Conservative attorney George Conway explains why Trump had criminal intent and is in "more legal trouble" after the third hearing of the January 6 committee #CNN #News
George Conway: Trump Jan. 6 involvement ‘reeks’ of criminality

Conservative attorney George Conway explains why Trump had criminal intent and is in "more legal trouble" after the third hearing of the January 6 committee #CNN #News
Eastman pleaded the 5th a mere 100 times. A criminal lawyer is the topic of jokes. A criminal president is an atrocity.
Yeah He pleaded the 5th, and Giuliani drank one
Once Eastman gets himself a blonde wig and adopts an eastern European accent, he’ll make a fine cellmate for the Mango Mussolini.
@Steven C Highley Ha, Mango Mussolini…Nice one!
Late night joke fodder.
The amount of work that has gone into proving what everybody knows is almost as incredible as the willingness of those who will refuse to believe it.
@Eduardo Oliveira when people are poor and see the way he lives they want to be like him. It’s really too bad, he is a coward, never fought for his country and told everyone he would lead the march to the Capitol then hid. If everyone were like this we wouldn’t have a world to live in.
@William W for real
I was a Constitutional Law instructor at a night law school.Eastman teaches at Chapman Law School. Neither of us can claim we teach/taught at a prestigious law school. On the other hand, I seem to have more respect for the rule of law and the Constitution than Eastman. And I hope he gets the chance to become a jailhouse lawyer.
@M Igorpan20 sosmart!############
@Dave Chae I know.
George Conway calls it as it is.
That’s like saying a professional wrestler is in a real unscripted fight.
Wrong! Mr Conway is a
Brilliant Lawyer and he Knows
Law and has No Need for s
Last fight
To them, it is just a game where unlike the lower classes, they have access to the Get out of Jail card before they can be indicted..
Finally it’s here——-
Pawns are expendable. They are in front of the more important pieces on the chessboard that is politics.

here is finally 
The only way Eastman should be able to keep his freedom is if he delivers us Trump. Otherwise throw the keys out.
Inflation 8.6.
Gas $6 on average.
@jacq danieles that’s great
@Joe Moer l will remain
” Obsessed ” with Trump for so long as he remains a clear and present danger .
Good points Mr. CONWAY THANK YOU
1 Conscientious Thinker Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Finally it’s here——-

here is finally 
It is great to hear the word ‘conspiracy’ on mainstream broadcasts. As it appears so much in the law.
Finally it’s here——
1 ElephantEars Press Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Mohamed Trevino Evanitor decredenza alimonee tadilios mana queva allegro cantelever eldosio.
I am following the comments of George Conway since, at least two years, and he keeps impressing me, with his clear, analytical, intellectual and common sense of mind. Very rare. And, almost forgot to mention, his fearlessness.
@Sandi Every time I see things like that I report it (whatever that is worth). But I try to never reward it by clicking on it. These days, who knows what that gets you?
@Grayareas27 I did report it. I know I shouldn’t have clicked it. I usually don’t but I knew it was a YouTube video. And I think it’s at least the third time that someone has posted this after a comment of mine to click to that same video. There’s something weird about the fact that different people are doing this and it’s the exact same message.
@Dee Pattison Come midterms you will eat those words
and he’s a republican.
@Amy Walker Actually, according to Wikipedia, he left the Republicans and apparently he is independent since 2018.
“ignorantia legis neminem excusat”. As better yet a Thomas Jefferson quote: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any country. If it were, the laws would lose their effect, because it can always be pretended.” That is how the American legal system works for everyone and we shall see if this time applies the rich and powerful for a change.
@Evan Giles Latin version, yes. Founding father version, no. Like it or not “that ignorance” as you say is the law of the land as the American Republic was modeled in part on the Roman Republic. I deplore the concept and practice that intentionally makes laws cryptic and keeps the public uninformed, but those are the rules which we see applied to the general public. This test of validity is to see that this rule is applied in the same way to those in a position of power.
@Stacey Cramer Let’s go Trumpo! Lol
George Conway is really one of the most insightful and trusted people in speaking to these situations.
@Deborah Freedman Christ Jesus is the best example of a Conservative that I can think of.
@S D nice propaganda bro
“Reeks of Criminality”
The new GQP campaign slogan.
@Marthell Hol up! You don’t know Beau?
Sleeping with the enemy star George explains things well in this case. I have NEVER understood how a man who SEEMS so reasonable could be married to a pit viper like his wife. Is this some sort of family rehab he’s attempting. While all this crap was going on his wife was knee deep in it. What did he know and when?
Please do not insult pitvipers, those poor animals did nothing wrong..
@Stacey Cramer Keep making excuses. How many networks it’s on makes absolutely no difference and you know it. People can change the channel, you know. Their TV isn’t locked onto one network all the time.
Perhaps he’s one of those who doesn’t believe in divorce.
The pardon list
finally, some more truths are coming out. The pardon list is a key statement because that implies that there has been a list already made 
Last fight
Simple just run the tape where MS. JARED exposes Eastman being on the list of pardons.
Last fight
Last fight
I want to see the names on the Pardon List! Each name must be thoroughly investigated.
I’m sure the j6 com already has it—just giving it to us in doses.
Last fight
I love how Bannon got a pardon and then continued on to do even more dodgy things.
@Amy Walker Psychopaths don’t learn lessons.
@Verruca how can trump eat a digital email?
Eastman is truly despicable. He has had every opportunity in life and he has thumbed his nose at the American people. He shouldn’t be allowed to escape appropriate punishment.
Always good to hear what George has to say…unlike his wife who was on Bill Maher last week. She is so reprehensible.
Last fight
The mind boggling part is they are still husband and wife
Can’t believe George is married to Kelly Ann, especially how different their views of the truth!
Pence had known he had no authority under the Constitution, either, after talking to Dan Quale.
1 Gerald Stephens Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Among others. He spoke to a lot of people, some politicians, some lawyers, and realized the consensus was *he could not legally do what Trump wanted* .
No, he really did not have the authority to do this.
If I get caught for running a stop sign or forgetting to use my blinker, I want the government to wait years before maybe just maybe issuing me a ticket, and only after there’s a zillion dollar investigation into it. Right?
1 Share The Footage Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It should be pointed out that while asserting 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination in a criminal case cannot be used against the person making the assertion, the Jan. 6th hearings are civil proceedings. Pleading the 5th in those circumstances can be used to draw negative inferences. In fact, it could be argued that pleading the 5th is an admission of guilt because to invoke it under oath when it does not apply could be perjury.
It’s such a shame Eastman couldn’t afford to buy a pardon