George Santos in federal custody as feds unseal 13-count indictment

The Justice Department unsealed federal charges against Rep. George Santos and the New York Republican is in custody. Santos, whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, has been charged on a 13-count indictment, including seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives. #CNN #News


  1. Since when does this House care about “Materially False Statements”? They KNEW he was lying – about EVERYTHING and they did not and do NOT care!

    1. They care and are only punishing him because it revealed that truth that they all lie. It makes them look bad.

  2. I can’t help but notice that the party that claims to be about “law and order”, its members can’t seem to stop committing crimes.

    1. We would probably only have a couple dozen people left to run 3 branches of government if we did that.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. @Helen
      As much as that should happen, I don’t see it. There is nothing that anyone can do to hold him accountable.

    3. @Kyle Simmer I’d be fine with that. New election, new people to represent “we the people” interests… as it should be.

  3. Lawyer: How would you like me to defend you, George Santos?
    George Santos: I have a law degree.

  4. “Why do bad things happen to good people such as George Santos, George Devolder, Anthony Devolder, Anthony Zabrovsky, and Kitara Ravache” said Santos

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ … To help curtain the other snakes behind the scenes associated-affililiated!!!

    1. probably my favorite way to make the term maga actually make sense. though make attorneys get attorneys is great too but i prefer this one.

  5. This took so much less time from necessity to execution than anything done to date about Drumpf. This needs to be done much much more often and broadly. Politicians will only behave better if they actually fear being arrested for misbehavior and the possibility is not more of a theoretical than something they remember seeing happen to their peers recently.

    1. he’s not as rich or powerful as the other one. lifetime government employees aren’t scared of him.

  6. All he has to do is say β€œsee… I’m a smart businessman!!! β€œ and republicans will forgive and probably re-elect him

  7. Interestingly, not only is Santo going to represent himself in court, he’s also going to be the judge and 3 of the jurors.

    1. Yes the wheels of justice can seem to move slowly. But once they get get going. They can really grind away

    1. and be sure to clear out a bedroom in your homes … as of monday you’re sanctuary city policy requires liberals give up a bedroom to support the policy that wanted. We here in Texas are going to raise the number we send you each day. This is such a beautiful time to watch democrats …. lol

  8. When matt gatez, jim Jordan and Marjorie taylor green are brought to justice or held accountable for their misdeeds then justice will be close to being fair and impartial.

  9. Santos reminds me of a kid who tells his parents they cleaned their room when all it takes to uncover the lie is to look at the room. How he thought he’d go unquestioned for any of this is beyond me.

    1. It’s called narcissism. They don’t have the intelligence to see beyond their own “selfish” needs. Does this sound like someone else who is facing so many likely criminal indictments, and who sees nothing wrong with abusing/raping women?

  10. Very impressed. Wow. I applaud this. This guy Santos almost pulled a “Lifestyle of the Brazilian Politician” here in the US. The presence of this guy in American politics is just a slap to the “face” of this nation. It would have been TOTALLY embarrassing not to find this man accountable. It would be like having a former soviet spy as president or something. Just a complete fiasco. Glad they got him. This man is literally a top-tier third-world politician prospectus. When you get too many of these kind of idiots in any given government the country goes into a state of unrecoverable disarray, it’s like a trap that developing countries can’t get out of.

  11. Oh dang! So it is actually possible to arrest a politician who lied and broke the law. I was starting to have doubts! πŸ™„

    1. @waybee jones Why do you need to ask when it is the subject of this video. Do you need others to watch it for you?

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