Gabriel Sterling, Georgia's voting system implementation manager, held a press conference Monday to push back on claims made during the president's phone call to Georgia secretary of state's about the state's voting system. Aired on 01/05/2021.
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#Trump #Georgia #MSNBC
Georgia Election Official Weighs In On Trump Phone Call | Morning Joe | MSNBC
So sad
@Drew Tuten that was dismissed in court catch up to the times.
@Scott Tully Cope harder, loser.
@Living Legend2 lol, you’re on another level of delusion
@Dandy Chiggins If you had scanned the entire room, and showed us what was on the computer monitors, then it might be worth checking. As it is, it shows proof of NOTHING!!
@C WL whatever you say kid.
perhaps they will object to gerrymandering next. another cool mechanism.
Goh yes
oh wow
@Bobbi C And the same could be said for fox and other republican news networks. You take the evidence from both sides and throw out the speculation if you’re going to make an arguement
@Jeremy Williams tantrum?.you mean natural reaction to a clown cavalcade of moral destruction, lies, and crimal organized crime from the Whitehouse? Facts are not a matter of opinion, its not a Repub or Demo point of view, its cult members supporting a Dictatorship backed by Russian influence and you are a member of the brainwashed cult, GotIT?
@Fred Surace LOOOOOOOL
@Stumpy1 only if the system is working as it should you couldn’t get impeached for nothing. But it’s not running properly is it? No the Democrats have been in control for a large portion of time since the 70s. Right? Before that there were problems but the system ran smoothly. No they have us at each other’s throats so we can see what’s being done ro us. For the most part most Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. But not Trump. He was g.j oing to end it all. But you idiot’s cant see what’s being done around you.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
Goh yes
oh wow
Stunning and brave
Tick tock tick tock till the 20th
. . BOOM!!! Didn’t realize it was a timer did ya . Hahaha we all lose now
Tic toc boommmmmmm!!!!!!!!!
Vote blue Georgia! Mitch McConnell needs to leave now! Mitch McConnell Man Of The Year Award! He singlehandedly destroyed the lives of millions of people! Congratulations Mitch
Agreed on McConnell but this is not the time.
How do the sign language people audition for this because my man is killing it
Reminds me of the woman in Birdman music video- My Leather So Soft
@D Lee Thank you, Drax
Mayne they went to mime school.
I deleted my original message by mistake. You should check out when he interpreted Beyonce’s songs. It was awesome!
He is my favorite one, for sure. I’ve never been more entertained.
Unrelated but I love the ASL interpreters, they make me want to learn sign language
@D Lee I do get what you were trying to say, im just saying it’s not as important.
@D Lee Because that’s not how the world works, you don’t force kids to learn something that is completely useless for 97% of people.
@D Lee No I’m not wrong, teaching the entire population something that only benefits a tiny percent, is always going to be a waste of everyone’s time.
@D Lee You have an unhealthy obsession with Trump, I don’t even know what he has to do with anything I’m talking about. Learning sign language, braille or Portuguese is not something that should be mandatory learning in American public schools, you’re just talking nonsense.
@D Lee Okay then…. So now I’m a bigot because I don’t think sign language & braille should be mandatory in public schools. I don’t know what crazy planned you live on, but you should really see a psychiatrist to get your issues straightened out because there’s something seriously wrong with you.
“I don’t even know what that means….”

@TreesOnTheBeach… You are claiming to be a 30 year software developer who can’t figure out a way that it’s possible to switch components to cause problems as if that’s some Fairytale… Stop trying to appeal to your own authority (appeal to authority logical fallacy)… I’m not impressed, I and those who are intelligent enough lean way more on the quality (or lack of) claims than on your repeating what you do for a living…
If you won’t even take the time to properly watch the whole thing than you are in no position to evaluate or lecture on it properly when you don’t even care enough to take in the full information to begin with…
That “Group of people” as you call them = Data scientists… And they greatly disagree with you… And since you like your appeal to authorities in regards to this case and information they’re presenting, data scientist > computer programmer…
The 75% and 90% likely came from past data showing that anything over 75% was a statistical anomaly and having it happen in nine out if 10 areas in one county compounds that exponentially in regards to it clearly not likely being a natural phenomenon… I mean that’s kinda what a statistical anomaly means and where they come from in regards to being identified (past data)…
They presented a switch of the votes and did offer evidence by the numbers switching, duh… There was no reason for the switch was part of their case and they delved even deeper to show there should have been no negatives in an uptick vote count (no numbers drop yet there were and that wasn’t there only example of it) … Now I’m willing to hear if there is some counterpoint to all this that I’m not aware of but I’m not willing to just act like it’s ok for them to just ignore and not address and sat nothing to see here without clearing up why it’s wrong (if it is)…
You also seem to ignore that they pointed out that the burden of proof isn’t on the citizens it’s on the election officials and governments to properly address these concerns and ensure the elections are fair and safe…
As to the lawsuits you all keep trying to bring up against trump most aren’t actually from trump to begin with, some of his are still ongoing and most aren’t looked at based on standing not on merit (meaning they didn’t want the heat or there was a technicality and never even looked at the evidence/merit)… To be fair it’s quite possible that not all of them had proper merit but I’m also reasonably sure that some of them should have actually looked at the merit to evaluate instead of dismissing them without looking since it’s a very important subject… Also if I recall correctly didn’t George bush loose a ton of election dispute lawsuits before becoming president… So I’m not sure what your main point is… Ultimately there are multiple paths for trump that don’t require the courts , the courts are only one path… The american founders were intelligent and we’re worried about corruption and cheating which is why they separated powers and left multiple paths to contest these kind of issues…
You also are too easily fooled on if someone is a republican or democrat as to their credibility, there are things called imposters and being a Democrat or a republican doesn’t make you corruption proof anyway… As a matter of fact the more you move up the power chain in either of those parties the more likely you are to be corrupted…
So I disagree with your general positions on the matter…
@Race Lever Yes, I am a 30-year software developer. It is HIGHLY unlikely that switching hardware is how votes would be changed. I am sure to the uninformed, that seems possible or even likely. More likely, votes would be changed through software, not hardware. It’s not like there are actual physical paper ballots inside those machines. The votes are stored via software, probably in a temporary database or proprietary files. Almost certainly encrypted. So changing hardware is just some ignorant person’s wet dream of how you would achieve voter fraud.
I did watch the entire ridiculous video, as I said I would.
“Data scientists…” lol That sure sounds good, but doesn’t mean a lot. If a programmer is a “data scientist”, then I am one as well. Remember, one gentleman said he was a programmer. I don’t believe all of them identified their credentials, so likely they are not all programmers, or “data scientists.”
The rest are probably business analysts or, even worse, management.
Maybe your conjecture is where the 75% or 90% percentages came from, but they never said, did they? So it’s all conjecture on your part.
Are you starting to understand why I say you have to be critically-minded?
They talked about a “switch” of the votes, but didn’t say how they identified it. Are they basing that off of television coverage updates? That’s certainly not reliable, but how Sydney Powell seems to roll. Since they never said exactly, all you can offer is more conjecture about how they arrived at these supposedly decrementing totals.
“You also seem to ignore that they pointed out that the burden of proof isn’t on the citizens it’s on the election officials and governments to properly address these concerns and ensure the elections are fair and safe…”
Well, that is certainly their stance. Is it fact? I’d like to think so, but from what I have seen from 50 (60?) lawsuits, the government seems to be doing very well making their case. Or maybe it’s just that Trump and his allies can’t make theirs.
“I’m also reasonably sure that some of them should have actually looked at the merit to evaluate instead of dismissing them without looking since it’s a very important subject…”
I feel confident the vast majority of judges have considered whatever you might think of. If you think you’re onto something the judge hasn’t thought about, you’re probably mistaken.
I know the Texas lawsuit was dismissed for lack of standing.
“Also if I recall correctly didn’t George bush loose a ton of election dispute lawsuits before becoming president… So I’m not sure what your main point is…”
My point is that if the situation is, as the people in this video seem to think, there is inescapable proof of election fraud, that it would have come out in court. Solid proof won’t be ignored in a court case.
Giuliana has been laughed out of court multiple times now.
“Ultimately there are multiple paths for trump that don’t require the courts , the courts are only one path… The american founders were intelligent and we’re worried about corruption and cheating which is why they separated powers and left multiple paths to contest these kind of issues…”
Yes, they were. Which is why I am confident Trump is done. He has nothing except followers going around on social media spreading fake videos.
“You also are too easily fooled on if someone is a republican or democrat as to their credibility, there are things called imposters and being a Democrat or a republican doesn’t make you corruption proof anyway…”
Ah, more unsubstantial conjecture on your part. You wouldn’t know what fools me. In fact, it would be very hard to find, as I am a critical-minded person. I have seen foolish people in both parties. And let’s not even talk about the Green or Libertarian crazies.
“As a matter of fact the more you move up the power chain in either of those parties the more likely you are to be corrupted…”
I guess I should put “I think…” in front of everything you say.
“So I disagree with your general positions on the matter… ;-)”
That’s fine by me. I just wish people would inform themselves better and be more critical of what they see and hear on the internet. Carry on!
@TreesOnTheBeach… That’s alot of bs you just spit out but I’m bored of your endless foolish rambling and patting yourself in the back over absolutely nothing…
Hate to break it to you but when it comes to data a data scientist far supercedes you and your endless patting yourself on the back over your unwarranted feeling of being so impressed with yourself… I mean really buddy base level reasoning statements like power corrupts are invalid to you unless someone puts I think before the words power corrupts… Lmao…
You should step away from the computers your myopic view is making you clueless to how reality actually operates… You’re just seeing ones and zeros evidently and can’t see you’re currently behaving like a non digital zero or a digital zero when it comes to quality information unless you are still too stupid to realize that your appeal to authority logical fallacy about yourself is opposite of quality information…
You may start your next whiney preachy lies now even though you’re in no real position to lecture anyone except in your Delusions since you clearly spend way to much time with computers and not enough time with more important things like proper discernment skills… Sad4U…
@Race Lever I tried to talk reasonably with you. I explained data is stored via software, not hardware. It’s a simple concept. I guess the fact is that you’re just too stupid to accept the truth. Take care.
@Race Lever Also, you should contact those people in the video and tell the programmer that announced his credentials that he’s patting himself on the back and he should shut up.
T-Diddy is an epic cult of personality.
1:25 he is definitely talking with Germany not georgia
When you want something “different” and forget why.
Creed Braton is all I was looking at.

Lol, yeah. He stopped being funny 200,000 deaths ago…
@Nate B True, this president’s ignorance has been tragic :/
I couldn’t look away either.
Sooo no one thought of Michael ( the office ) when he said ”are you sure Ryan” and Ryan says im sure Mr president. no just me
Sir, this is a Wendys.
Very Michael Scott

Interpreter’s hands say one thing, but his mouth says “WTF Cheeto?!?”
When the founders said “we hold these truths to be self evident” they never imagined a person so uninterested in the truth would ever make it into any position of power never mind the white house.
This person doesn’t know the difference, should be treated as such. Still can’t figure how his advisers let continue to talk in public.
@phil Goguen They have a drinking game and/or betting pool
Wow. Mental illness should be taken as serious as any physical illness.
I’m really tired of legal scholars saying, well we don’t know Trump’s intent regarding his vast crimes.
I have no law degree but know crime when I see it, It’s not rocket science.
This isn’t rocket science either:
I hear ya James! I also wonder why Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice , Hunter and Joe Biden and several others aren’t in jail yet!
the clown has to go to a mental hospital together with his junior senators who just talk so much stupid stuff.
Dude, Biden hasn’t even been sworn in yet! Give him at least a week to try and prove he’s semi coherent.
It’s embarrassing unprofessional and degrading that these individuals have to keep explaining himself over and over.
Why?????????????? IDK!
Who removed your “inner parts” mr President?
Good question