Gas tax holiday: How much could Americans really save? | JUST THE FAQS

President Biden asked Congress to suspend the federal gas tax to ease prices at the pump. Here's what critics have to say about the proposed policy.
RELATED: Biden's 'gas tax holiday' looks to suspend gas tax

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Gas tax holiday: How much could Americans really save? | JUST THE FAQS


    1. trading with him, The profit are secured and over a 100% return on crypto, I am now ready to venture into forex.

  1. After tripling our gas prices and creating double digit inflation, you know where you can put your measly 18 cents Jomentia.

    1. All right my 4th of July celebration is saved by Biden & Democrats. I’m going to use that $0.18 to pay my taxes towards my $1.50 hot dog combo Costco deal.

  2. How much money will I save every time I fill my tank due to hitlers gas tax holiday? $2
    Let’s go Brandon!

  3. The only way to save America from high gas taxes is to reopen all the oil pipelines in America. Redo the Trump policies

  4. Not much just reverse the executive orders that you signed on the first day and gently move back to the basement where you belong and let the market forces fix itself.

  5. Imagine how many people will die because they can no longer afford necessary good such as meds, food, gas , tools .

  6. That would save me less than $15. The scumbags can keep it at this point. We need a new government not a gas tax holiday.

  7. About $4.00 a month for me…Thanks a lot Brandon, now whatcha gonna do about groceries that are double the price from a year ago??what a bonehead… living the dementia dream….

  8. I already save more than that on gas. Parked the vehicles and staying home or riding a bicycle and mow the grass half as much. I save 100 percent on every gallon I don’t buy.

  9. My friend just paid $1.07 a gallon for gas yesterday. He believes it was a mistake like the 69 cents guy. He just kept quiet after taking the photo and leaving when done. He hasn’t checked back yet nor has anyone he knows.

  10. Exxon/Mobil first quarter profits 2021 $2.7 billion 2022 $5.5 billion… inflation, we are paying for greed like never before!

    1. That is the truth that the public ignores yet loves to go crazy about gas prices. Overall willfully ignorant to reality. Great examples in the comment sections

  11. Around 17 bucks and it will spike inflation driving more demand for less supply so it’ll hurt more then help.

  12. “We’re arguing over a gimmick that would save you half a tank of gas over the course of the entire summer so that everyone in Washington can pat themselves on the back and say they did something. ” – President Obama in 2008 on suspending a gas tax

  13. All right my 4th of July celebration is saved by Biden & Democrats. I’m going to use that $0.18 to pay my taxes towards my $1.50 hot dog combo Costco deal.

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