Georgia’s Voting Bill Makes Water An Illegal Substance | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville reacts to the bill just signed into law in Georgia that restricts access to voters and even makes it a crime to give food or water to people waiting in line to vote. Aired on 03/26/2021.
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#JamesCarville #GeorgiasVotingBill #MSNBC

Georgia's Voting Bill Makes Water An Illegal Substance | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Georgia's Voting Bill Makes Water An Illegal Substance | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. The Georgia GOP has contemptuously underestimated the creativity of people facing adversity. Look how Prohibition was handled. They’ll circumvent the letter of the law, like hand off food and water to people outside of polling places before they go vote for example.

    1. @Insignificant360 alternatively they were being specific so be specific. They banned water, not Sprite or Coke or Juice or Milk or Beer.

    2. @warpedjaffas1 Or sell them for literal pennies. The Republicans are going to make commerce a crime now? That’s communism!

    3. @Insignificant360 that’ll work & l like it! Can’t wait until the State’s puts capitalism on trial lol

    4. H2O is a very dangerous substance. If inhaled it can cause death, in its gaseous state it can cause heavy burnings, it can be found inside nuclear reactors and is a major component of tumors and cancer cells. Making it illegal to hand it out is totally justified… NOT!

    1. @El Ram alternatively, they were specific so be specific. Water was banned, not Coke, Sprite, Juice, Milk or Beer.

  2. I guess Georgia will have to throw away all U.S. flags, considering they have shat on the constitution and Americans

    1. @That Other Guy the blm terrorists riots over the summer and the left telling them it’s ok

    2. @souths last rebel And those rioters are being arrested as the law requires. Nice try. That’s not at all comparable to directly defying our Constitution by restricting voting rights and banning food/drinks as if that’ll make elections more secure.

    1. To outlaw giving water to someone in line to vote must be declared unconstitutional. The “Republican Supreme Court” need to do it, or they need to be impeached.

  3. Don’t let them win…pack a water bottle and a sandwich….put on comfortable shoes…. let’s do it again GEORGIA…. let this backfire in their FACES.. I proudly helped WARNOCK AND OSSOFF get to the Senate….we can overcome their Suppression tactics by standing TOGETHER!!!

    1. @Nutritionist Liz in my state and polling location, I can use the school’s restrooms. Since it’s not explicitly the law, wanna bet the restrooms in Georgia will be closed to voters.

    2. NAZIS-ZIONIST are on the RISE!
      Every injustice, is over something else being of worth, than one another’s well-being!
      Have no other worth (God), besides Me!

  4. I guess the govenor hopes to be VOTED OUT next term? It’ll be harder to do but people should GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to do it there!

  5. I really want to see them try to arrest someone for giving someone else water. And they call themselves Christians.

  6. Amen to that!!! Makes them want to do it more! I feel like it’s a dare for me to fly to Georgia and start handing out water on election day!!! 💔💔💔 This can’t be the last word on this!!!

    1. H2O is a very dangerous substance. If inhaled it can cause death, in its gaseous state it can cause heavy burnings, it can be found inside nuclear reactors and is a major component of tumors and cancer cells. Making it illegal to hand it out is totally justified… NOT!

    2. I was thinking the same thing. If people like you are willing to partner with people in Georgia who may need this, than it is not illegal to give your “friends food and water” while standing in line. Where there is a will, there is a way.

    1. need to make those care packages before they get on the voting property unless there going to outlaw water in GA altogether for election days.

    2. That law is background noise. Everyone will break that law in order to goto court to challenge its existence. Bring it on!

  7. I can see a bottled water truck pulling up to the curb, parking and then opening all the sliding doors around the truck with the driver simply walking away. Technically he won’t be giving anyone water.

    1. or you can just simply leave a bottle of water and food beside the people standing in line, without verbally telling them ‘this is for you’

    2. H2O is a very dangerous substance. If inhaled it can cause death, in its gaseous state it can cause heavy burnings, it can be found inside nuclear reactors and is a major component of tumors and cancer cells. Making it illegal to hand it out is totally justified… NOT!

    3. @Eric Yes, they should have a one day sell. Buy one get 1,000 free and keep doing it throughout the day.

  8. Would be interesting if the Atlanta Hawks, Braves and Falcons all decided to stop playing their home games until this was reversed. God knows the NBA came awfully close to something similar last year with the James Blake situation.

    1. That is a good idea. At a minimum any championship games or events should be canceled & played elsewhere as they did in North Carolina. Business should cancel any plans to set up in Georgia etc.

  9. This is not just an affront to blacks in Georgia, it is an affront to all civilized human beings. It was tried in Nazi Germany and failed. It will be made to fail in Georgia by the collective actions of all decent and civilize people who live there.

  10. its going to be hilarious when they try and argue the legitimacy of these laws in front of a judge and they are asked to produce evidence that any of this will reduce fraud.

  11. The subtext for that photo is “Fascists gather to sign the death warrant on Democracy in Georgia”

  12. Providing food and water to voters waiting in line should be the responsibility of the state who has failed to provide adequate facilities for people to vote

  13. Now I want to go to Georgia and hand out water bottles, I’m such a rebel. Karen will be on the phone demanding arrests. Imagine the officers asked to step in and stop the water.

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