Gaetz’s New Defense In Sex Crime Probe: I’m Like Trump | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Rep. Matt Gaetz is battling allegations of sex trafficking and sex with a minor, denying the allegations and fighting back in the media. Gaetz now defending himself by asserting he’s just like Trump. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber and director of Defending Democracy Together Bill Kristol discuss the investigation. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).

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  1. Comparing yourself to the guy with 25 $exual assault and harassment claims as well as telling people he can do what we he wants to women and “grab em by the p” doesn’t paint a good image of yourself 😂

    1. He’ll be real popular in prison with his pompadour hair style. He’ll be someone’s “wife”.

    1. If he knew what he looks like to me on TV… he would spontaneously combust knowing the world is better off with out him.

  2. A judge gave a warrant for his cell phone so there is some evidence they expect to find,, at least a judge thinks there is..

  3. Where are the indictments for these clowns they need there day in court so we can see justice served.

    1. I had a dream 2 days ago that there were several indictments handed down, one right after another ……for not just Gaetz!

    2. I stopped waiting for these fascist criminals’ day in court just like I stopped waiting for the stimulus checks. The fact that these criminals are still in office with no end to their crimes is enough to let me know there’s no end.

    1. @Melissa H When Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon go in front of a federal judge and explain they’re not really journalists, their entertainers with opinions not based on fact, you’re not watching the news! They’re on record for stating they don’t have to tell the truth in front of the camera, and they say what they thinks will drive up ratings. It’s as fake as a Kardashian.

    2. @RationalMindRiot The majority of people raving about indoctrination are the ones stuck in lunatic conspiracy theories. Which are you, conspiracy nutjob or just flirting with lunacy

    3. @Chris “actual news organizations” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You clowns are something. To stupid to realize all corporate news networks are crap.

    4. @Melissa H I’m with you there! It’s used everytime the right disagrees with something, but can’t explain why. Overused to say the least.

  4. Gaetz’s Florida defense – _”It wasn’t as good as you might imagine your honor, she was almost 18.”_

  5. He has alot of fight left? Better save that fight for Bubba and Tiny when u reside at the Gray Bar Hotel Boss!!!!

    1. bragging and showing pictures luring Senators into pedophile blackmail schemes sound paranoid? No rational thinking deductive reasoning… you can’t make this up…

  6. The only thing that would make the PizzaGaetz arrest better is Chris Hansen leading it.

    1. I know right? who in their right mind would wish people to consider them anything remotely like trump?

  7. How is it he has never gotten into trouble for showing nude pictures of his dates on house floor? Any other place of employment would have fired him

    1. Cos it was just locker room banter!!
      Yeah. Not a peep out of who’s come forward now…
      Integrity…. running through their veins…
      I’m worried……
      Have been since Biden refused to put his foot down and demand acknowledging his presidency, or out.
      How can he have 2 governments? It’s as if he’s running the country from a little table beside the republicans in the oval office.
      We’re looking at you, and we know it’s coming here next, already started, but, Jesus……
      in the water.

  8. Gaetz puts on that creepy grin and that weird Dragon Ball Z hair, he just keeps looking more and more like “Uncle Pervy”. I mean I’ve always found him to be smarmy AF, but this is downright creepy.

    1. I don’t think you’ve ever watched Dragon Ball. The Beavis and Butthead comparisons are a million times more accurate.

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