Georgia Runoffs Too Close To Call, NBC News Projects | MSNBC

As polls close in Georgia, MSNBC's Brian Williams announces both Senate runoff races are too close to call. Aired on 1/5/2021.
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#Georgia #NBCNews #MSNBC

Georgia Runoffs Too Close To Call, NBC News Projects | MSNBC

Georgia Runoffs Too Close To Call, NBC News Projects | MSNBC


    1. @Willy Bones Pelosi took the big bite out of the value of the buck in the first stimulus. Lots of wasted spending in that bill. Which party was in control when Wall Street got bailed out after the financial collapse? Both parties are guilty and Democrats are fixing to hit us up big time if they get the chance. Who’s gonna pay for all of it? We are.

  1. Forget politics, as you’ve come to see it, as a contest between Democrats and Republicans. Today the struggle is democracy versus oligarchy.

    1. @Irish American You think being from a republic means there’s no democracy?? Republic of Ireland = A democracy!

    2. @Irish American not even,that’s an oversimplification republicans like to bring up.We’re a representative democracy,the constitution makes it clear how we choose our government representatives is through its citizens.Now, are we an actual democracy, no.But we’re definitely not an actual republic.

    3. Also the Georgia vote isn’t going to change the way our government will be set up. It it will decide if we get any support from our government.

    1. because we have let to many dead beats get into our country and to many stay here. begging for free stuff has not ever been what this country is about. you should be embarrassed

    1. @TJ BREAKING NEWS: Trump’s Latest Twitter Post:
      They are cheating again in Georgia. Totally RIGGED. They let the blacks and gays carpool. Pence swore he would do the right thing on the 6th or he is fired. Martial Law? Civil War? Meet #proudboys, True Amerikkkans and my other friends in DC on the 6th. Nobody has more friends, or more BUTTHURT, nobody.

    2. Swollen1 Well it’s republicans who are standing with a corrupt president. How do you expect other people to think any different about you

    3. actually Perdue won by 80000 votes the first time. yes if he loses there would be a reason to doubt that result. you hypocrites are the lowest scum on earth. get out of this great country. I’m so sick of you traitors

    1. You forget about Joe Manchin
      He’ll vote how WV says or he will go!!! WV getting blood red with each election

  2. Did Trump include vaseline?
    When his following are no longer able to defend him, it should tell the entire story.

  3. They’re always too close to call, wake me when it’s over. Let’s go Georgia, give McTurtle a heart attack by electing the democrats.

    1. 2AM …. YIPPEE 🤣👍 Trump & Kelly have been FIRED…. PERDUE’S NEXT!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      Mitch the Turtle 🐢 is having a BAD night….

  4. Just to be clear. It’s all about the CLOCK right now. Just sit back, relax and watch the CLOCK run down. No comment required.

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