Major Georgia companies including Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines are condemning a restrictive new voting law in the state. Teri McClure, former UPS Senior VP, and Jeff Sonnenfeld of the Yale School of Management join Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 04/01/2021.
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Georgia Companies Condemn Voting Law And Why That Matters | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Georgia, last vestige of old Jim Crow laws. GOP last stronghold, 2nd to Texas
@Nando ya, you’re right. It’s amazing how blind the “compassionate” left are to their extreme racism and human suffering. Just look at the current border situation. Children stacked on top of each other….what covid? What cages? They think they’re compassionate, but they’re actually horrible people!
@Stair force one Big guy ohhhh a big bad keyboard warrior! That’s new!

Regurgitating talking points. Read a book
@Cory Williamson In other words, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Not surprising.
@JP Smith This is what constitutes and argument with you fools. You automatically default to…”get educated”….”You don’t know anything” . Meanwhile, you provided ZERO evidence to support the nonsense you heard on CNN. Zero evidence to support the statements made by a bumbling old racist President. You use buzzwords that become so saturated, they have zero meaning. You have no idea what the words even mean. Talk to one of you, and I’ve talked to all of you. You’re hive-minded. You’re not capable on your own thoughts.
Just say No to Coca Cola, Delta and Georgia Pro Sports. Support Democracy
@Stair force one Big guy Right, we barely dodged that with Trump. I’m just glad his coup attempt failed and we are still a Democratic Republic.
That will show them
@Stair force one Big guy Brand new bot!
@R H how did that work out? i see coca cola is almost bankrupt because you boycotted them.. that tactic doesn’t work unless you have millions of people doing it, and you won’t get that
No not Delta.
Kemp knows he’s in trouble. Trump will back a challenger to his position so he thinks that by implementing this law he will be back in trumps good books. The Republicans don’t even try to hide their racism any more.
@Jiminy Cricket Maybe you should have mentioned Trump. He skipped out on the draft. From the start he was in trouble with cheating the government. It wasn’t trolling that lost him the election. It was fascism. The tables are turned and Democrats are getting accused of the same. It would be great if we could all just get along. We ultimately aren’t our beliefs.
@Debra Cottrill I’m cool with that. I agree fully with that sentiment. I’m just tired of the battle formations lined up on either side. We’re all fighting the wrong people. To be honest I’ve just about given up hope on any national reconciliation though. We’ve probably destroyed ourselves already.
@Stair force one Big guy
Joined a whole day ago! Wow!
@Douglas Merrill
Biden doesn’t run the state. Do you even know how government works?
@don juran
Requiring ID is voter suppression. The only reason Republicans push it is because it does reduce voter turnout. It’s proven by multiple studies that it makes it more difficult for poor people, especially voters of color, to vote. Identity is established when people register.
However, if election security really is your concern, there is a compromise: automatically provide all registered voters with a specific ID just for voting (and it could be used as an auxiliary ID too, if necessary). See, there are reasonable compromises to these issues. But watch, Republicans will fight against this idea. Why? Because election security is not their concern; suppressing the vote is.
Brian Kemp sat on the Board of Elections while he was running for office which should have been illegal. Why don’t they change that law? Because he won. And why did he win? He sat on the Board of Elections and made the rules.
@T. R. Campbell Are you implying that the churches were wrong for helping homeless americans register to vote? That smacks of elitism, please reword it if that is not your intention.
@Alison Casilli I don’t know where you get that idea. Obviously the churches were not wrong that assumption is absolutely silly. However, many Who were registering voters were very enthusiastic and over zealot. We remember the situation in St. Louis and Kansas City Missouri some years ago with the group Acorn. They were registering the dead, cartoon characters, athletic and sports personalities. The end result was that several people from Acorn went to jail.
No, obviously not the church itself but some of the people. Thank you for wanting to clarification.
@edward Shaw white? There are a few morons of color that are totally stuck on stupid! Your gurl Candace Owens is 1 of those morons!
@William Hunt exactly
Kemp is the reincarnation of George Wallace.
Joe biden is the grand wizard…you idiots put the Klan in the WH!
Try to live with yourselves.
I’m a Dem but.. I defend Lyin’ Brian! What else could he do at this point? Covid-45 said two months ago that he was sorry that he, initially, supported him in 2018 so, whatever Repug runs against Mein Kemp will get Ex-prez “coming down to Gee-or-gee-a” (kinda like da devil did) so, he was, likely, advised that his only shot for reelection was to “restore confidence to voters” (hmmm, whose confidence… Dems who won or…Repugnicans who lost?) by telling a BIGger lie than Tramp’s BIG lie! Folks, honestly, you have to tell another lie to support first lie – geesh, come on! Pure genius! Kemp once stood his ground against Tramp…he would have, a little, restored his reputation by restoring voter confidence BY DOUBLING DOWN on his previously confirmation of voting NOT having fraud and left office with his boots on. Now, sadly, he’s admitting Tramp, Rudy, Sidney Powell, insurrectionists, etc. WERE RIGHT by reforming voter laws by…manufacturing ANY voting solutions in search of no voting problems.
I guess you never really knew George Wallace, plus you have the wrong state Davie. You mean the guy with the ax handle, now google him that is all the information I will give you. First name is Lester, hint.
@Smoke Rise Right, meanwhile Trump and the rest of the sunshine band just tried to override an election where most of the turnout was due to the minority vote and he lost, gtfoh, seriously….
Funny: Liberals are perfectly OK with forcing people to have a “Vaccine Passport”, which is also a proof of identification, in order to travel or go to a sporting event or participate in other group activities yet they still want you to believe that requiring an ID to vote is “RACIST”!!!!! If it is, then it is also racist to require ID to cash checks or buy cigarettes or alcohol!!!!! Hey, maybe the liberals are providing the solution; just require the “vaccine passport” be presented to vote, problem solved!!!! Thanks liberals!!
We sent our children to fight for democracy over seas but restrict it at home THINK ABOUT IT
@Damen Rabbitt Drop the labels and educate yourself, you have the right to give voice to your lies so your right to be a buffoon is safe.
@Debra Cottrill Teen Vogue magazine is not a magazine that I utilize. THEIR newly elected editor and Chief P.O.C. was canceled for remarks that she said when she was 17 years old…Asain hate comments. As a conservative, I didn’t think that those comments when she was a teenager warranted her getting fired by cancel Culture. YEA…conservative guy here respecting you’re right
Lefties…fact check that comment b4 calling me a racist liar
@Damen Rabbitt what’s your source on that? I’m not being a smartass, I would just really like to check it out.
@Potter Gray if by stole, you mean…absolutely, positively, substantially interfered…you would be correct!
Add locations for absentee voting with A/C and water. There has to be a response to other ways around this. The will of the people must triumph.
@Paul Fannin You may have read my previous comments. I find that incredible, a sealed ballot paper is no different to a letter. I often post the mail for my ailing next door neighbour.
Something about ‘ballot harvesting’… Apparently there is concern that some nefarious individual is likely to open people’s sealed envelopes, change the votes, reseal them, turn them in and No One Would Notice…
I think this seems unlikely, but…so many Republicans further this type of rumor.
@IrishH Irene Higgins To open and reseal an envelope and to change a marked vote, presumably a marked x or tick, indelible or not, cannot be done without leaving evidence. I was a forensic document examiner for 20 years, I do know what I’m talking about. What is wrong with the people who make these restrictions. That’s rhetorical, I know what’s wrong with them.
Dude, see what I’m saying… It’s a ridiculous idea, part of a very spurious campaign of disinformation. Republicans keep pointing to their constituents’ concerns, which their leaders know are based on a LIE. Instead of debunking the LIE, they are trying to change laws…
@IrishH Irene Higgins It’s hard to tell if the GOP lawmakers lead of follow their dolts but they are clearly desperate and can see the writing on the wall, and it says ‘EXTINCT’.
They set it up so one polling station with 2 machines for 100,000 voters in line for hours. With no access to water or food it’s torture.
@Robert Teixeira
We have never needed voter ID because there hasn’t been an issue with people pretending to be other people to vote. Identity is established when people register and each voter’s information is on file at the polling station. It’s just not necessary.
@Potter Gray
And all those Dixiecrats switched to the Republican Party. Or are you going to argue that white, racist southerners moved to the north and urban areas and became black and Jewish liberals? Those southern, white, racist Democrats are the same people who are southern, white, racist Republicans today; which is why we’re seeing Republicans carrying Confederate flags and wearing pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic t-shirts nowadays. Your argument is a “reeeeeeee argument”; in other words,
When the conservative blue dog Democrats proposed the 1994 Crime Bill, they did it with full support from Republicans. You’re being extremely disingenuous with this argument in trying to make it seem like the Democrats were responsible for such legislation; the Republicans authored that legislation and were the primary drivers to pass it. Among the Democrats, it was only the more conservative Democrats like Biden who supported the legislation.
@keir farnum your party is the party of the KKK and is built on keeping black people down no matter how much you try to defend it.
@Kyle Robb he is a troll
@Potter Gray the voting rights bill big 1965 was signed by dr
This is the real reason why corporations decry “cancel culture.” It holds them accountable for their actions and inaction.
@Robert Teixeira OK, Comrade Troll
“Cancel culture” isn’t new. No one called it cancel culture when Alan Turing was canceled. Now his face is on their money.
@Robert Teixeira <~~fooling yourself with that crap! News flash.....EVERYONE that stormed the Capital on Jan. 6, are RUSSIANS!!
@Robert Teixeira what about them inbreds like the TRUMPS!
Isn’t Cancel Culture simply the post-modern name for “boycott”? I see no reason to doubt it. In which case, “cancel culture” is every bit as American as other boycotts throughout our history. Outcries of Cancel Culture are actually a deligitimizing of the First Amendment.
Boycott every state who is considering these types of legislation.
@Tim Cowan You comment matched up far more accurately with being about its self than any other comment in the thread so the error is understandable. You may want to be more careful with how you word stuff.
Yes, I could be more raciest very easily. Since nothing in what I said was racist in the slightest it would be super easy.
Does this answer your question?
@Brouwerij Het Snerpende Hertje looks like Kaitlyn should move out the US then……..hahahaha!
@Mr Mark YOu’ll believe anything the media tells you. You probably don’t even know what the voter bill talks about……only the fake news the media fed you. You probably also don’t know that Georgia gives out free voter IDs.
You’ll believe anything the media tells you.
We live in a country where 65% turnout is considered “historic “…it’s already too difficult to vote here! No more restrictions until voting takes less time than buying an AR-15..!!!
@Peter Stoops
You haven’t tried voting in a poorer neighborhood then, have you? That’s the entire issue: voting takes far more than an hour in many places.
Police do it all the time. That’s exactly the problem: the police have become so powerful that they are often no longer beholden to even their bosses. Look at what has happened with DeBlasio in New York.
@Smellyweasel23 !
Uh, duuurrrrr! Because the Republicans are trying to change laws to restrict access to voting. And HR1 isn’t as much about whether there was fraud or not. It’s to ensure access to voting, which isn’t the same thing as election security.
The Senate is supposed to be the equalizer between the larger, more populated states and smaller states. The electoral college is based on the House of Reps, which is no longer apportioned fairly. The vote of someone in rural Iowa is equivalent to 3.8 votes in urban California. Why does someone in Iowa get more say in how our president is chosen? If we want a fair electoral system, we need to increase the number of electors and the number of representatives in the House to equal the population. It used to be far more representative when the population was smaller, but the country has grown, and the number of representatives/electors has not. Considering it used to be more fairly distributed when the population was smaller, it shows that the number of representatives/electors was not meant to be some kind of balancing mechanism between small and large states; the Senate was to play that role.
@keir farnum Your mental gymnastics are olympic teir. This is why children should not be allowed to use phones.
They didn’t condemn anything. They pretended to. If they were so offended, they would pull funding until further notice.
@xtscarface M actually have and am doing most of what you said right. Btw, we had power grids long before the internet.
@xtscarface M meant to say doing them right now. Also I am furthest from a tRump supporter. Never voted for him, never will. Just showing you, it is still available to do most of the things you said without google, many people still do.
@Tami Wollander look up everything they have their hands on. They own this. They are working on self driving electric cars and anti-aging research. Alphabet owns google. So now google only controls what we think google is, maps, the android system, this site and other things you may have heard before. They only split the company kinda. so they could go do other things not even related to the internet. Google is too big now. We gave it a great deal of that power. This is politics after all, and their revenue was over 180 billion last year. Imahine how much they move thru the economy.Yeah i dont think the government really would want them to cripple. If you can still live with out google now, enjoy it. Its soon to be seen like we see the past today.
@Tami Wollander power grids that didnt greatly depend on an internet connection. Cmon you cant really believe relays, sensors and switches are the same as in years ago. Or that even the meter outside your house is the same as a decade ago. We are not on the same grid that i think you have in mind. You are provably thinking electricity alone.
“condemning” won’t fix anything, we need lawmakers fighting it in court to make it unconstitutional under the law.
@Peter Stoops You do realize that 5 of the 7 Supreme Court justices that declared Roe v Wade constitutional were republcans.
@Pete 913 You mean they were put on bench by republicans. Republicans have put a lot of liberals on the bench. There decision was not based on constitution, it was literally made up. Most liberals don’t realize if Roe vs Wade were over turned abortion would still be legal, the only difference is states could decide if they want to change it, if your state is full of liberals nothing would change. Abortion has done an amazing job at keeping the African American population at just 13%. Which is what the founder of planned parenthood wanted
@Pete 913 in those days they follow the constitution not party affiliations not today time as change!!
@Peter Stoops Aren’t you late for your disinfectant injection?
@Pete 913 a good shower does a better job than your injection. I might invite Pete’s wife to join me
Other states need to take note and have their corporations speak out BEFORE more if these cruddy laws are signed!
I get what your saying but states don’t own corporations. They can’t force them to speak out. Consumers however, can
@Iron Monkey
I was actually referring to the residents of other states not the state government. It’s the government that’s trying to pass these laws. They need to hear from THE PEOPLE!
@Robert Teixeira
Why are you bringing race into this? I didn’t. It’s not about race, it’s about equal access to voting for a whole state.
One polling place for a county the size of Texas is not adequate.
We should be able to walk to a polling place. It shouldn’t require a 2 hour bus ride.
Please start paying attention!
@liberty Ann Apologies. Maybe I was here too long lol
Funny: Liberals are perfectly OK with forcing people to have a “Vaccine Passport”, which is also a proof of identification, in order to travel or go to a sporting event or participate in other group activities yet they still want you to believe that requiring an ID to vote is “RACIST”!!!!! If it is, then it is also racist to require ID to cash checks or buy cigarettes or alcohol!!!!! Hey, maybe the liberals are providing the solution; just require the “vaccine passport” be presented to vote, problem solved!!!! Thanks liberals!!
They don’t want to be boycotted.
Too bad.
They knew they were donating to snakes all along.
@gayle curry lol,lol, lol, so true!!!
@S Jeffries the idea ID’s are not the issue
The really bad part of this new GA law, that should get more attention, is the part that allows partisan republican legislators to takeover county voting boards if they don’t like the results. That’s the Jim Crow part of it.
@S Jeffries you show you’re ID when you signed up to vote. Then they have it on record. How many more times do they need to see it. Banks do this all the time, they keep your ID on file then they just pull it up on their screen. But this isn’t even the worst of it. Limiting drop boxes, making it harder to get mail in ballots, AND not allowing someone to bring water to people in line. How utterly cruel and idiiotic to say the least!!!!! And redumplicans call themselves Christian. More like the white walls of the gospels!!!!!
@S Jeffries
Requiring ID is voter suppression. The only reason Republicans push it is because it does reduce voter turnout. It’s proven by multiple studies that it makes it more difficult for poor people, especially voters of color, to vote. Identity is established when people register.
However, if election security really is your concern, there is a compromise: automatically provide all registered voters with a specific ID just for voting (and it could be used as an auxiliary ID too, if necessary). See, there are reasonable compromises to these issues. But watch, Republicans will fight against this idea. Why? Because election security is not their concern; suppressing the vote is.
I could see all the way from Texas that Kemp only won because of what he did with purging all those voters…just sickening!!!!!!!

Yep, he blatantly stole the election from Stacy Abrams by purging hundreds of thousands from the voter rolls. Basically, he is trying to set everything up now to win a future election. He knows cheating is the only way he has a shot at winning.
The really un-constitutional part of this new GA law, that should get more attention, is the part that allows partisan republican legislators to takeover county voting boards if they don’t like the results. That’s the real Jim Crow part of it.
@AJ Rimmer EXACTLY!!! If this crazy partisan law had been in effect last November…we all know the presidential outcome would’ve ACTUALLY been stolen instead of being The Big Lie!!!
They didn’t condemn it until they were threatened with boycotts.
@Smoke Rise I don’t remember the last time I’ve needed it
@Smoke Rise in Georgia, there are approximately 200,000 people without an ID, the majority of which are minorities. Voter id laws don’t solve any real problem, but they do help keep people from voting who Republicans don’t want to be able to vote.
So you feel corporations should “explain” to their staff the correct way to act and think. That sort of thinking is how you got into this type of corruption in America in the first place.
@S Jeffries Your self-righteous indignation is laughable coming from any American voter whatever political stripe you are. The reason why your politicians are so sleazy and corrupt is because of YOU the voter. Nobody else.
@Smoke Rise sounds like you’re encouraging the boycotts.
NOTHING talks louder and has more power than money.
obviously you have never lived in communism
@Jeremy Schissler Trump knows since he’s buddies with the communist dictators of China, North Korea and Russia. He especially loves the murderous royalty of Saudi Arabia. Such good friends.
Money stayed silent until after the law was made.
This should be called the Kemp law and be rated right up there with scrubbing the toilet.
Funny: Liberals are perfectly OK with forcing people to have a “Vaccine Passport”, which is also a proof of identification, in order to travel or go to a sporting event or participate in other group activities yet they still want you to believe that requiring an ID to vote is “RACIST”!!!!! If it is, then it is also racist to require ID to cash checks or buy cigarettes or alcohol!!!!! Hey, maybe the liberals are providing the solution; just require the “vaccine passport” be presented to vote, problem solved!!!! Thanks liberals!!
They all waited until the bill was already signed, before they came out with their “nothing” statements! They all are trying to walk on the lines in the middle of the road!
Right bet they donate to Kemp
Funny: Liberals are perfectly OK with forcing people to have a “Vaccine Passport”, which is also a proof of identification, in order to travel or go to a sporting event or participate in other group activities yet they still want you to believe that requiring an ID to vote is “RACIST”!!!!! If it is, then it is also racist to require ID to cash checks or buy cigarettes or alcohol!!!!! Hey, maybe the liberals are providing the solution; just require the “vaccine passport” be presented to vote, problem solved!!!! Thanks liberals!!