Georgia lieutenant governor and prominent Trump critic, Republican Geoff Duncan, has announced he won’t seek reelection in 2022. Duncan is turning his efforts to building the GOP 2.0 organization, and he joins Morning Joe to discuss.
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Georgia's Lieutenant Governor Won't Seek Reelection | MSNBC
Thank you sir for looking for as adult in the room and I am a Democrat
A weakness in the word “RINO”.
IF someone I don’t like, and consider unworthy calls someone else a RINO, Does that mean that the target of the insult is ok? Or a jerk for a different reason? Or the same reason?
Is a trumpist fit to judge a republican? Or anyone else? Or are their judgements initially at least, to be judged as being as valid as mine? ( We’ll go with the last one for now.).
@Bill Casey
A RINO is a careerist politician who is part of the Republican Party, but isn’t a Conservative.
Not sure what you’re talking about.
I’ve heard ” Republican in name only” as an insult from the days of the Tea Party, before we realized how bad they were.
Ironic. The choices being reduced to smart but passionless, or ” true believer, with a willingness to use any excuse to screw a rival under…
@Don nawzd ,Facts or am I missing something,I taught most Republicans presidents in power takes the country into Wars ??
@Gugenheimer removed the words careerist politician from the definition and thats the literal definition, of donald trump. A republican in name only, who hijacked the party and replaced “conservative values” with “fascist values” .
And he duped a whole lot of people with daddy issues to be codependent with. Seriously, what is it like to dedicate your life to worshipping a man who has been failing upwards his entire life and needs his supporters love just as you need his appearance of love. Poorly educated indeed
O oh someone got caught up in the matt gaetz Greenberg scandal.
They think they are supreme. It’s not that they believe that the election was stolen. They honestly believe bigoted policies should be implemented because of their insecurities. Imo people will not conclude until they face the root of this problem.
When they say “Millions of illegals” voted, it is a dog whistle. They mean millions of people of colour voted. They dont think those people should have the right to vote. They dont think those people should have a say in determining the outcome of elections. This is why the Republican party is so adamant in its voter suppression tactics. They specifically want to ensure that people of colour do not vote. If they were concerned about actual election interference they would have been outraged about Russia meddling in the election.
It’s all about their hatred of black people
Good riddance you Benedict Arnold !!
The GOP robed Wyoming of their representation. I hope they remember that.
Remember? lol They don’t even care that they are the party of domestic terrorism.
@Rene Jean Sadly you are right….
He who fights and walks away, lives to fight another day.
Only the RINO GOP members.
If Trump goes to Georgia that’s when they should arrest him. Desantis can’t protect him there.
For what?
@Rene Jean he’s a to big to fail, remember that ?there should not be a gm auto plant or Chrysler plant or Ford plant .there should be no investment banks no insurance company named aig .TRUMP SETS WITH THEM .NEW AG NEEDS TO WORRY ABOUT FIGHTS HE CAN WIN IN THE NEXT 4 YEARS CAUSE HE’LL BE GONE AFTER BIDEN IS GONE OR DIES 1 OF THE 2. HOLLA
I agree
The reason why we broke out in February was because we had news of Tesla buying $ 1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin, which served as a major catalyst in further creating new all-time highs. Up until that point, we were on a downward trend and eventually trading sideways, like we’re seeing now. It wasn’t a technical breakout that drove Bitcoin to new highs in February, it was more fundamental news of adoption by major institutions. We need to see more of that if we’re going to repeat the growth that we saw last month. Until then, I have a feeling that we’re going to be trading down and sideways, looking at the current situation I would suggest tredlnq with Daniel Wright to.make more gains from all this as I have made over 8btc in just 3 waeks of trading with hlm, here are his details on Tel- gram ( @Danielwrightfx) for his assistance on strictly crypto related.
@Kevin Costner it’s pump and dump. Sell sell!
I don’t see how people could be so easily fooled. That’s scary!
It really is esp ppl thinking Don was the 2nd comming Really I can’t pic that one at all…
@tasha thayer ..not too far from dancing around a golden calf.
Maybe that’s what all that spray tan was good for
You mean those fools who deny the massive election fraud?
Have you never seen an evangelical prayer meeting?
They truly are like lambs to the slaughter and they are way beyond convincing.I guess it’s stupid is as stupid does.
All you need to do is replay his stand-ups at Mar-A-Lago weddings. Rinse and repeat. Instant Trump rally.
Yes the old fart says the same thing all over again.He needs to change the needle stuck on the turntable.
@Gugenheimer It doesn’t matter how many people come to your rally the campaign is not about how many people you get to come it’s about who is better for the job and as we all saw Trump definitely wasn’t The better choice
@Hugh G Rection Well stated
We are: THE AMERICANS…. [ Yes.. there will be a party… ]
We will be sure you are not only there.. but… will be the GUEST OF HONOR…
6 – ” OH NO HE DIDUN’T ”
8 – ” NESARA ? GESARA ? ”
9 – ” LOOK ! UP IN THE SKY ”
These are games the WHOLE NATION will be playing
That the GQP Cult still devotes itself to the delusions of the Dumpster is beyond sad and shows how far down its fallen and is no longer a party
@Gugenheimer There was a recount by the Republican appointed electoral committee. There was a full investigation by both the DOJ & Homeland Cyber Security, both headed by Trump appointees & they found nothing. And you still don’t get it? The GOP LOST!!!! And you can blame Trump for that, especially the way he insulted the memory of John McCain, now that was disgraceful.
@Marcus #1 l9
@C Cole The Lt. governor of TX. offered a million $ bounty for proof of voter fraud. The Lt. governor of Pennsylvania produced 3 cases but the Lt. governor of TX refuses to pay up. Oh those 3 cases were all perpetrated by republican’s.
Closed to the media… so much for freedom of the press again xD
Trump failed at Trump university and I thought he was joining his retirement home.
@Mainely Well, he’s not “brave” enough to pull that at an airport security checkpoint. I wish he would though.
Right turn, Clyde!
That picture of him barricading the Chamber during the insurrection was absolutely precious. Thanks Ted Lieu.
Andrew Clyde is a joke. A bad joke.
Then how come no one is laughing?
GOP is losing every honest decent member i believe that is their plan!! They will then stack up with the Matt”s and Marje’s! Edit..Losing* spelling police
@mike briganti been a good year ” mike ” ?
@mike briganti You clearly have no idea what a Marxist is.
How do you loose a decent member? How can it even be too tight?
Well, “decent” by Republican standards. They’re still evil, greedy scum who want to destroy America to make a buck. They simply want to do so by abusing the laws, not breaking them.
@Adam Taylor “I’d rather be a russian than a democrat” they had it printed on shirts. *they have no honor or credibility left*
It’s like a rock band where the founder leaves and the other musicians get to keep the name and continue with their shenanigans that drove the band into the ground.
No way! Bands are fun to watch go down and generally they don’t take the rest of the country down with them.
@Gugenheimer or did you mean “insane smile” ?
Let them be crazy.. they are never going to win another election not for a long time..
The reason why we broke out in February was because we had news of Tesla buying $ 1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin, which served as a major catalyst in further creating new all-time highs. Up until that point, we were on a downward trend and eventually trading sideways, like we’re seeing now. It wasn’t a technical breakout that drove Bitcoin to new highs in February, it was more fundamental news of adoption by major institutions. We need to see more of that if we’re going to repeat the growth that we saw last month. Until then, I have a feeling that we’re going to be trading down and sideways, looking at the current situation I would suggest tredlnq with Daniel Wright to.make more gains from all this as I have made over 8btc in just 3 waeks of trading with hlm, here are his details on Tel- gram ( @Danielwrightfx) for his assistance on strictly crypto related.
This is frightening. The good people are being run out. I WISH they would stay and fight but I can understand how it just gets to be too much and perhaps he can do more in the private sector. It’s up to the people of Georgia how they want to be represented. Someone posted on one of the threads that MTG is the parties future, so THAT is up to you Georgia.
@Paul Copland I agree,but the likes of the Dump Debacle must never happen again.A Democracy is too precious to lose.
@Paul Copland Yes, those few republicans left with any degree of integrity should leave and form a third party. But you have to realize how incredibly difficult it is to actually form a third party. In order to do that you have to build a local party in every one of the 50 states. Because each party is really a state party comprised of the local party in each state. That is incredibly expensive, time consuming, takes many people, and huge efforts. It is a real longshot. Furthermore, the GOP and even these 100 have no real policies or real solutions of any kind whatsoever. They have some political rhetoric buzzwords such as fiscal conservatives, deregulation, law and order, anti-socialist, individual rights, etc. But for all practical purposes those are meaningless political rhetoric which the GOP never even remotely implements when they get into power. For example, take fiscal conservatism The GOP is no more fiscally conservative than a man in the moon. They consistently deficit spend even more than democrats do. They refuse to raise taxes to pay for spending or even to have any rationale ideas on taxation whatsoever. If they want any serious consideration as fiscal conservatives, then show us a detailed plan of how they will do that. One doubts that is even possible since it would require tax increases or massive spending cuts …. neither of which they are willing to do. And even if they did come up a detailed fiscally conservative plan … they could never get any votes due to either the necessary tax increases or the massive government spending cuts they would have to make. Or take another GOP falsehood that they are anti-socialist. Provably false .. what they really are is corporate socialists who give away large tax and other preferential advantages to corporate america and the uber wealthy. Both of these groups get fare more benefits from government goods and services than they actually pay for … the common meaning of socialism. So until this new 3rd party actually comes up with detailed policies and plans, then probably will not have much credibility. Guess we shall see. They would certainly be better than the corrupt and incompetent existing GOP party. But would they really be much better on any practical level?
@Gary Rogers Yeah, I’m with you on that. And hopefully Trump and his supporters are an experience that is never repeated in American politics.
@Pauline Stephens Absolutely, you are 100% right.
@Gary Rogers I’m in total agreement. The last four years have been a terrible attack on the country’s democracy and it’s not over yet.
I’m sorry, Joe.. I will Never believe another Republican Party politician, period. There is no backtracking until they all take responsibility for what damage they have done to our country. Every one if them gambled with the US Constitution, Worldwide reputation, Security, Racism, Voter Suppression and an incredible poverty line. And I am very angry with all the liars who think the “common person” is too stupid and won’t remember what has happened in the 5+ year’s. Period. Don’t underestimate the US voting citizens.
While not Republican, I can’t fathom the “blind devotion” to someone that had ZERO political education. 45 was not presidential material, but with his conman,carnival language he convinced the Republicans and the voters he could handle the job. And boy,did he put on a show!!!!! He and his minions almost destroyed the US,and it’s going to take a little bit of time to get us back on our feet. Hopefully, Republican 2.0 will establish itself as the party of the people that are more reasonable and base its views on FACTS not fiction, and LEADERSHIP that is trustworthy to the people. Looking forward to the day when 45 is never spoken of again. And,he takes his trolls with him to the golf course. Permanently……….
@Michael Flynn
DT lost the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020, so record numbers mean what?
@Kryptonarie 63 It means that there are still so many people that think that DT was and is the right person to lead the US ? When are they going to wake up and realise that DT and the republicon party took them for a ride and have been after their wallets ever since ??
@Marty Maddox Well said!!!!
Very well articulated, thank you !
Our Lord Littlehands is a Man Child.
Hillary 2016 debate:
“ there he is before you. You can see him right there. There he is, right there. You see him right there before you. That is who he is. He will never change.”
Would’ve been more entertaining, and enlightening if she’d have flicked spoonfuls of baby food at him. Would have instantly transformed him into the Mr. Hyde version of, “Here’s donnie!” that everyone needs/-ed to see.
What ever your politics,Hillary was spot on.
That light at the end of the tunnel… that’s a train. GOP 2.0? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. More trickle down everything… Call me cynical.
i do
You can’t steal all your life at one point truth come and get you, you can make the truth a lie no longer
I wonder how he will feel if he has his supporters rushing in with “hugs and kisses”
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