Georgia Man Arrested In Massage Parlor Shooting Spree | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A man captured in Georgia on Tuesday night is suspected in three shootings at Atlanta-area massage parlors or spas that killed eight people, officials said. NBC News' Blayne Alexander reports. Aired on 03/17/2021.
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#GeorgiaMan #MassageParlorShooting #MSNBC

Georgia Man Arrested In Massage Parlor Shooting Spree | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. i dont know if anyone cares but in less than 15 minutes I hacked my gfs Instagram account by using InstaPwn. Cant link here so search for it on google if you wanna try it

    2. I’m always sorry when people come to this country only to find people who should not be in it.

  1. Cherokee county is a county full of Trump supporters and racists, everyone. Before they try and paint the county as safe and loving – it is – for white ppl. Black ppl only recently started moving to Cherokee County in the last decade or so and there aren’t many of us there. I just moved from there. There’s even less Asian-Americans. Way less. He probably had to drive inside the perimeter to Atlanta because there aren’t a lot of Asian businesses in Cherokee county to have targeted. It was a hate crime. Make no mistake. They are hateful, Confederate flag waving, MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters in Cherokee county. Even if they don’t wear the garb, they think the same.

    1. @DR IVEN Do you have figurines of Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan that you worship as idols? Yeah, I thought so.

    2. @Stephen Cheng trolls are the accounts with no content. Look in the mirror
      And! Live a life worth living!

    3. @D Hova By your definition, somebody who doesn’t happen to have content is a troll….. as opposed to being a casual user or somebody who generally watches and/or listens to other channels’ content.

    4. @Stephen Cheng Thankful for Antifa? They call everyone they disagree with a ‘Nazi’ and use violence to suppress ideas and opinions that they disagree with.

  2. Another trumpster making America great again huh? (That was sarcasm for those of you who missed it)

    1. @Hector Rodriguez i dont get my info from news… we see the fake news allways accusing and allways wrong and not 1 sorry or no one slapped with a lawsuit.. just telling lies all day.. and look at the clowns they get to watch their soap show

    2. This was not a case of ethnic discrimination. It’s well known these massage parlors are nothing more than houses of prostitution and it’s no surprise that things turned violent.

      Furthermore, are the women who work in these establishments being brought to the U.S. by human trafficking and

    3. PSA: Dear Non-Asian Americans, violence against Asians by non-Asians has ALWAYS been a prevalent issue in our community looooong before Trump was ever in office. This is NOT new dilemma. It was NOT caused by Trump calling covid-19 the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus”. Nor was it caused by “White-Supremacy”. Statistics will show you that the largest group (by a landslide) attacking Asian-Americans are Black-American people. So what would you call that? Would you call it “Black Supremacy?” (I didn’t think so). I don’t call it it “Black Supremacy” either! The responsibility belongs to the individuals. Not the white people group. Not even the black people group. So stop over-generalizing and hold those individuals and court system to the fire.

    4. @Bald Eagle that man who shot them folks in georgia could have went to the dems sanctuary cities and he would have been free.. the dems will fight our law to keep illegals safe and free.. yes its the lawless dems.. the same ones that dont pobey our border laws and defund the police

    1. @Elizabeth Ayres Nothing. That’s the point. It’s a discussion of differing viewpoints. What USED to happen in America. I didn’t label you an extremist violent Antifa rioter who’s out to execute conservatives. I didn’t demonize you. I debated your point on how secure our southern border is for guns.

    2. @Brian Levine Sorry. You really should defect, or you would know this already I love the Russian people…..warmed over KGB are a bore, though. I lived through much of the Cold War. From America with love😘

  3. So sad. My deepest condolences to the families..if hate crime was committed guess who incited it dt

    1. @Elizabeth Ayres so you’re happy to go along with the notion that only white people can be racist. Well you sure don’t like the thought that black people can be racist. I hear some liberals say that all white people are racist, which is not only ridiculous but it’s also a racist view. Do you think white people are worse people than non white people?

    2. @Elizabeth Ayres i admire your honesty, but you are no different to a white supremacist. You certainly aren’t in any position to lecture anyone about the immorality of prejudice either.

    1. @eddyvideostar 99.5 % of trailer park residents are Trumpers and 99.4% of Trumpers are below average intelligence. Too bad that you cannot fix stupid. This guy has all the markings of a Trumper — looks stupid and dirty but believes that he is a patriot.

    2. @jeff mcgowan 99.5 % of trailer park residents are Trumpers and 99.4% of Trumpers are below average intelligence. Too bad that you cannot fix stupid. This guy has all the markings of a Trumper — looks stupid and dirty but believes that he is a patriot.

    3. @TheHojirt
      All you’re doing is driving the wedge of division even further.
      I can agree that this creep deems himself a patriot, but your sanctimonious edge doesn’t make you any better.

    4. PSA: Dear Non-Asian Americans, violence against Asians by non-Asians has ALWAYS been a prevalent issue in our community looooong before Trump was ever in office. This is NOT new dilemma. It was NOT caused by Trump calling covid-19 the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus”. Nor was it caused by “White-Supremacy”. Statistics will show you that the largest group (by a landslide) attacking Asian-Americans are Black-American people. So what would you call that? Would you call it “Black Supremacy?” (I didn’t think so). I don’t call it it “Black Supremacy” either! The responsibility belongs to the individuals. Not the white people group. Not even the black people group. So stop over-generalizing and hold those individuals and court system to the fire.

    1. @l l To II: You are getting warmer: Well done. These chiding children, who cause consternation on the chat, are wrong in their conclusion. The man’s *concupiscence* was controlling his mental condition — not bias, racism, nor anti-Siniticism.

    2. People around this 21 year old may also hold responsibility for his crime. No man is an island.

    1. @Dog Poo Fairy … meanwhile trump was committing/getting adultery/divorced, being sued by the federal government for racial discrimination, bankrupting 3 casinos and failing at numerous other business ventures, blah blah blah… and trump’s been to Jeffrey’s little island more times than Biden, not counting has way way way more accusers…

    2. @Patton Moore
      Somehow you think that makes Trump worse off than Biden.
      Education in the U.S. has truly failed.

    3. This was not a case of ethnic discrimination. It’s well known these massage parlors are nothing more than houses of prostitution and it’s no surprise that things turned violent.

      Furthermore, are the women who work in these establishments being brought to the U.S. by human trafficking and

    4. PSA: Dear Non-Asian Americans, violence against Asians by non-Asians has ALWAYS been a prevalent issue in our community looooong before Trump was ever in office. This is NOT new dilemma. It was NOT caused by Trump calling covid-19 the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus”. Nor was it caused by “White-Supremacy”. Statistics will show you that the largest group (by a landslide) attacking Asian-Americans are Black-American people. So what would you call that? Would you call it “Black Supremacy?” (I didn’t think so). I don’t call it it “Black Supremacy” either! The responsibility belongs to the individuals. Not the white people group. Not even the black people group. So stop over-generalizing and hold those individuals and court system to the fire.

    1. oakgrove1965 _ No I don’t so that is your racist attitude. Or sexist…. Cos men are attacking women like crazy right now.
      Maybe if you weren’t bad people at heart, simply saying “I’m having serious trouble with racism or sexism” wouldn’t breed hate.
      It’s your stupidity and unwillingness to understand that makes you racist or sexist when you defend the attackers.
      Ignoring the problem makes you sexist and racist here.

    2. This was not a case of ethnic discrimination. It’s well known these massage parlors are nothing more than houses of prostitution and it’s no surprise that things turned violent.

      Furthermore, are the women who work in these establishments being brought to the U.S. by human trafficking and being forced to work in prostitution?

    3. shows how intelligent he is! completely brainless and eaten up with hate! pathetic really🙄😒 Now he’s going to spend the rest of his life in prison.

  4. I feel the worst for the victim that survived, having seen all that just puts into perspective the hate of many individuals toward you just because of the color of your skin.

    1. @Dog Poo Fairy oh yeah you’ve read the statement,,been dipping in that poo,little fecal treats huh.

    2. Makes one wonder how long it will take America to realize that you don’t subdue terrorists by talking, but rather, by launching massive offensives against them every time they attack us.

    3. No dingus. The dead ones got it the worst. You the guy Norm talks about that considered the worst part of Cosby the hypocrisy?

  5. Are we ever going to call these domestic terrorists what they are or will they always just be “Some man”?

    1. @bo gard Because he was. It’s a dude shooting up a massage parlor. What “conspiracy” do you think is happening here?

    2. terrorism in t’s definition is something which wants to reach national goals.
      So this is just a shooting, not a terror attack.

  6. Smh!! It’s amazing that they managed to arrest him when people get shot and killed in the streets for lesser crimes..

    1. Mentally ill people are shot for sitting on the street.. because some moron cop “feared for his life”. America is a sad joke….

    2. @1sand0s
      Police Activity shoves that flimsy narrative to the ground.
      You’ll see people of all likenesses getting the same treatment.

    3. @M. F. Let’s get something straight:America is not a sad joke.If you feel that this country is so awful why don’t you leave?

  7. Of course it’s race motivated. It’s also gender motivated. And it’s instigated. For shame to whoever is responsible!!

    1. @Joshua d’Estoville We’re dealing with people determined to get to church while walking through the mud.

    2. PSA: Dear Non-Asian Americans, violence against Asians by non-Asians has ALWAYS been a prevalent issue in our community looooong before Trump was ever in office. This is NOT new dilemma. It was NOT caused by Trump calling covid-19 the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus”. Nor was it caused by “White-Supremacy”. Statistics will show you that the largest group (by a landslide) attacking Asian-Americans are Black-American people. So what would you call that? Would you call it “Black Supremacy?” (I didn’t think so). I don’t call it it “Black Supremacy” either! The responsibility belongs to the individuals. Not the white people group. Not even the black people group. So stop over-generalizing and hold those individuals and court system to the fire.

    3. @Mary S Good for you to be so genuine and sensitive to what should be the position of us all. Here is the quintessential question I as of nearly everyone I meet or have a discussion with. Perhaps you could repeat it with your circle of influence (you don’t have to wait for the answer for the question is enough): Do your really want, the entire world, to be JUST LIKE YOU?

    1. PSA: Dear Non-Asian Americans, violence against Asians by non-Asians has ALWAYS been a prevalent issue in our community looooong before Trump was ever in office. This is NOT new dilemma. It was NOT caused by Trump calling covid-19 the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus”. Nor was it caused by “White-Supremacy”. Statistics will show you that the largest group (by a landslide) attacking Asian-Americans are Black-American people. So what would you call that? Would you call it “Black Supremacy?” (I didn’t think so). I don’t call it it “Black Supremacy” either! The responsibility belongs to the individuals. Not the white people group. Not even the black people group. So stop over-generalizing and hold those individuals and court system to the fire.

    1. Asians are not 1 unity.
      There are various communities.
      It’s very dangerous to see people as members of groups rather than individuals.

    1. @Mary S Refer to the latest statistics…if you find the evidence unconvincing…see your nearest therapist.

    2. according to the DOJ those committing the most hate crimes against Asian Americans are people of a specific skin color but it’s NOT Asian, Hispanic or Caucasian’s committing these acts of hate. We need to speak out and expose this hate. Oh but that doesn’t fit the narrative.

    3. @Zhang Yi Many viruses are named after their place of origin. But when Trump does it, suddenly it’s evil to do so? Stop. This is the Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  8. I wonder if any cop held his knee on this suspects neck for 9 minutes just to be sure he was restrained.

    1. @AT 1984 This cop on speaking out. On Facebook has anti- Asian t- shirt. You will not get that FACT from Fux News.

    2. @Nathan Jones This cop speaking out has ANTI- ASIAN t- shirt on Facebook page. Wonder what else this pos has on there.

    3. @Joshua d’Estoville MAGAt. Like i said, pos WANTED TO LIVE. Still have not figured that out. A 10 year old could.

    4. @Joshua d’Estoville OK, cops had to use a PIT maneuver on the suspect to stop him. That sounds a lot like fleeing the police to me. He kills 8 people and is treated better than someone that tried to pass a fake $20 bill, that is really the whole point I am making.

    1. Trump did not do this.
      It’s funny how a democratic politician has to condemn white supremacy only 1 time while a republican has to do it all day.
      I am a republican and I am against this shooting.
      Accusing somebody unjustly of something extremist, makes the accuser an extremist himself.
      That’s how genocides start: people spread rumors that some people are dangerous or will become dangerous if you give them power.

    2. @Lars Sørensen Trump didn’t do this? Were you in the crowd when he was blaming China for the virus? Calling it the “China virus”, “Kang Flue”… and were you cheering as well;, like the rest of those idiots?

    3. Funny thing is Trump is sitting in retirement, not worrying about the damage he’s done. I really hope the guy goes to jail for what he did to the country with capitol riots, even if you agree with his politics (not rhetoric). Even if Trump’s intentions were to be directed toward the Chinese government, the racism instilled in a lot of Americans who don’t see Asians and Asian Americans a lot will turn against Asian Americans by having that connection, and pre-built inner stereotype of Asians. A lot of these other races will think “Kung Flu = Bruce Lee = Chinese people = Chinese looking people”

    4. PSA: Dear Non-Asian Americans, violence against Asians by non-Asians has ALWAYS been a prevalent issue in our community looooong before Trump was ever in office. This is NOT new dilemma. It was NOT caused by Trump calling covid-19 the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus”. Nor was it caused by “White-Supremacy”. Statistics will show you that the largest group (by a landslide) attacking Asian-Americans are Black-American people. So what would you call that? Would you call it “Black Supremacy?” (I didn’t think so). I don’t call it it “Black Supremacy” either! The responsibility belongs to the individuals. Not the white people group. Not even the black people group. So stop over-generalizing and hold those individuals and court system to the fire.

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