George Conway on Trump’s defense: What are they afraid of?

In part one of his interview, George Conway told CNN's Jake Tapper he was impressed with the House managers' performance on the first day of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, and said he was "distressed" by the behavior of Trump's counsel. #CNN #News


    1. You wont even get what Epstein got because you’re a nobody, be thankful.

    2. That would make most judges laugh aloud! When he/she stopped laughing and wiping the tears from his/her face, you could explain it’s because you don’t want the State to have any documents with which to impeach your testimony (that means show you are a liar), you don’t want the State to call any witnesses against you, you want a bunch of silk stocking lawyers willing to lie for you for their going rate of $1,000+ per hour (Sekulow was in my law school class, and I recommend you skip him), and you want 100 jurors whose votes you will know in advance. Love it! asterix 64, you are HILARIOUS!

  1. Completely amazing that this attorney stood up there in front of the whole senate and just flat out lied. Though I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised any longer.

  2. George Conway esq. Absolutely!You’re spot on, on the lay out of this whole bit. Salute..🇺🇸🤝🙏💜

  3. 3:44 — Trump’s LEAD lawyer stated a TOTAL lie!!!! THIS is how far things have SUNK?!? THIS is a “drained swamp”?!?!!

  4. Thank you George Conway for your honesty. I totally agree with you.

    P.S. Sorry for what’s her name🤔I forget. Anyhow, you deserve better.

  5. “Logical” isn’t part of the GOP defense (and sad to say I am a conservative). That being said, nothing about this impeachment is about genuine politics. It’s about behavior and conduct in the office. Most people can’t separate the two

    1. Millionaire George Conway always had an inferiority complex to the more successful & powerful & charismatic President DONALD Trump ! he despises that his Intellect wife is on the Winning team . #WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation, see the Manipulation and Control of the Leftists >>> join the largest U S political Movement ever , #WALKAWAY 👍🇺🇸 K A G

    2. *Donald’s LEGAL Team?!* 😏
      🤔 IF Donald had purchased The Buffalo Bills… 👀
      *Close call Buffalo, you guys would have been relegated to the XFL.* #JustSayin’ 🙄🤭 🤣

      Donald could hire ONLY Rudy Giuliani as HIS LEGAL TEAM, & win this trial.
      *The Fix Is In.* #CULT45GOP 🇷🇺

      *THIS is Fucked Up.* 💔🇺🇸💔

    3. @Lorraine O’Donnell so trur Lorraine, the phony ” news ” at CNN / MSNBC will lead their low information viewers off tge proverbial Cliff again as PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP is ReElected by unManipulated Americans in November 🇺🇸👍 K A G !

  6. 7:58 George gets that choked up quiver in his voice when he says “and put his interests over those of the country?” he’s really disturbed by the travesty of justice that is going on in the system he so reveres.

    1. @CdeHavillandMosquito Well at least you are being honest. Most on the left continue to pretend they love America.

    2. @Chez Helene George should run on my hamster wheel. Because he is the spitting image of my hamster personified.

  7. I have respect for Conway he’s consistently stayed on his principles from my knowledge of him. When he’s the voice of reason though, we’re not in a great place.

    1. True. I may not agree with his politics but at least he seems to have been consistent with his principles, even if his wife hasn’t been.

  8. There’s only one thing about everything Conway has said about the administration that I disagree with. He called the White House a “shitshow in a dumpster fire”, but it’s much more a “dumpster fire in a shitshow”

    1. I can’t help but hope she’s the source of all the leaks lol but still… yeah… either way, she’s a fucking twat waffle.

  9. George is a good attorney, I would hire him anytime, his wife, in the other hand, I would not even hire to make me a cookie

    1. I would, depending upon what I needed or had gotten myself into. She’s good at what she does. The idea in a legal suit is to win, not arrive at the truth.

    2. Steveo r Why are Republicans lying, obfuscating pieces of dung, who defend a lying, cheating, corrupt, money laundering, morally bankrupt, racist, reptile of a president?

    1. That is true. He has even been captured in video being guilty of pressuring the Ukraine or they would not get the money…..You can even watch the video of Joe Biden doing it….he is guilty as they come…..
      Or were you talking about someone else?

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