GA Sen. Loeffler: I Cannot In Good Conscience Object To The Certification Of These Electors | MSNBC

Sen. Loeffler says that after today's events at the U.S. Capitol, she will no longer object to counting the electoral college votes. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#Loeffler #Electors #MSNBC

GA Sen. Loeffler: I Cannot In Good Conscience Object To The Certification Of These Electors | MSNBC

GA Sen. Loeffler: I Cannot In Good Conscience Object To The Certification Of These Electors | MSNBC


    1. I think she got off the sinking ship pretty late. Its common sense not to count on a looser to help you win. Better of your political strategies next time.

    2. @Steve Sh Agreed Cruz & Co. are guilty of sedition and treason in supporting an attempted coup ,they broke the oath of office and should have the full weight of law brought down upon them.

    1. @David Gray I hope she and Perdue go up the river for insider trading. They managed to increase their fortunes in light of stock tips they got concerning the pandemic. Loeffler’s current net worth now stands at about $800 million. She has more money than she’ll ever be able to spend, but those smelly hicks who stormed the capital building are either gonna die of COVID or be shot in standoffs after the FBI hunts them down.

    2. I agree that they would do this again if they could, well at least use similar tactics to grab and maintain power. To many this is just a game, and you can see in some of the other politicians changing course, not because it’s the right thing to do but because it got out of their control.

  1. It only took being terrorized in the Capitol building by their own to suddenly have a moment of clarity.

    1. Now that the monster they’ve created is going after them, they (somewhat) realize what they’ve done. It’s like the old joke: “ I never thought the leopards would eat my face,” says the woman who voted for the leopards eating people’s faces party.

    2. @Mr Anonymous1113 Or the American people or people who come here to live as free people as God has promised.

    1. @Katherine Raven lmao. Sitting on the dunny by himself wondering how to dodge out from the Secret Service 20 Jan. And probably, where the he’ll did everyone go? And has anyone seen my daughter? She’s know what to do. She does, she has……disappeared. He’d cut a lonely figure tonight.

    1. She belives “hide somewhere so called Q-Anne conspritor sending total lie, farce, abured, to say the least, without ANY back up n Loeffler believed n supporter n does she
      possesses” any rudimentary mind to break down from total white lies n all the unspeakable lies so called Q-Anne conspirotor blowing via internet, other than good looking (just fact)? Ur guess is as good as mine!

  2. BUT she still made the false claims of electoral fraud.

    Glad she lost. It’s one last Republican seditionist to remove

    1. Her family will be in danger now. The MAGA nuts will threaten their lives.

      Maybe she should have thought about the consequences of pandering to a petulant child who cannot accept his losing the presidency.
      All the Republicans that have backed Trump in these baseless accusations should be held accountable for the events that happened.

    2. @kermithebudgie she is saying this because she lost her seat. This woman is a double edge, she will cut on any side if given the chance

  3. A Senator that was never elected by the people f Georgia intended to object the people’s vote. What an irony.

    1. A Governor appointed Senator is NOT illegitimate. She is a legally appointed Senator , appointed by the Governor of her state to “speak for the people” until an election can select a Senator. That election happened and “the people” selected a different Senator who has yet to be sworn into office. Don’t let hate impair your ability to think logically.

    1. Loeffler knows Trump lost fair and square. She’s as corrupt as they come, but she really didn’t want to be on the wrong side of history in voting to overturn the will of the people which is also at odds with saying the Democrats “stole the election”… you can’t steal the election because you claim, without proof, that it was stolen from you first.
      Loeffler tried to win her seat which was impossible if she outright defied Trump. So now she’s trying to have it both ways “there were election irregularities but I can’t in good conscience vote… because of today’s violence..” so in short she used the violence that Trump stoked as an excuse to NOT overturn the will of the people but at the same time didn’t want to admit that Trump may have lost…
      And since she lost her own election she’s not too worried about the political ramifications but does know she’d be attacked for subverting Democracy itself. So this is all about how SHE thinks history will see HER. Nothing else.

    2. @Lynn G
      No! It’s because she lost to Rafael Warnock yesterday so she’s out of the game! I don’t believe her as far as I can throw her! If the senate runoff was still going on she would be congratulating the Trump supporting terrorists and calling them patriots!
      She has nothing at stake now! She no longer has to impress Trump or the ReTrumplicans bc the senate race is over

    3. @vinessa wess I think it’s both. I’m not a fan of hers but I do think she and others see the problems they caused with lies about the election and a woman died in capitol building today.

  4. She has emboldened Trump until like 2 days ago and now she wants people to believe that she has principles!!! Girl bye

    1. @I F
      “He’s not into strategic planning” made me burst to laugh.
      He can’t have!
      However, he was very good at instigating stupid people because he knows well about stupid people’s brain.

    2. @Lynne Numa nah don’t be fooled this one has a forked tongue LISTEN to her speech- she still claiming fraud and nonsense…..If you gonna still lie, dont expect God to do all that forgiving…

    1. @Miss Katz
      Exactly!! She’s using the storming of the capitol as an excuse to say that she’s had a change within hours. Girl Bye
      The Senate runoff is done, she lost and so she no longer needs to throw a monkey wrench into Biden’s election certification to impress her base now that her own election is over! She no longer needs Trump’s approval and she no longer needs to go hard in the paint against biden in order to gain republican votes bc the senate race is over!

    1. @Van Hughes “She speaks for he people. The Affluent!”
      As a stock investor, this btch speaks corrupt.

    2. @evov monbly Wealthy people are not better than poor people. In fact, according to the bible, it is easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle, than the rich to enter Heaven.

    3. A Governor appointed Senator is NOT illegitimate. She is a legally appointed Senator , appointed by the Governor of her state to “speak for the people” until an election can select a Senator. That election happened and “the people” selected a different Senator who has yet to be sworn into office. Don’t let hate impair your ability to think logically.

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