Conservative attorney George Conway says the Department of Justice filing that contains new information about the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago has former President Donald Trump "dead to rights."#CNN #News
George Conway says DOJ filing has Trump ‘dead to rights’

Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done
@Jim Mason
rofl… How’s that tin foil hat working out for you.
It’s satirically and poetically ironic that “lock her up” is coming back to haunt Mango Mussolini & the MAGA cult.
If this is just a filing responding to the suspect’s demand for a special master, I can’t wait to see the indictment.
@Criminal Lawyer
wow.. Alex Jones going full BlueAnon here!
@FREEDOM 1st on Friday, jfk jr is coming back to support trump and drain the swamp once and for all….
@That Mental Dude YAWNNNNN yeah yeah we know. Part 140 huh? Every week you clowns say the same thing. But it never happens. Never will.
Trump’s greatest strength is in his ability to recruit people whose ambitions far exceed their skill set, and who are willing to fry for him.
Spot on.
Or those who eventually turn on him because their self-preservation outweighs their loyalty to Mango Mussolini.
@Keoki Ciervo exactly
One can only imagine what he’d planned to do with them.
Let’s talk about what he did do with them. How many assets were compromised or killed?
Only God knows and Trump, he going to use them to make money for himself and family
Sell them
The danger this placed our CIA covert operatives in is disturbing. Also, why was Trump keeping so many documents on French President Macron?
@B Holmes
Trump got jealous bc melanoma had eyes for macron
@Elizabeth Stanley Elisabeth my knowledge and memory perhaps extends back further than yours. During the second world war the US used their industrial might to support the UK with ships (liberty ships) which were welded instead of riveted and could be built really quickly. They also provided food. In the early 50s I was force fed cod liver oil and halibit? Orange juice. This was not aid but provided ander a system called lease lend and had to be repayed in various ways. US insisted on receiving the drawings to Turings computer. In the 80s I visited a family friend in Scotland. He leased part of a WWII airfield where he stored barley in the hangers. The rest of the airfield was a US early warning station staffed by US military personnel and was totally under the control of the US government the UK government had no authority. This was provided to US as repayment for lease lend. The US also placed their nuclear weapons throughout Europe. The principal reason was to Enable the US to strike back at the Soviet Union before any missiles landed in the US. But this made those countries a primary target for any Soviet strike. All those basis were staffed by US personel. Undoubtedly those countries felt some measure of security from those bases but the primary benifit accrued to the US. And were acquired on the request of the US. The basic point I was originally making was that any disagreements should have been handled behind closed doors. One does not air ones dirty laundry in public
@J handle Trump’s wife was infatuated with Macron.
@Pilletta Doinswartsh not only that Macron kissed her, also the look of pleasure on Melania’s face when he did it.
Trump: “Only guilty people plead the 5th, and so I pled the 5th.”
I’m not a Hillary fan BUT. . . All those hours and all those days she sat and answered questions she never once took the fifth!
@CB that’s literally what the democrats are doing. What is it Opposite Day???
When I was a kid I would sometimes read those “Choose your own Adventure” books and make the worst possible decisions every time on purpose just to see what happened.
Trump is doing the same thing although it’s real life.
I want those books! What a great party game!!
chuckles . . . but so true, sadly . . .

Too bad he can’t die just like those choose your own adventure books. Choose badly, wind up swallowed by quicksand (that’s all I remember from those books, always the quicksand…)
That’s the beauty of it.
He set the trap himself and did a somersault right into the center of it.
Wait! Is it possible that mister trump showed some of these national security documents to guests (with no security clearances) at his clubs who realized that they should call the FBI first before the FBI comes calling for them.
Just in the minds of the msdnc viewer babes x
@Lavon Young No , it’s Sure He Did !
Great Point. Those that didn’t call are from other countries likely.
Welcome to the party David.
He’s only trying to find out who the snitches are by letting his judge see the unredacted affidavit….it’s pretty obvious at this point
@nogoodwolf Don’t forget Secret Service agents.
@Not Entirely Apathetic Was Clinton ever photographed with his teenage daughter sitting on his lap and his hands around her backside? Did Clinton ever say he would date his own daughter?
@Mike Grand YIKES. I didn’t even think about the Secret Service Agents. Could very well be.
@Not Entirely Apathetic The traitor doesn’t deserve any special treatment
It’s ironic that people keep calling it the “Failing” Truth social media. In this case, it actually _is_ failing.
@Paul Joyner rationalize it how you want. Did no dems vote for us going in? So because Bush went in we have to leave Americans behind? That makes it ok to leave billions in resources? Make us look weak and inept? Are you serious?
@Hugh Janus I’m not the one rationing. Trump had accomplishments during his administration and I give credit where due, but they are very few and far between. Good luck.
Why is he asking for the documents that he claimed the FBI planted at Mar-a-Lago to be returned to him?
Good point!
He’s fucking insane
@Iris Hewlett
he’s asking for “planted” documents to be returned
He can’t seem to pick a LIE. Were they planted or declassified? 
@Dee Baskin
Trumps trying to cover all bases
Put him in jail for the rest of his life, along with anyone else who chooses to rise up in violence against their own country and government.
@BRANDON How is Moscow, russian propagandist?
Why’s didn’t Trump “just comply” like he expects US citizens to do? Why hasn’t he said why he took or why he needs the government’s classified documents?
@Ryan Landry Some.
He thinks he doesn’t have too.
So a cleaning lady or building engineer could enter his office to do their work and take pics of classified records, operatives names, etc because the previous leader of the free world took classified information and left it in a desk drawer at his hotel/office? If you wrote this for a book, they’d tell you it’s too outlandish to be believed.
@Mohamed TrevinoYour comments are antiquated
We apparently have had a string of “bad luck” with losing operatives the last few years…
You can bs your way through state crimes with the right lawyer.
However, the feds have a high conviction rate for a reason. He’s about to learn the hard way it seems
You can BS your way to the presidency.
@JR Porter He doesn’t need step ladders or stage planks.. the dude is worth 40 mill. Do you really think he gives a turd what you think?
Citrus Caligula loves the colour orange. A prison jumpsuit would look good on him. He can be the President of the Incarcerated Caucus.
The dangers of someone who believed they were above the law.
. . . And we have to continue voting –
– all the way. 
@Emma Willard Merrick Garland is just making sure his case is unable to have holes poked in it. He is a very educated person on what he does and he does it well from everything I’ve seen and heard about him.
Edit: added the word “person”
Omg!! Lock him up!! Who knows what other CLASSIFIED documents he had, has sold or shown to other people?! He had NUMEROUS chances to turn these documents over and refuse too. ANYONE else would be in prison already!! He needs to be held accountable!! This is CRIMINAL!!
Way to make your comment sound like a 13 yr old girl wrote it.
DW how right you are!
@JR Porter Maga tears!
The Biggly question: What was Trump going to DO with these secrets?
The even MORE Biggly question: What has Trump ALREADY done with these secrets?
1 Tycondaroga100 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer