George Floyd’s Sister: ‘They Took Something Very Special To Me’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Bridgett Floyd, the sister of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by the neck by police, tells Lawrence O’Donnell about who her brother was, how “he filled the room with just his presence,” the pain she felt when she got that phone call, and what it will take to get justice for her brother: “They murdered my brother and they’re going to pay through the courts.” The attorney for the family, Benjamin Crump, also joins. Aired on 5/27/2020.
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George Floyd’s Sister: ‘They Took Something Very Special To Me’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

George Floyd’s Sister: ‘They Took Something Very Special To Me’ | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. We should eliminate police departments in ALL predominately black neighborhoods, they are not welcome there, pose a threat to the citizens of those communities, they do not co-operate with the police departments in those areas and those communities I am sure are capable of taking care of themselves without any help from an organized police department. So why keep police departments or a police force, 911 options for police, medical or fire in these areas? They do not want those options and resent them being there! Let them be and let them take care of themselves! The USA would save billions a year if we did this.

  1. Minneapolis will pay up. My guess is 15-25 million. It’s a rich town and they can afford it.

  2. “There can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, justice, or peace without accountability.”

    1. Well said. This man hadn’t been charged with any crime. He was held down with a knee to his neck for nine minutes? I haven’t seen the full nine minutes, like his sister, I don’t think I could watch it. The minute or so I’ve seen made me hold my breath, I didn’t realise it until it was over. I’m so sorry for George Floyd, and anguished for his family. Losing a family member is heartbreaking, but for it to happen this way? I don’t know how they deal with that. I’m so very sorry. Please stay in a hug for as long as you need. And let’s hope justice is a reality for this horrific crime BY the police! RIP George Floyd.

    1. We should eliminate police departments in ALL predominately black neighborhoods, they are not welcome there, pose a threat to the citizens of those communities, they do not co-operate with the police departments in those areas and those communities I am sure are capable of taking care of themselves without any help from an organized police department. So why keep police departments or a police force, 911 options for police, medical or fire in these areas? They do not want those options and resent them being there! Let them be and let them take care of themselves! The USA would save billions a year if we did this.

  3. There’s a FULL version of this murder video on Youtube titled,
    “Minneapolis Police Officer Holds Knee to Mans Neck. Outcome is NOT
    good.” which shows all of the details and the bystanders yelling to get
    off his neck, and you see the transition from him crying out for help to
    losing consciousness. Warning: The full video with audio is incredibly
    disturbing so viewer discretion is advised. The fact that Chauvin has
    not been arrested yet for murder is an absolute outrage. Video footage
    of any non officer doing this to another civilian would be more than
    enough for a charge.

    1. I have watched the entirety of the video and i can say the officer only intention is to kneed him to death..he was already immobilised and even when he loses consciousness and despite pleas from bystanders he didn’t even raise his knee off him..

    1. john emeigh thank you for illustrating my point. The USA has lost its dignity, compassion and clearly its mind in addition to its soul.

  4. So now Trump wants us to believe that he cares about getting justice for Floyd, but where was Trump’s sense of justice for the Central Park Five?
    In June 2019, Trump said that he would not apologize for his harsh comments in 1989 about the Central Park Five, the five black and Latino teenagers who were wrongly convicted in NY.

    More than a decade after the exoneration of the five teens, Trump indicated in an interview just last year, that he still doesn’t accept their innocence. Nor does he think he owes them an apology for publicly calling for their executions.

    The teenagers were exonerated by DNA evidence and a confession from the true perpetrator in 2002, 13 years after they were vilified by prosecutors and in the press after being charged and convicted.

    On May 1, 1989, as the case was headed to trial, Trump spent $85,000 placing a full-page ad in four newspapers, calling for the young men accused of the crime to be executed.

    “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” the ad proclaimed in enormous capital letters. Below, in smaller text, Trump ranted, “I want to hate these murderers and I always will. I am not looking to psychoanalyze or understand them, I am looking to punish them.”

    The Central Park Five have since been found innocent, only after serving 7 to 13 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. But just last year, Trump stated that he still doesn’t accept their innocence. Nor does he think he owes them an apology for publicly calling for their executions.

    So now we’re supposed to believe Trump, one of the most immoral and corrupt human beings in modern history, actually cares about justice for Floyd, or anyone else for that matter.

    1. We should eliminate police departments in ALL predominately black neighborhoods, they are not welcome there, pose a threat to the citizens of those communities, they do not co-operate with the police departments in those areas and those communities I am sure are capable of taking care of themselves without any help from an organized police department. So why keep police departments or a police force, 911 options for police, medical or fire in these areas? They do not want those options and resent them being there! Let them be and let them take care of themselves! The USA would save billions a year if we did this.

  5. Only in America Criminals like Flynn who pleaded Guilty of Crimes go Scot Free and a black man got killed by Racists cops. He didn’t have a day in court for whatever Crime he did.

  6. This is a Horrific sight that I will never forget I cried today for a while i watched a man loose his life right in front of our eyes a cop that murdered him intentionally

    1. Horrific for sure and I won’t forget either. My son went online and looked up one of the cops and there were pictures of him with a hat that read”Make America white Again” . What awful deplorable humans, all the cops there are.

    2. EXACTLY.The pig cop, showed no remorse.I was also on the verge of tears, seeing a man who was being respectful and needed help.And they killed him.

    3. kay cartledge We all will live for him.They are not going to get away with this.They will be going to jail,especially the monster that had his knee on his neck.

  7. My first question would be why were you on his neck? Second question would why were you telling him to get up?

  8. Convict all those monsters!!! They lied he never resisted with the new footage time to make cops pay for their actions!!!

  9. Taking a knee, now a different meaning. Meaning MORE than ever considering the injustice in plain sight recently let alone past injustices. Something MUST change & punishments MUST be increased!

    1. Hi Sherry, taking a knee has the exact same meaning it always had. Maybe NOW through ANOTHER tragedy, people will finally get it.

    1. Most join the force because they know they can practice their white supremacy crimes without a SINGLE repercussion.

    1. A while back trump met with police, can’t remember when, and told them to use more force when apprehending “criminals” tRump has empowered all that’s evil in this country.

    2. Is it? That is a deep blue state. The people who run that police department are all hard core Democrats who hate Trump. Do you mean to imply that Trump is somehow able to go in and directly overrule how that police dept. is run? Wow.

      I’m a hard core Trump supporter, and this was clearly murder. These types of police brutality murders don’t occur very often in Republican-run cities. Why do you suppose that is? Why is it that the top 25 most dangerous cities in America are ALL Democrat super majorities??

      YOU vote in the people who run your state. The black community votes OVERWHELMINGLY democrat, and has, consistently, for many decades. Trump has been a politician for 3 years and never in his life held a position of authority whereby he could possibly have any impact on the police and how they conduct themselves. Yet, you mindless dupes can be led to believe that somehow Trump is responsible for something that has been going on since the beginning of time.

      Hillary: “we need to bring these “super predators to heel.”
      Biden: Responsible for bills that led to the mass jailing of citizens for minor crimes, and brags about it.
      Trump: Released more black people from prison than ANY President in history, and codified prison reform into law.
      You: It’s Trump’s fault.

  10. My heart goes out with George Floyd’s loved ones. This is America, the most dangerous place on earth

    1. @Carlos Stranger Imagine to be killed, the pollice office literally chocked George Floyd, rember this name, he didn’ t resist to them.
      I even come from Italy and I care about humanity, animals and enviroment

    1. my mind is telling me that there will be no justice. Sean Bell’s daughter graduated early this week. this must have ruined her day seeing what happened to her dad and now this

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