Early in-person voting began Monday in Georgia for the Senate runoff, and voters are coming out in record numbers, according to reports. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#Georgia #voters #MSNBC
Georgia Breaks All-Time Voting Record | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Way to go Georgia!!
Another lesson is going to be taught

Wow. Lin Wood was right about one thing. Georgians are not Dumb.
@Karaoke Star yeah they are dumb. Still buying into this crap two party system
Yoh yes
oh wow
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
Make mitch a minority. Tired of that man……sorry I mean turtle
@Brandon Curtis I hope you were being facetious with your statement. He has single-handedly made a mockery of the Senate so they have not been able to do their work since he became majority leader.
Rigamortis Tortoise
@Terrance Jones

Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
You’re hatred shows. It’s amazing to me how many people who actually believe a democratic majority is a good thing.
People power! End Jim Crow domination of voting in the South.
@Mainely , your ignorance is showing. Please , just stop with Jim Crow, KKK, Confederate Flag and all the other derogatory Southern remarks. When you get your head out of your emotions and your ears away from mainstream media and start doing your own research and stop following the uneducated pack, the indoctrinated sheeple, then come back and give an honest to goodness, well thought out, fact driven comment. If all you have to add to a conversation is derogatory comments then YOUR INTELLIGENCE IS SHOWING!
@Diane Hooper, your comment left those of us with functioning brain cells scratching our heads. That had to be the most ridiculous statement I have read this year. SMDH over the uneducated sheeple. Doesn’t matter what party you affiliate with, please have facts in place before making your ignorance known to the masses.
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
There are people who actually lived under Jim Crow and it’s incredibly ignorant to try and compare the two …
William H are you back again? Aren’t you supposed to be watching out your window. Ready to yell at the kids when their ball ends up on your lawn?
America the proud!!
We need to rid the criminals out of our government.
That’s right! Vote OUT all democrats! Start with nancy pig-losi!
@Raptango_NA If you had a law degree, you could sue your school for failing to educate you.
So-called ‘coercive prosecution’ is the cheap lawyers answer if they have no actual defense to the charges.
Since your own cite – by the ultra-right-wing nutjobbery called the Cato Institute – admits that “Flynn is plainly guilty of lying to FBI agents” your claim of coercive prosecution fails immediately. He is being coerced into pleading guilty to a crime for which there is ample evidence of his guilt, and given a massively reduced sentence. In addition, at least 6 other felonies will be nol prossed upon his plea. Explain how that, in legal terms, even approaches coercive.
Since you don’t know anything about law, obviously, you should follow the wise maxim:
It is better to remain silent and appear a fool than speak and remove all doubt.
lol they were not lying when the said most if not all democrats are in alternate reality

@Cassidy McNamara you keep talking about all these other felonies. The obvious question then is why was he never charged with any of them? And you can drop the moron im smarter than you act. Youre not good at it
@Kate can’t be an American.
Treason is the death penalty in America.
Half twit.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christ-mass. Some things money can’t buy.
@The Truth Hurts You! red is also the color of blood which covers the hands of all the government leaders of this nation who sat back and did NOTHING while over 300,000 died of Covid. And that number is still rising.
@kirara2516 “Amend!
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
It’s up to you Georgia…stay safe and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE
@NiNi J Good call!
@Joe Bruno TY
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
Be honest, you only want them to vote if they vote for democrats.
@Crispin Fornoff I see you’re one of the ingrates for trump. You people are just disgusting.
Georgia please send the message to the country that all voices should be heard and represented.
@m-ok – Nah that’s what happens in the red states. Its usually the arsonist who screams fire the loudest.
Biden is winning everything
@Ninth Hydra boo hoo you lost stop whining
Help us state of Georgia, you are our only hope!
_pass it on!_
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
Come on, Georgia! America needs you!
The World needs you Georgia.
@Education is key In Europe we are all socialists and we live 10000 times better than you morons. Do you know what socialist means, or you just stupid? I guess you prefer fascism then. Because this is what you have. Bad socialists want to give you bigger salary, and health care like normal countries. You are worst than Cuba and North Korea in health care.
@Kate CCP what is that? Ivanka trade marks gift from China , or her business there?? How stupid you can be Trump turds? China give Trump million $ in cash, and he supported their concentration camps.
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
Dear Georgia, You make me so proud no matter how this vote turns out. To see the crap you so go through? Mail, bike, horse or walking….your getting it DONE!!
Come on Georgia. Go out and vote and save this country.
@SmileMan64 aka BenjaMan64 Do you have any evidence for them trying to cheat? Or are you just a massive hypocrite?
@Claude Bawls He asked a question. If you are triggered by questions, stay under your rock.
@Crispin Fornoffhaha your guy lost.
Stewmeat yea but he already knew the answer to that question.
Even the most stupid Maga deep down in his soul knows Trump is an absolute failure.
They support him out of racist Hatred for minorities and the Democrats, as they support minorities.
TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech that’s real rich when the Russians just Fu@ked your country big time all under Trumpolini watch.
Where was Trumpolini durring this? Oh I know. Crying in a corner, tweeting, and planing ways to cheat super gullible and ignorant Magas out of multi millions.
Kind of makes you wonder what this guys legacy is going to be?
Don’t tell us we can’t vote by closing some polling places. That just makes us mad.
Vote Georgia….it’s our right!
@TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech
@Big Hawn Why don’t you go at each one of them to ID for you and have proof that it was them voting? I’m pretty sure that even in that preposterous instance and you still won’t believe your eyes and ears. In your mind the words ‘how can anybody not adore Trump like we do?’ are buzzing non-stop. Happy holidays, American brother or sister, whatever is the case.
@johnny bojangles or vote for the most Christian, truthful, conservative, American to ever exist on the planet, “Donald J Trump” lmao
its very very adult to believe in alternative facts, very.
@Tara That’s the key word, Tara. ‘feel’. If instead you’d be a bit more critical, things would be different even in your feelings.
@TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech Yes, the most truthful person to ever exist, more Christian than Jesus Christ, Donald J Trump, surely, genuinely, cares for America, obviously.
When we “all” vote AMERICA wins !!!
@bigmouth0604 smh at your ignorance
@soaringvulture pin head
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
@Kate So your job is to hurl insults at people who attempt to tell you the truth. Does it pay well? Are you running out of insults?
@Linda Shipley as a health worker mask is for your health and others who might not be as healthy as you are, from now on everyone should were mask in the winter it prevents other viruses. While influenza viruses circulate year-round, most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, but activity can last as late as May. but if we wear mask from nov. everything will be so much better. The overall health impact would be so much better. as a human we should care for one another. while christians think Jesus died for humanity can we not just wear a mask to save maybe just one person. if someone tells me to wear a mask for the rest of my life just to save one person I will do it.
Turn the senate!
Doh yes
oh wow
Love it…

•Joe pretending to be President.
•Jill pretending to be a Doctor.
•Dems pretending they accepted Trump’s 2016 victory.
•Media pretending they are journalists.
@Education is key We all know you don’t love anything about it, you’re desparately trying to put on a brave face.
You’re sad, confused and angry, because trump just keeps on losing!
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
@TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech
ohhhh socialism…
how scary.
Like social security and medicare?
Or just public schools and libraries?
Maybe public highways and police and fire?
Those social programs?
Let’s get this done Georgia!!
@Joe Bloe Funny, Russians already showed their hacking skills and Trump says nothing, just the way Putin wants from Trump.
Goh wow
oh yes
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
Looks like they ready to get Mitch off his high horse.
Aren’t we all! Look at the two idiots out of Kentucky, McConnell & Rand Paul.
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
Let’s go let’s go Georgia

you can make a better life for Americans

@SmileMan64 aka BenjaMan64 democrats are the proven cheats
@Nhung Ngo I think biden is the one in with Russia among other countries
Go get psychological help. You’re welcome:)
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
@TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech With all that said go, get a life!!!!!
Come on Georgia come out big America needs you to come through.
go go mitch mconnel let this american people suffer keep doing what ur doing
We in the rest of the world support you… get rid of these Republican criminals.
They have made your country an international laughing stock.
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
@TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech Yep. Throw out that “socialism” America.
The “socialism” that pays your unemployment benefits, that provides PPP assistance, that provides free Covid hospitalisation and vaccinations…
Embrace the “support of communism” as displayed by Donny… “Russia, if you’re listening…”, Russians in Trump Tower and the Oval Office, belief in Vlad over the FBI…
Good one.
PS. It’s actually called “social democracy” and it’s how the rest of the developed world function.
We prefer our National healthcare rather than financial ruin if you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t cover it.
And we get all this through tax rates quite similar to the US.
What we don’t waste taxes on, is spending more on the military than the next 7-8 countries combined.
Go figure!
I hope you’re still sending your donations to the WH stain. A billionaire needs as much as he can get.
I hope you stick to your “no socialism” stance and refuse any government help.
A view from afar
@R Wags

It’s time for change Georgia
God bless America 
Goh wow
oh yes
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections!
He did, then he allowed Biden to win.
*I’m incredibly proud of Georgia! Let’s do this!!*

We made a difference by over throwing an incompetent president who is MIA while we get hacked. Let’s get rid of Mcconnell!!!
Georgia, the country is counting on you to vote Republican if you care about America and keeping it free!
But if you want socialism and big government to take away all of your rights and destroy this country then vote for the criminal democrats who steal elections through massive voter fraud!!
Vote Republican if you have integrity and honor!
Vote Democrat if you are a cheat and a fraud like gap-toothed stacey abrahms!
Moscow Mitch?
Record voter turn out, sounds just like the Presidential election. Take a seat over there Mitch and be quiet.