George Santos gives Holocaust speech. See CNN anchor’s reaction

Rep. George Santos (R-NY) took to the House floor to deliver a speech on International Holocaust Remembrance Day after lying about his Jewish heritage in his 2022 congressional campaign. CNN's Abby Phillip and David Chalian react. #CNN #News


  1. And to believe Kevin McCarthy is requesting a standard of ethics and integrity inside the house. 🤦‍♀️

    1. @But really the difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans can acknowledge Santos is a liar and has no place in the House. Problem is the Dems always scream “What about So and So”, complete lack of acknowledgement on your side. Let’s ignore that Fetterman makes no decisions on his own, they’re made by his handelers..

    2. @mark johnson Really? Is that why Republicans are trying to impeach Biden for lowering gas prices, but were willing to look past Trump’s extortion of Ukraine’s government for dirt on his political opponents?

      Seems like a Republican tactic to me.

    3. @Whitestrake BIden raised gas prices. Trump lowered gas prices. Biden was caught on video threatening to withhold funds to Ukraine unless they fire the prosecutor investigating his criminal son
      BIden will be impeached for selling classified materials from his corvette

    1. Didn’t Santos supply him with the recipe. Still be just ordinary Mr Sanders if not for Chicken George Santos. 🐔😂

    1. Look at the bright side. Santos’ lies will bring him down when the law catch up to him. This is a signal to our children who might want to consider politics as a career path.

    2. He’ll never leave voluntarily.. he’ll stay as long as he can.. good pay.. good perks… so he’s a squatter.. & cowards like Kevin McCarthy sold his soul & puts party b4 country. The world knows this Kevin. I hope you’re reading this. Even your family knows what a pathetic coward you are

  2. Poor George Santos. His grandparents barely escaped the holocaust by being in Brazil and Catholic. It was touch and go at times.

  3. After all these years I thought “Idiocracy” was just a funny movie. Turns out that it was actually a documentary about the GOP!😅

    1. I swear to you I have seriously thought this numerous times beginning with as soon as DJT announced his candidacy and the way he ran his campaign. And it’s been non-stop ever since. These GOPers are making a mockery of the political process.

    2. A major difference is President Camacho actually wanted to help the country and enlisted the help of the smartest man in the world.

  4. “The voters elected Santos, so he should be allowed to serve.” Should I be allowed to sell fake Rolexes if I can fool people into believing the watches are authentic?

  5. Pathological liars feel no shame or embarrasment, even when they’re caught lying. Mr. Santos never figured out who he is while growing up so he adopts whatever persona fits the part he’s playing at the time. These type of people are dangerous because they’re easily bribed.

    1. Reportedly, Trump called Santos dishonest – maybe outright liar – which is the most “takes one to know one” I’ve ever seen.

    1. He should have used this Kanye West Quote: “I am flawed as a human. I am flawed as a person. As a man I am flawed…

  6. During the 200s working my first job as cashier I was stunned when the old man in front of me had the concentration camp number tattoo on his arm. I had no words as it was something I never expected to see especially so much later. So that quick run in was likely a stronger relationship with a true survivor than this guy has ever had. Also I’m sure this man must have been a child and I wish I could have known more but as a stranger didn’t want to bother him more than he has been. Also the holocaust museum in DC is incredible Iv been twice once as a student another as chaperone for my brother in a wheel chair.

    1. And yet there are many R’s in Congress who steadfastly deny there was any Holocaust.

      One even denies that the Pentagon suffered major deaths and injuries on the same day the Twin Towers in NY was destroyed.

      Anyone can google about the Pentagon which has many films and interviews that prove beyond a doubt that it did happen. We need to boot a whole bunch of yahoos out of Congress.

    2. @bmon40 I had a similar reaction when I was a student working part time in a children’s retail clothing store back in the 70’s. I had directed a customer to the top rack of baby outfits when i saw the tattoo on her arm. I froze, couldn’t talk, and had this utter sadness come over me. When I looked at her she must have realized what had just happened to me and she just put an arm across my shoulders and told me “thank you”. I hadn’t said a word. To this day when I think of that moment I get teary eyed when I think that she was comforting me!

    3. My uncle and aunt survived the camps. But, as a child, my parents never spoke of it. When Uncle Siegfried and Aunt Frieda visited us, in southern California, I notice Frieda wore long sleeves, despite the heat, and asked her why. She rolled up her sleeves, and showed me the tattoo, then broke into tears, and said I looked just like her daughter (who had died in the camps). My parents told me to never bother my New York relatives about their long sleeves again, it was too upsetting.

    4. @Gossamer Glenn You are a good brother!, and a goon person!, George Pinocchio Santos can never know the joy, pure joy, you have felt!, as one cannot feel what one does not do! Thank you.

    5. @Deborah Freedman As a volunteer on a kibbutz in the ’70’s I spent many hours in the laundry – many of the women had tattoos. Most were eastern European and didn’t speak English, but there were a few unspoken times … I’m not Jewish but that era has always drawn me – trying to understand the psychology behind it all. One thing that does disturb me though is Israel’s treatment of Palestinians – how different it all could have been.

  7. As a German: how USA tolerates these people in politics is beyond me. How a justice system is still in place that does allow people lying about facts in public without consequences is absolutely shameful.

    1. @Pandus Batyr i freakin hate franchises, they are the true bane to our collective existance and McDonalds sure is their flagship

    1. @tonyfanfarone As a Canadian I’ve been lied to for decades about the Palastenian issue and the more I read about it the more I learn that both are about powerful militaries opressing unarmed civilians. The Jews under Nazis were helpless and so are the Palastenians. It is no coincidence that Israels interior minister Ben Gvir is convicted of supporting Terrorism and his talk isn’t much different from the Nazis used to say about the Jews. As a non Canadian I assume that you are interested in covering up crimes. In Canada we’re interested in the truth.

    2. Just as shameful as Jews stealing land from Muslims with the help of the UK and the USA based on myths from a book.

    3. Now let’s talk about the Palestinians and the atrocities they inflicted on the Palestinians Christian’s why don’t talk about that. They are the typical evil bully who do bad things and when they find a true match they cry like pigs

  8. I just can’t imagine another country where someone would be allowed to carry on like this. This can not continue.

    1. @Pete Smith To think that Al Franken resigned over a joke photo. Yes, in poor taste, but nothing compared to Santos’ disgusting antics.

    2. @Sheila Boston Good point. The incredible disparity in the level of integrity. I like and respect Al Franken. He’s REAL.

    1. Reportedly, Trump called Santos dishonest – maybe outright liar – which is a “takes one to know one” statement if I’ve ever seen one.

  9. This guy clearly has a ‘black belt’ in lying. He ought to open an academy of lying. This talent can’t go to waste

    1. Santos got what he wanted. He was chosen by voters to enter public office. His lies had rewarded him. Rather or not he stay there is up to voters. It is up to voters to kick him out.

  10. I can’t believe they let him speak about anything, especially something so important to so many. He has no credibility whatsoever, yet; the Speaker of the House validates him. Incredible.

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