vix Vix would that be the trump tower? LOL
Geraldo Rivera’s head is as empty as Al Capone’s safe.
@byebyebaby tRump I remember that! Weird Al even parodied it in some video if I remember correctly
@byebyebaby tRump which is exactly what Geraldo wanted to happen. I suppose all he did is say OMG! This is just terrible and just watch till he got hit mostly to play a victim.
@SS Who?
@SS Again with the “communist”? You guys need to work on your insults. This is weak.
If you call it Trump vaccine, it won’t work, like anything with his name.
Call it the trump virus he got infected with covid19 then spread covid19 at warp speed at his mass infection rallies
Oh no they should put a giant stand up of Trump every couple of feet reminding yall as you go through that line who got you that vaccine and what president felt like you should have it now instead of later LMAO
@SYSTEMIC FAKEism pfizer did not take any government funding for vaccinne development. Alternate facts do not work bigly.
Certainly lots of divisive comments. Negativity, hatred and the blame game are all part of our national landscape now.Aren’t you all sick of it? How are you going to co-exist in this country with people who hold different views than yours or cast opposing votes? People who have different views than you will continue to live in your country. What are you going to do with those people? They might be your own kin. Brian Williams can’t ever say he is an objective reporter anymore. He just used his position to sway viewers. That’s very similar to a politician. I prefer objectivity when it comes to the media.
If they name the vaccine Trump, it will be a failure. Just like everything else Trump does.
They should rename the coronavirus to the Trump virus.
the hoax vaccine
@Covid 45 hoax vaccine
@Beatrice M exactly they should name trump virus 19
The problem is over half the country…you know the majority that voted him out will be repulsed to receive it.
What about the rest of the world? Maybe it could be good nickname for the Russian one.
Geraldo should keep these weird ideas to himself. crazy
In 2003, Geraldo Rivera was kicked out of Iraq because he revealed our troop locations to the enemy. He should have been tried for treason.
Trump’s revealed secret government info also; perhaps that’s partly why Rivera has swallowed Trump’s lies and licked his shoes. Please.
This guy is insane. Who would take vaccine with his name on, not me.
Me either
The virus should be called the trump virus. The cure should not have the trump name attached to it at all. Trump has to much blood on his hands.
Absolutely. Trump’s a liar and corrupt dictator.
Calling it the Trump vaccine is a surefire way to ensure nobody takes it.
So you think Trump supporters are nobody? Are we still in 2016? You do realize that Joe Biden almost lost right?
@The ‘Debate Me!’ Channel What does anything you just said have to do with the vaccine?
@Lourdes Doty
@The ‘Debate Me!’ Channel

Not even close.
Anything with Trump is a curse
Sorry everyone, The “Trump Vaccine” already exists.
It’s called “snake-oil”.
Yea, Its called EMAYDWICAG- Elect me and you die while i cheat at golf
Dementia Joe
I though Trumpo’s vaccine was Chlorox Bleach.
@Mark S I could’ve swore it was injecting Lysol lol
@Bryan With a dose of UV light straight in the eyes. LOL!
He lost the election and it broke his fragile ego. Lets not repair that shall we. I love to see Trump as a broken plaything right now.
A Trump baby already exists. We need to mass produce that!
Trump did not fund Pfizer. Trump is the reason why the virus killed so many people.
Trump didn’t technically fund ANY of the vaccines.
And Pfinzer didn’t invent the vaccine. The are only one of two distribution partners of BioNtech.
@La Petite Cerise Was also wondering why we should put Trumps Name on a German product,… he did literally nothing to speed anything up.
Trumps Warp Speed has saved your miserable candy azzes, ONCE AGAIN, even as you moan and cry.
Calling the vaccine Trump would make people believe it’s a Fraud
Ha ha ha ha!!!
And a LIE
The Donald Trump Virus. btw: No one does sarcasm quite like Brian.
Why not rename the virus the Trump virus. That is the only thing that has successfully impacted the world.
Everything Trump touches dies. Don’t name anything after him.
Except for the virus. We can name that after him.
On the contrary, the Virus, but definitely NOT the vaccine, should bear his name, in keeping with – Everything Trump touches dies.
The ones without fathers curse the loudest
Rivera: “But for him, we’d still be wading into the grim winter . . .” Guess what. We ARE wading into the grim winter.
Mr. Brian Williams you hit a homerun as always, he takes care a lot of Americans by playing golf.
He’s been hit in the head with too many chairs. His huevos are scrambled.
No one is ever fine after “getting their Trump”. Ask Melania…and E. Jean Carroll