Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., is quarantining after being in close contact with someone on his campaign who tested positive for Covid-19. MSNBC's Priscilla Thompson reports. Aired on 12/31/2020.
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#DavidPerdue #Quarantine #MSNBC
Georgia Sen. Perdue In Quarantine After Campaign Member Tests Positive For Covid | MSNBC
People of Georgia please vote blue. I am begging you to. Mitch McConnell must lose his powers and that’s that.
@Osceola Adams

Blue wave moving through Georgia
“Perdu” means to conceal, make invisible or hide. Look it up!! He is in hiding.
@Jocelyn Becker Philly..Jocelyn thank you si mush!!!
If Perdue in quarantine, then I believe women from Venus and men from Mars. He is done finished, no more face to show.
@B Happy I’m an American living in New Zealand, but I know how important it is for BLUE to prevail. Hope you’re right Patricia.
God bless the people of Georgia’ for standing up for America
@Lies Lies And More Lies
Climate change is a HOAX………
“Perdu” means to conceal, make invisible or hide. Look it up!! He is in hiding.
Is your hair really pink……
@William Miller
Those 2 Georgia Republicans are not only evil they look evil too.
To me they don’t seem to really want to win
@Apdavis Davis at first I thought those emojis were Hunter hitting the crack pipe again
@Michel Di Sclafani thats why he screams at the door saying little pig little pig let me in. You guessed it ,the pig is Pelosi. All the pork in the bill
@Big Guy gets 10% Biden

You need to quit smoking 90% of your meth
they look ‘fake’!!
Yes!! Hopefully he drops… and rid us all of his buffoonery.
Karma is real. Although Perdue may be using “quarantine” as a cowardly excuse to not answer tough questions from Georgians why he didn’t fight for $2k stimulus checks for people in need.
Paulo Roberto good he’s in quarantine keep him there he has it coming!!
At Pro-Trump Georgia Rally, Lawyer Lin Wood Says Don’t Vote for GOP Senators in ‘Rigged’ Runoffs: ‘They’ve Not Earned It’ George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the lawyer heads of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election
has been decided already

oh wow
Project veritas releasing leaked cnn tapes of their top global corporation executives manipulating our news for the past 4 years every day at 7pm, stay tuned! you can’t deny there’s a clear agenda being pushed, it isn’t called fake news for nothing noting how the media is portraying our future not the same future the Bible warns us about the apocalypse which btw the media will never show us what’s really going on in the world economic forum and the plan to insert us the chip by force, the masks weren’t required not too long ago, now their required by our top institutions that own everything in the same format of the Illuminati sign on our dollar, 15 days to slow the so called covid spread turned to months, the vaccine now is by choice, then will be by force, if anyone can prove me wrong please do so, btw the media is going along with the dems making the election seem completely over without respecting the opposition investigations even though the constitutional processes haven’t ended still on is Jan 6 big day to prove election fraud and choose the right results with or without the illegal ballots that confirmed what Biden said about having built “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics with Obama” so they know Trump will win, they just use their same owners narrative for our news to make seem the election was stolen, just a heads up
Trump supporters: we need to help americans first!
Biden supporters: ok let’s help americans
Trump supporters: no that’s socialism!!!!
@Cava Canem The word abortion is *NOT* in the _KKKible;_ @sshole!
@Cava Canem Americans need $5,000 checks for a family of four and $2,000 a month. Small businesses and restaurants need support as is being done in Europe. Until the TrumpBola-Virus-Pandumbic [TVP] is over. The TVP that the Donnorrhea intentionally caused and is doing nothing to stop. Even though Trumpenstein is still the international-mass-murdering-terr*rist president. Of the Unintelligent WASP Turds Of AmurderKaKaK.
@Cava Canem Stop supporting the tangerine, corrupt, degenerate, incompetent, catastrophic-runaway-anthropogenic-global-warming [CRAGW], windmill-bigot; and Satan-worshiping RATrumpliKKKlans! Supporting Trumpzilla and the GOP is insane, suicidal behavior.
@West Coast Cartoon No title, no click link.
He’s just hiding from his failures.
I agree
he’s hiding
Foh wow
oh yes
that was exactly my first thought!!
Keep voting y’all! Get $800 million Loeffler and Kkk Purdue out of there
Warnock is another al Sharpton. He’s horrible
@Kelvin Blackstone Warnut is a commie pos
Listen to them^ when a man like McConnel exist, makes these insults look like shoulder dust.
@Akitsu Maru They are sad little trolls who lost.
he’s hiding, afraid of his own electorate, doing last minute year end stock trades and tax write-offs. this creep;s gotta go.
That’s what I thought too
At Pro-Trump Georgia Rally, Lawyer Lin Wood Says Don’t Vote for GOP Senators in ‘Rigged’ Runoffs: ‘They’ve Not Earned It’ George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the lawyer heads of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election
has been decided already

‘Afraid of his own electorate’ and even too cowardly to face Ossoff in a debate (because he knew he’d lose)! This millionaire shyster engaged in insider trading, making himself even richer. And his running mate, Loeffler is one of the wealthiest people in the Senate. Her husband Jeffrey Sprecher is the CEO of Intercontinental Exchange, which owns the New York Stock Exchange.
Folks, wake up — wealthy politicians do not give a s*** about you; they’re in it for themselves!
Hoh wow
If they win after doing all the wrong things, it’s just going to be so hard to understand.
It’ll be because thay cheated like Miss Lindsey and Susan Collins did.
America has a LOOOOOOONG history of racism, voter suppression, hatred, and ignorance. Let’s not forget the secretaries of state openly campaigning for candidates when they’re overseeing the races, and don’t forget that a federal judge just yesterday or tuesday blocked over 4,000 voters from being purged from the voter rolls without their knowledge. There is a *deep* history of voter suppression happening there, no matter how desperately the population at large is trying to turn the state blue.
Texas is another state that’s a shining example of this, where Republicans are using every trick in the book to reduce the popular vote. These sorts of tricks only last so long.
@Jason Boyce I thought “gerrymandering” was an archaic practice and word only found in US History books until I lived in Texas.
You are exactly right. I mean, what else is there that we can do, but vote? But, with so much voter suppression….
Goh wow
He’s a 1% so he and his family already got the vaccine. GEORGIA, VOTE BLUE
@watchin’ it LMFAO


@watchin’ it Can you say schadenfreude?!! Karma baby! Go

Republicans Covid is hoax!!
Dude don’t give a F about Georgia!
Goh wow
oh yes
Steve Johnson is bored with “chicken perdue.”
Very Convenient
Convenience for the WEALTHY and
for the people he claim to be for
When will these dummies learn. Covid is real. He also doesn’t want to run into Trump.
Goh yes
oh wow
They’re so full of hate, they can’t think for themselves.
And it’s fair strategy — he has nothing to gain by opening his mouth and even less with debating with his likable and articulate opponent.
“Perdu” means to conceal, make invisible or hide. Look it up!! He is in hiding.
@William Miller

He always runs into a hole .
All rats do.
Happy New Year
Definition of ‘perdu’
1. out of sight; in hiding; concealed, as in military ambush. 2. Obsolete. a soldier on a very dangerous assignment.
@William Miller You may be right but I thought it meant “Lost” in French?
WOW. those people waiting for more than 2 hours are so great! Please Georgia Vote Blue.
From Europe: Vote blue and get the COVID denying , grifting Republicans OUT ..
Thank you. We need all the help we can get. the republican party has turned traitorous.
@Oxford Hall the us is ran but both actually. Foreigners. Smh
@Kelvin Blackstone Your Highness, it’s present tense ‘run’ not ran . The structure of your sentence is awful and doesn’t read well. You will just have to keep shaking your head – mind you – you might get brain
@Kelvin Blackstone is that why our freeways cant compare to European ones?
He is just scared to death that he would have to answer any questions about anything!!! Who’s in the basement now?! GO DEMS!!!

wave moving through Georgia
@B Happy There you go!!! They gonna audit the ballots!!!
Purdue avoiding any questions, embarrassing moments etc., going into quarantine was the easy choice.
Agreed, can’t imagine he would really quarantine especially after testing negative. It’s safer to keep him locked away.
A lot of people wanting to vote, standing in the rain for hours.
For all my fellow Georgians voting blue…..
I am SO proud of you!!!!