Writers Anne Applebaum, George Will and David Frum join Morning Joe to discuss Donald Trump and conservatism and why conservatives must remove certain factions from its ranks. Aired on 8/17/2020.
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George Will: Conservatives Have To Purge Certain Factions | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Every Republican who voted not to impeach Trump should lose their seat.
Jenn smith . Jenn, don’t hold back. You can be honest here and tell us how you really feel
@Charles L Jones
well, charlie, all that is just NOT SO.
Trump worked closely with Rep. Sen. Tim Scot on a justice reform bill but the democrats voted it down. why? because they thought it would be a good issue for them in the 2020 elections, but instead, as usual, it has backfired as riots continue. how come you don’t know this stuff?
we know exactly who is doing the rioting, looting, burning, violence, etc. democrats & other left wing miscreants, thugs & commies. as demicrat mayors & governors hide under their desks.
fer sure, it’s not republicans!!! how come you don’t know this either????
Now democrats are whining about a vaccine. why? only because they think it will help Trump. They are willing to let people die in order to gain power. remember, democrats are the same people who made fun of people who didn’t want to give their kids vaccinations?
the same way they want to keep the economy closed so they can use unemployment as an election issue…..they don’t care about people losing the businesses they invested their hearts & souls in or people out of work —- they think it will help them defeat Trump.
charles, i’m a kid in HS & i know all this stuff. you should know it too, it’s right under yer nose. the democrats don’t even make a secret of it anymore.
wise up, yer uninformed & on the wrong side of everything unless yer just another warped America hating radical dem.
@Big Bubba
might as well use free speech while you still can, sometimes.
you know, right?
@Barrys-Take-Two ok. Let’s just compare school records? Oops I forgot Republicans say we are not allowed to look at trump’s school history. I say at one of the debates we should have them both take the same test. Ok
@Melisa Erdem Mitt Romney, Susan Collins thought the impeachment would ‘temper him and make him think’ she’s as spineless as the rest.
Morons Are Governing America,
MAGA’s true meaning.
Jevon Little Now how in Heaven would you ever know that?!? Cmon. Your opinion lacks validity. God Bless you. Go by a scratch off and watch what God does.
Dump Donald Chump and Dunce Pence 2020. Lock up William Barr Flintstone and Pee Wee Kushner
Gutting America is more like it.
Make America Gullible Again
@Marc F. Nielssen You know you can bolt to any other country of your choosing right? Why stay angry? Just go. And we hope you prosper. #MAGA
The biggest screw up in American history: Trump.
@Kal Palnicki again. You only thought you learned something. It has become apparent that you are simply an imposter masquerading as someone with intelligence.
@William Bailey do decide that baseless faith is not knowledge and take care to learn critical thinking skills.
@Kal Palnicki yes, except evrything I said is factual and can be verified. It is not baseless faith. Are you sure you have read 12,000 books? If so, did you comprehend any of it? I dont beleive you know the definition of critical thinking skills. I do however beleive you know what critical reading skills are. You just dont comprehend what you read very well. Those who can do think. Those who cant do teach. I beleive you said you taught children?
@William Bailey I taught gifted children as well teaching linguistics. You are welcome to whatever you wish to imagine you believe. Keep on wallowing in your ignorance and faith. Bye, bye.
@Kal Palnicki Leaving so soon? I was just beginning to enjoy our interaction. Of course, those with the clear advantage often do. Are gifted children not children? And my imagination is only limited to what you write and how you write it. So far, from what I have read, you are hardly anywhere near what you profess to be and thus, leave much to the imagination.
They love Reagan but he was the one who started the decline of America and the gutting of the middle class
@Joshua Ewulo https://www.heritage.org/taxes/report/the-real-reagan-economic-record-responsible-and-successful-fiscal-policy I think this article says it better than I could. Hopefully this is enough detail for you.
Howard Bueker Perhaps you’d better do some research before accusing anyone of lack of knowledge. Ever heard of laissez-faire economics?
Off course Joe Scarborough is a Reagan Republican…… Aparently his morals didnt stop msnbc from giving him a vioce
Seudon Amous it’s not morals.
@Howard Bueker Neither are you. Reagan started it with ‘Trickle down’ (BS!) and the attacks on unions. Spent us into huge debt too. Go back to school.
If Trump gets reelected we seriously think about the fact that we may never have a democracy again
If? Make that a ‘when’. The GOP and the KGB are putting their pieces on the table. Three generations of the Trump monarchy are ready for it.
This post should have far more likes, because it’s scary as it is, it is true
The US is barely a functioning democracy now. Current comparisons would be Turkey, Hungary and Brazil who have all elected so called “strong man” leaders who usually fill their own pockets and those of their “friends” while caring little for the people in whose name they hold office. Please use your vote (while you still can) in November and good luck.
The US has a flawed democracy regardless of who wins. It’s an old system that need reform. They aren’t going to come regardless of who wins. It will decline a bit faster with Trump but it will decline either way. Making out that elections are existential is silly.
@theuglykwan That can be said of any election. But in this one, we are literally voting to save America, our way of life, our Democracy and the lives of American citizens. Trump has already expressed that he has no problem with how many Americans die. “It is what it is”. We MUST vote for Biden, as if our lives depended on it, since they do!
“How do we assert American leadership in the world?” What a dumb question. The USA can never regain the leadership role it had before. You can only lead if there are followers. There are almost none now. The USA has lost its credibility.
@Dino F.
Americans think they’re free. They make a big deal of it. In 2019, the freest countries/regions were New Zealand (8.88), Switzerland (8.82), and Hong Kong SAR, (8.81).
In 2017 the USA was ranked 58th.
The ‘Freedom in the World 2020’ report, produced by Freedom House, ranks the United States 53rd among 84 countries described as “free”.
Believe me Dino F, most of the rest of the world would like America to “mind its own business”.
It will take decades to rebuild what Despot Don did.
Dino F. We need to regain trust and having our allies back. We need to denounce Putin and others trump buttlicked.
@Lana Kahl
It might work to some extent – IF Trump is not reelected AND if he doesn’t launch a civil war if he loses.
All of the Chinese CCP love him. Look at what just happened with TikTok. They sold themselves to a trumpist billionaire. They will build him a tower and he can finally live like a crazy rich Asian. The billionaire class there will welcome him as one of their own.
WW2 was fought to purge the facist mentality trump and his followers have. They obviously have no loyalty to the usa because their entire being goes against american values. The worst part is that they dont have any human value other than to harm anyone who think differently.
Don’t send him to Mar a Lago, try Gauntanamo…
“…or whatever Federal institution he’s going to…”
Build a cage on Jeffery Epsilon’s island. He’s familiar with that.
I suggest Moscow. Maybe he could run for office there under Putin.
@ArizonaWillful He could maybe go to one of these great Ruskie holiday camps / golfing resorts called GULAGS…
@Donna B. He will pardon himself before he is escorted out of the building.
Mr. Will doesn’t get it. The GOP/Republican party embraced Trump and Trumpism. There was no coup or right wing take over of the Republican party. They wanted him and Trump used them to get the White House. It is too little and too late to try to restore the party to the past. The past is dead.
@Funky Fungi “Answer – they never had it to begin with.”
Well, ithink many did and do lead moral lives, as much as is humanly possible(a different debate). They have morality in their lives and expect it of others …then there are those “Ravening Wolves” on TV and radio who say the listener will not be saved and will have [bad things] happen to them unless they send $49.95 to them right now.
And in the next breath they say what a moral leader trump is …etc. extolling the false virtues.
The listener gets confused.
Our problem seems to be to get them ‘un-confused'(deprogrammed) before Nov 3.
God did not do this. Man did this. (shamelessly stolen from I Am Legend)
There are 8 BILLION people in the world and growing. They(pandemics) are going to get worse, not better unless there is something done to improve conditions for the 8 B and stop the growth.
I do not see it as Karma either …maybe the Yin for the Yang, a balance that must be met?
But here, in the USA, this is donald “The Duck” trump and his enabler’s fault, wholly and completely.
The Duck had the means to make this almost a non-event but he disbanded the Pandemic response team, a National Security Council directorate, in 2018 and threw away all plans from Obama-Biden because he is such a racist that he believes that no non-white man can create anything that is useful.
Of course he claimed at the time, ” _I’m a business person, I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them._ ”
…prophetic words: the increasing death toll of 185k American citizens that were not needed. …
You might want to read this review:
I would suggest that wherever you see Hilter, insert Trump but think that if you read it, the parallels will become apparent.
Their embrace of it _is_ part of the ideological coup! I agree that the party should probably be euthanized, but realistically, as it is said, power abhors a vacuum. Most of them did not want Trump! They hated him! But he had appeal, and they decided that winning was more important than anything else, so …
Blair Sadewitz – Totally. How can anyone explain all of those Republicans who were against him before he was elected and are now licking his face? Especially Ted Cruz. God what a spineless creep he is.
In 1966, Republican Senator Thomas Kuchel said of the Conservative movement: “A fanatical neo-fascist political cult in the GOP, driven by a strange mixture of corrosive hatred and sickening fear, who are recklessly determined to either control our party, or destroy it.”
@Marc F. Nielssen And so they have, except these are not conservatives.
I’d argue that they never were. It was just the coat they wore to hide who they really are.
{edit} And, thanks for that quote. I remember reading it many years ago(after the fact) but could not remember the source. He was not the only one but the warnings fell ‘on deaf ears’ …
Only thing to do is get them out of the government, for good.
Put ” _Vote Blue!_ ” in your calendar app for the “General Election” day and set it to repeat annually.
Conservatives ALWAYS leave the country in shreds. “W” blew the surplus that Clinton left, Bunker Boy blew the longest economic expansion ever (inherited from Obama) in three years.
Yep, True Grit, you are so right, been watching this happen since the Regan admin. don’t know why more folks don’t catch on.
He also will not talk face to face with trump.
I give him props for that..
@Waldograde You are right Glass/Steagle NEVER should have been repealed.
@Carl Pen Trickle-down economics, right?
Kinda-like pee on a hill,
The Reagan/ Bush era ended in a recession (including a huge sudden market drop in 1987) and the Dumbya/Cheney junta ended in the banks and lending institutions wrecking the economy and the market so badly they looked again to the Federal government to bail them out. They want no government interference until their greed derails everything so badly they need bailouts. Is what I saw contestable? No. It’s absolute fact.
When Obama sanctioned the GRU, FSB and kicked Russians out for election meddling, Republicans wanted stronger sanctions against Russia. They don’t care anymore.
This was Thomas Jefferson’s nightmare: that the country would be ruled by the uneducated masses whom he deemed incapable of governing.
@Lee Teacher Jefferson was right about a lot of things. He, more than anyone else, was the father of our country. But he was dead-wrong on the slavery question. So wrong, in fact, that this error led our country into civil war.
“A nation that asks nothing of government but the maintenance of order is already a slave in the depths of its heart; it is a slave of its well-being, ready for the man who will put it in chains.” Alexis de Tocqueville
@Joan Hyde The kind of voter t likes account for the vast majority of maga and those who make $ off the rubes round out the rest
Actually it was John Adams who feared the rule of the mob.
We are actually being ruled by the billionaires and corporations who just want an incompetent government that will give them tax breaks and get rid of regulations. The uneducated masses are just the tools for getting the corrupt politicians elected. The way to see this is true is that if the masses were actually in control there would be a $15 minimum wage, and medicare for all, and higher taxes for the wealthy and corporations (all popular policies with the masses). Instead we have politicians intent on dismantling the social safety net and giving huge tax breaks to the rich.
Love it when the old time reporters come on any talk show, their knowledge is insurmountable and vast
All this talk about trump when the real problem is the GOP enabling him. The Senate must turn blue because there are no more real Republicans left in office.
It’s funny how the Republicans, who were once the self proclaimed party of Law and Order, have deteriorated to become the party of Lie and Border.
Take big money out of politics and the tea party disappears overnight because they only exist by the wallets of a few elite racist families and PACs.
DT promotes fear and revenge and crushing enemies. DT has always been a lazy, elitish rich dumb frat boy.
Trump can’t debate. No intellect. He needs to have a cage match, the troglodyte.
@Paul Picard lol

@Paul Picard He’d bail out, claiming bone spurs…
Then call the people fighting his cage match losers for fighting his battles.
Early on he added a massive amount to the deficit when the economy was good to give tax breaks to the rich. So we’re already behind before the virus hit
The Green New Deal Pays for Itself as It Begins to ReBuild, FINALLY Millions of Good Paying Jobs, Local Money spent in Community, Taxes Paid, and Clean Water from Taps for people Finally having a Home They Helped to Build while training if they want to, Etc… NOT HANDED to The Wealthiest who Spend it in Other Countries and Hoard it In Over-Sea Banks!
“Conservatives” stood silent when Trump attacked McCain..stood silent at Senate trial… silent as Americans die from covid19, silent when he said inject disinfectant… silent as he kneecaps USPS..so “conservatives” are just complicit enablers to this very day
@WRK Yep parasites weakening the host!
Their silence spoke volumes!
I’m conservative and the GOP disgusts me, the sycophants willing to cheer the country’s descent into fascism and the secret police being sent into the streets. To the point in the video, we need to drive them from the party and sent the white supremacists and their sympathizer roaches back to their dark corners of the internet.
In 1966, Republican Senator Thomas Kuchel said of the Conservative movement: “A fanatical neo-fascist political cult in the GOP, driven by a strange mixture of corrosive hatred and sickening fear, who are recklessly determined to either control our party, or destroy it.”
@Marc F. Nielssen Wow that is so interesting. I am wondering where you learned that and what was the context of the discussion or article at the time? It sure sounds prescient!
Simple answer: Hardworking Americans and Joe Biden will get us back to normality and progression.
lol or at least back the country away from the Brink of the Abyss a bit…..