A Georgia monument with 19-foot-high panels bearing a 10-part message in eight different languages was damaged by an explosion.
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#georgia #explosion #georgiaguidestones
I’m only upset it wasn’t completely demolished. Update (Finally).
It’s gone now.
@Bobby Kiefer heard someone else in another post state that, but I haven’t seen any coverage … Would *LOVE TO SEE THE WHOLE THING IN PCS*
Be upset no more, they demolished it hahaha
They should have blew up the whole thing.
I agree.. but you know.. supply chain problems :-]
The remaining pieces have already been completely torn down. It is no more.
Maybe that was their intention at the time
@Scott R

Been completely knocked down now
At least more people will now know what these stones are about.
@Sarah Brown can you either say what they are about or post something that says what they are about? Still haven’t really told anyone anything.
That’s exactly what they want
There actually wasting tax payer money to investigate something that should have been destroyed long ago!? WTF!!!
If it’s not taxed more than 3 times is it really worth it?
There’s cameras pointing at the guidstones.
I agree
took way too long for someone to do something about this monstrosity…
Too many people talk the talk, very few walk the walk
I love how so many people are happy about this. It gives me hope. My only regret is that it wasn’t I who did it.
I’ve wanted to for years…thanks to whoever did it.
This was only one victory. We all still have a chance.
It’s going to get worse before it gets better. But yes regardless of whatever happens there is always hope and good that’s worth fighting for. For your future, your children’s future and their children’s, Gold bless!
@Kruix ahh, so the universe took them out. Awesome! That’s an even better story
@Sarah Brown You see a blue flash 3 frames before explosion. I agree. Lightning. Download it and slow it down frame by frame.
Why are they investigating the explosion and not who built and put it up?
Because of what @UCskNzswMVuBWw3Ig_3VAz2A [Lynx South] stated, and because ‘they’ are Freemasons or friends of such and thus the less people know about who put the stones there etc, the better.
Well, they’ve leveled all of the slabs now. Strange.
@Lynx South No, not strange at all…whenever I go shopping and I got all my stuff…guess what I throw away…
I expect something is gonna happen soon…Ukraine, maybe? The answer could be “A”, “B” or “C”…if you get what I mean…
@Hunne2303 How does this relate to shopping? If vandals destroyed the one slab, it was a crime and the site is a crime scene. In these few hours, investigators can’t possibly have run all possible tests and examined everything.
The person who built it has been long dead and it was an anonymous person who went under the name Robert C Christian. He said he came from some small group of loyal Americans whatever that meant. They were planning 20 years to build it then it got made in 1980 the height of the cold war.
Thank God someone stood up
@Remnant Disciple Lazzaro – Revelation 12:17 so you admit you’re ca conspiracy believer. That’s the first step to solving your problem.
@Scott Rogers nice try
@Scott Rogers looks like we’ve got ourselves a coincidence theorist boys!
Here is where it gets real for me. Last week I was imagining that someone with balls who lives nearby or has the ability to do so would get out there and smash them up. Next thing I know this happened. I seem to know things before they happen like the plan dem ic.
@Kruix So link the CCTV footage so that the rest of us can view it.
@Kruix With nano materials, energy & frequency, 1 individual, or 1 stone can be successfully targetted.
I watched a guy get struck about 6x in a row — devestatingly cruel, evil, inhumane.
@Kruix if you’re arguing something like god, then I guess I can’t argue as “god can do anything” but regular lightning cannot split granite apart.
@Kruix I’ve seen the video but the only lightning there is from the explosion
God bless whoever did it
I can’t say as though this upsets me at all!!!
old school conspiracy theorist here. I love this
It’s about time!

Score a W for team humanity!
Whoever did it deserves a medal.
@Hoosier HyperWatch it was God Almighty!!!

@Jesus Saves You’re telling me God blew up the guide stones?
The storm has been a long time coming.
Whoever did it…Legend! TY!

Lol well they have 1 fan..
It’s all part of the plan.
It happened at 4:03:33 am exactly.
This was not by accident or done by amateurs but rather by resourceful and powerful people familiar with occult symbolism.
What’s the significance?
Numerology. Also, different numbers/times for different time zones.
@King Koi Communication. And the law of attraction. And Meta physics.
@Becky K Good one it’s the numbers. There being used as a firm if communication. It’s very ritualistic.
Look behind the stones before they explode bright shiny huge object pulses then the stones explode its not lightning since it comes from the sky this is something else
Didn’t know about these stones until today. After reading what was on them, whoever blew the suckers up should be given a medal.
@Napalmdog do you know what the stones say? Who built them?
I hope more people find out about the stones
@existextinct Why yes I do. And this wasn’t the solution.
Wow, someone who actually read them took action. Good for them.