Gang leader’s foiled prison break goes viral

A Brazilian gang leader was caught by prison guards in Rio de Janeiro as he tried to escape during visiting hours. His plan was to walk out the front door dressed as his daughter. CNN's Jeanne Moos has the details.
#CNN #News


  1. The end of a Scooby Doo episode….. “And I would’ve gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you pesky kids” 🤪🤣

    1. So many likes and it’s not even the right line smh and you don’t even say the best part that references the character the show is named after???

    2. @Lotus Auer Dear goodness. You obviously got the reference. Do you really have nothing better to worry about?

    1. Matthew Mayhem why’s everyone upset about the whole men’s prison thing? Like as soon as the guards see her they’ll let her out and transfer her to women’s or whatever. They aren’t just gonna have her be in general population you idiots.

    1. Yah right he was praying to his God but his God said not today not today you got to admit that was a pretty good try….

    1. Fat Cat : He looks more like an autistic alien, what a jackass he is, and I’ll bet the guards will tell his inmates what he has done.

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    1. @Courage Karnga well no obviously not. The kray twins pulled the same trick in england in the 60s and what they do is go to the bathroom and keep out of the way for as long as possible then they go back through and say his twin or in this case her father had threatened her into it and her life was in danger if she never went along with it. She will have been as involved as ‘the pregnant lady’ with bringing the stuff in

    1. @Jason Kingery Its White Knights like you that propagate these feminst bullshit. Jason, have you been molesting your Mom? How about Your Daughter? Your Dog? You are a sick twisted inbred – layoff porn

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