Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.,downplayed allegations of sex-trafficking while speaking to Ohio GOP activists. Gaetz denied all wrongdoing and compared allegations to earmarks in Congress.
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#Gaetz #GOP #Florida
Matt’s starting to realize his ‘minor’ crime has major repercussions…
Open the Prison Gaetz!
Wonder if Gaetz is gonna use the insanity plea.
New headline:
” Gaetz goes to teh Gym pondering the insanity plea.”
Andy Welsh stop believing fake news! Everyone will think you are low IQ
Guy North I watch truth and art tv mainly! We are the news now Q
@Hayle Seyton AND that’s NOT all
@Bionic Goon ONLY Rudy in his mind
He is going to say they were stolen like his hair dye
Gym Jordan would have been lil’ Matt’s wingman if little boys were on the trafficking menu.
@Jen Vicinity exactly
@CHANNEL Q Some people say Gaetz and MTG are dating.
oh thats good very very good , hes managed to get away scot free need a in depth investigation into that accusation 235 responses looks like im not the only one who doent like the existing situation regarding jordan
@S McDonald pass the kook ade to Q at star trek TIME
@S McDonald it was just a local high school dance
Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, but I never imagined he was talking about his own Administration and Associates! Lock him up lock him up
Gaetz defense is going to devolve to ” I’m too rich and pretty for prison”….
@Jen Vicinity Beavis and Butthead in one… Perfection
Hope the sisters in prison think so too. Now that will be karma.
@Rhonda Goss I’m with you Rhonda. He makes my skin crawl.
his defense is that if he goes to prison, lots of teenage girls won’t get to go to college
@Bald Eagle you have won the internet

When Kevin McCarthy was asked why Matt Gaetz was the only Rep to vote against the human trafficking bill , Kevin McCarthy said I don’t know why anyone would vote against that ! Hey Kevin — we know why !
I didn’t give her any money I swear. No money ever changed hands.
All I did is pay her tuition and traffic tickets, got her a first class ticket to stay at a 5 star resort with me, and bought her a Van Cleef and Arpels necklace to go with that Hermes handbag I got her last year.
@S McDonald – I gave up materialism 7 years ago and live an incredibly simple life – Van Cleef and Arpels creations are the ONLY things that still filled me with desire…
Specifically their watches and their Automations…
@TheBase1aransas lol what were in the d drive files? Did you look at were the name of the files above and below it
@TheBase1aransas and the other states have found no voter fraud including Arizona.
@TheBase1aransas @2 Thessalonians 2:7 @Danielle Hartnell lol here’s what jack seller said “I believe the 2020 elections were run with integrity. Maricopa County conducted two extensive and independent audits of the 2020 General Election in February. They showed no evidence of equipment malfunction or foul play.” @2 Thessalonians 2:7 there have been multiple recounts and audits in other states like in Georgia and Michigan, but hey keep crying. @2 Thessalonians 2:7 “election fraud”? Rudy said in COURT it’s NOT about voter fraud and powell said that nobody in their right mind would have taken her seriously so…..
Haha, “naughty favors” consists of Two criminal acts.. He might as well call “murder” an “whoopsie boo boo”
@D.A. Oh He tends to also imply that “they’re not coming after ME. They’re coming after US!” Gaetz did the same thing.
Just waiting to see if we can scrounge up an “oopsie-Daisy”(embezzlement scheme) or a “sheesh-Louise” (tax evasion).
@D.A. Oh ha…spot on!
@Jessica Castle you sound like a refined tRump
I didn’t know minors who took money from fsetx are giving naughty favors. He’s like trp and his cronies of criminals.
I’m being falsely accused !! They got RECORDS of your wrongdoing !!!!

In the Trump party – records, facts, evidence, etc. – is all fake news.
he put “tuition” in that girl’s venmo payment lol
@SB ESPN yes, trump knows that as long as he lies, he stays out of prison.
Yeah, like so

Those records are false. Lol
It’s time for him to face the music .
It’s time for to grow something that he never had… a set.
He ain’t gonna need em where he’s going. They’ll be plenty of balls. “Meat sandwich from Big Bob!?”
@Nancy Spicoli
Matt Gaetz & Trump are PAYboys not Playboys.
Gaetz is like Carlo in the
movie the Godfather…
“Time to pay for Santino”
Enjoy your last hours of freedom MO FO
@Alaina Buchholtz If I didn’t learn anything else from Uncle Sam… I learned to have a thick hide.
Gaetz will blame Venmo for his crimes. He’ll say he heard that it was used for minor purchases.
Best joke here.
@Rich Sackett – I stole it from Ann van de Kew. I admit it.
Ohh… I was just thinking that matt could do promotions for Venmo and earn some money for the prison commissary…
I heard he’s trying to take a plea deal to do his time in juvi
Can’t spell HATRED without RED HAT
The Red Hat ~ Hat Red = HatRed
Was coined by Cash Peters when explaining the constant use of objects, images, slogans and subliminal messages used as brainwashing methods. Much like the N @zi propaganda promoted through books, radio, airborne leaflets and pushing the term “Lying Press” _(fake news)_

@DND SoundEFX Sincere condolences.
@Xcris crosX cointelpro MSM
ha….. good one.
Yes Matt’s starting to realize his minor crime has major repercussions.
Honestly, I think he might actually believe he’s smarter than and can outwit the FBI. Lol
@B Bodziak He thinks he can Word Smith his way out of the charges..
Glad you enjoyed my comment…
If Matt Gaetz is not in an orange jumpsuit by the end of the year, the justice system is DEAD.
Lol… good one
Matt be like: “I’m being FALSELY ACCUSED of PAYING the minors i was clearly sleeping with.”
@Roy Mercer ad hominems are justcsoooo impressive! WOWOW
It’s not even funny, that that’s actually plausible.
yes he didn’t pay, that one tax guy did.
@Roy Mercer You know what’s more funny: That this jerk is still walking around without being questioned by the justice department yet. In any other Westren country, the feds would have already been knocking at his door and interrogating him, especially after such accussations. He, Gaetz, is just showing the world how retarted your justice system is.
Agree 100%
Of course it’s true because I can’t imagine any woman sleeping with him for free.
@mike sandmire it was a 17 yr old

Well… True!! But IDK man!! There are some stone cold freaks out here that will do some strange things though.

and won’t charge you a penny!! Not me but man I’ve met a lot of women who are just freaks that like to just get off.
@Happy its just their real identity in clear view, nothing new!
Any grown man who says ” naughty ” is a major creep.
Yeh, I thought it was an “interesting” choice of words…
@omar spoken like a true orange cultist
Swinging Gatez
Eddie Munster’s ugly evil twin
He’s actually being falsely accused of having a real brain instead of a mushy little cauliflower within his skull.

No offense is meant towards cauliflowers because I like cauliflower 

“Look out Mr. Potatohead. They’re coming for you”
maybe not him, but i would hide the tater tots!!
Gaetz at his next rally with Marjorie will notice what he thinks is enhanced security
but it will actually be agents there to read him his rights. 
the dumb and dumber tour.
Yeah– and the theme song from the TV show “Cops” playing in the background.
wouldnt that be wonderful!
@Cynthia Brent With Chris Hansen opening a car door, telling Matt to “have a seat.” That would be epic.
Nothing like being accused by the person you committing these crimes with Matt.
“Naughty favors?” Omg I’ve never wanted him to rupture a testicle more than now.
Remember that guy who had his balls burst by a rubber bullet?
Give Gaetz *that*
Matt and Marjorie make me think of testicles, a pair of nuts!
He is the human personification of a ruptured testicle
@Piccalilli Pit Ouch!!! My friends are not ready to rupture!!!!!!!
“My Venmo account was clearly hacked” – Next defense statement from Gaetz, guaranteed.
“Antifa and BLM hacked my phone!”