It took about 5 hours to bring the fire under control and no injuries were reported.
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Mexico’s state-owned oil company said a fire caused by a rupture in an undersea gas pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico is over, but videos showing efforts to put out what appears to be an underwater caldron of fire live on.
The "fire in the sea" was put out at 10:45 a.m. following a gas leak about 500 feet from a drilling platform, Pemex tweeted. No injuries were reported and the company said it took about 5 hours to bring the incident under control.
The company said it used boats to pump water over the underwater blaze, although nitrogen was also used to control the fire, Reuters reports, citing a Pemex incident report.
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#GulfofMexico #pipelinefire #pipelines
I like how they are spraying water on the fire in the water.

My thoughts exactly. I was like do they even realize how pathetic this looks?
Its not water
Wouldn’t you just cause? I would. Haha be like. Hey I’m getting paid for this.
It’s not water buddy its nitrogen

@Aqua Boss possibly keeping the area cool. prevent the fire from getting bigger and superhot water from damaging the oil rig. I mean I don’t know, just a theory. some people are claiming it’s nitrogen, the reporter said it was water.
It’s all fun and games until the tentacles emerge.
@King of Gotham

then the video starts playing “ring of fire ” by Johnny Cash!!!! lol
Or anakins limbs go flying into the air
The rapey kind of tentacles?
This is what it looks like when SpongeBob’s house catches fire.
And people ridiculed SpongeBob for roasting marshmallows under water. Said it couldn’t be done.
Technically, it was Squidward’s house. But Bob and Patrick were definitely involved.
@Roboprogs imagine calling spongebob just…bob…
Another cancer on the host brought about by humanity.
“God made the mountains, God made the sky, God made the people, God only knows why….He fixed up the planet as best as He could, then along came the people and fucked it up good!!!” – Lee Marvin – “Paint Your Wagon”
god put that oil down there too
Now tell me why aren’t we demanding action against these politicians dark money lenders?
Yes, Calvin, I’m with you. Then I realized I have no idea where or how to start. What do we, the people do as a step in furtherance toward some kind of resolution?
@Melissa Streeter yeah this is a tough cookie. For they had over 80+ years to perfect their grip on this country. But actions must be taken. Cause this mess is ridiculous
Oooo oooo Biden first
Underwater pipelines are laying in a CONSTANT cause/accelerant of decay and corrosion on the seabed surrounded by salt water. Those things are on borrowed time when they’re laid.
So is everything ever made. Even the pyramids will be gone one day
Pretty sure it’s an underwater vent….. How it ignited, I don’t know
@Commie Hunter I think it was sabotage
Hey guys, you know they say we are causing the ocean level to rise. How bout we evaporate it off?
Good one!
You win !
Probably Bill Gates’ idea too.
Person: how much coral reef u wana destroy?
Oil company: ABSOLUTLEY.
I want to see what it looks like beneath the surface.
Me too… at a distance
My Dad used to say that Mom was “such a bad cook, she could burn water.”
Until I saw this, I just thought that was a figure of speech.
I’m just wondering how she got all the way out there
Noooooo lmao
Careful the Fed’s might arrest your mom.
You actually can through hydrolysis
Add that to the “I’ve seen it all” file…
And you haven’t seen anything yet, The best is yet to come.
Let’s just admit it, at this point in human history it’s a whole fricking library

State farm already seen it
That must be a scary thing to witness, it looks like the gates of hell trying to open
can’t imagine the fire of hell.. it’s probably 10000x times worse
And all the ocean life is going ‘There is a hell!’
And those surface creatures are to blame!
The oil company executives will face no criminal, or civil consequences for this.
@Anthony Garrett pipeline pressure plus sea depth pressure, plus HEAT RISES. You can see the sea is OBVIOUSLY boiling around the epicenter of the fire, which is releasing oxygen from water molecules and helping to feeding the fire.
Didn’t think I needed to mention this is basically a massive grease fire on the surface of the ocean, and grease fires don’t care how wet a surface is, they still burn.
It may be time for some folks to go back to school, I learned all these things in like the 3rd grade.
Seriously. I’m disgusted this is still a thing in 2021.
@Joshua u really didn’t have to
@Dave S get a Tesla
@86crud maybe its the ufos
Ok, now I am an atheist, but even I gotta say that when the f*cking ocean is on fire, we should probably start to question if maybe someone is trying to tell us to mend our ways.
Amen my brother.
We are always punished for our sins
Since we’re able to set everything else on fire, let’s try the ocean.
“No injuries reported…” That’s because aquatic life can’t fill out TPS reports. Pretty sure there were injuries.
We are putting cover sheets on TPS reports now. Did you get the memo we sent out? I will send you a reminder email just to make sure you are aware of the change.
2021 is shaping up to be the “hold my beer” year.