CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks with conservative lawyer George Conway about the performance of former President Trump's lawyers during the first day of his second impeachment trial in the Senate.
#CNN #News
George Conway on Trump’s lawyers: This is the best he can do?

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” – George Carlin
@Smoking Crab Trump already has a note from a doctor to get out of the Senate trial:
Voice Spurs
@Ann van de Kew u a bfer
@Truth&Dogs Chell , You a junglebunny?
Time for an obligatory *”Facts of the Left”* post:
_1. The Left Can’t Meme_
_2. The Left Always Projects_
_3. The Left’s Only Standards are Double Standards_
_Pass it on!_
Read: ” Unfit for Office[Trump]” by George Conway Oct 3, 2019 Atlantic
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”
– Mark Twain
Trump told people to riot at the Capitol by saying they should protest! Earth is flat! Professional wrestling is real!
@peoplebeforeprofit Is Putin in the room with you now? lmao. You’re as insane as Q anon with a less interesting less believable story. LOL
Especially Trump supporters. They donated 250 million dollars to a Liar.
“Vote for these two senators and you’ll get a $2k check IMMEDIATELY”…but not really
@peoplebeforeprofit What does he have?
Do you honestly believe the WH is scared of another capital insurrection, justifying troops and barriers around DC?
Writing on the border wall is the only place Trump’s allowed to post.
He should have called Michael Cohen. The previous five ran away from him.
Nah, Cohen wants nothing to do with him. Remember, Cohen was one of only TWO people to speak out against Trump following the Mueller investigation, which arrested numerous officials involved in the 2016 campaign, but only two of them actually admitted the truth of their crimes, and Cohen was one of them. It’s why Trump didn’t pardon him during his December Pardoning Spree when he pardoned all of the other scumbags who worked for him, like Roger Stone.
@BioGoji 1989
Not to mention the fact that Michael Cohen is currently under house arrest…
Castor would likely have made more sense if he was talking in his sleep, or while inebriated, or stoned on drugs.
like you?
Apparently not…
I got a yellow legal pad from the dollar store and have been practicing drinking water from a bottle, I’m on deck!
Use the “George Costanza” (Jason Alexander) defence:
It’s not lieing if you believe it!
A classic quote!!
Learn English.
The is the Democrat motto and number one rule for life.
Well the demmys are using a wannabe judge!!!
Trump knows that he won’t be facing conviction so who cares what his lawyers do?
Would you waste your time with a fake trial???
“Meandering drunk wedding speech” nice, Anderson.
Castor scratched his blue folder of prepared typed opening and wrote on the yellow pad on the fly because of the opening of the house. He admitted it . Raskin killed everything Caster was going to say.
They could have put a clown with a dog jumping through a hoop as part Trump’s defense team and the Senate would still have voted the same way.
“I surround myself with the best people “ “I know how to make deals”. NOT… no one wants to work for this guy.
Always thought that statement was like a rapist saying all the ladies love him or a pedophile saying they’re good with children.

“Ill-preparation”. This is the same sentiment Trump’s older sister conveyed to describe Trump’s presidency during the secretly taped call with his niece.
Yet cant get a real judge to preside over a sham trial!!!
Trump should come to defend himself!
to see him out there watching news
Get a real judge first!!!
It absolutely boggles my mind that I have not heard the phrase “peacefully and patriotically” mentioned once today.
It seems like this is all a game, almost like Trump doesn’t even want to defend himself… it’s ridiculous
This time it wasn’t “somber”
I don’t get it?
What about the second dummy lawyer who had to literally hold his head while trying to drink water??? WTF
He is Jewish. Usually he has his hat on so when he drinks he holds it so it doesn’t fall off. Most of the hats have a clip to attach to hair so it doesn’t fall off but he’s obviously balding so
He was giving blessings for the water. He is a Observant Jew.
People in cults drink water weird
@Philip J anti-semitism.
@Daniel C you can be anti religion without being anti Jew
The caliber of Trump’s lawyers is totally irrelevant. The “jury” made its decisions 4 yrs ago.
This is a JOKE only a JOKE we will return to NORMAL NEVER!
44 Repugnant “Senators” want Trump to be our Nation’s Dictator-in-Chief and then re-write the Constitution in his image.
Such a waste of time since Republicans will never change, it’s time for Biden and the Democrats to get rid of the electoral college for good!!! Do that and fill the Supreme Court ASAP