GA Democrat Warned Of Anti-Asian Violence Hours Before Atlanta Shootings | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The day before the deadly shootings across the Atlanta area, Democratic State Senator Dr. Michelle Au spoke out in the state capitol about anti-Asian violence. She joined MSNBC's Brian Williams to discuss that and more. Aired on 03/17/2021.
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#MichelleAu #AtlantaShootings #MSNBC

GA Democrat Warned Of Anti-Asian Violence Hours Before Atlanta Shootings | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

GA Democrat Warned Of Anti-Asian Violence Hours Before Atlanta Shootings | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. A student who graduated from Sequoyah High with Robert Long in 2017 said “He was very innocent seeming and wouldn’t even cuss. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He was big into religion.”

    “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my life. It’s a pretty good life,” read the tagline on an Instagram account that belong to Robert Aaron Long.

    Well he can now add ma55 murderer to the list of things he loves about his “pretty good” life.

    1. They always say it’s always the good quite ones you need to keep a closer eye on. They may not all they seem to be.

    2. Guns and God ?? Spent free time killing animals It was the gun god he worshiped. He enjoyed killing and playing with guns. Like millions of others he loves the feeling of power of death guns give them

  2. “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    –Martin Luther King, Jr.

    “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.”
    –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. I seek equality and human rights not just for African Americans but for the economically disadvantage, and all victims of injustice.—–Martin Luther King Jr

    2. @It’s Midrex at least MLK didn’t steal a speech from legally blond like Trump did. Google it kook. Also Melania stole Michelle Obama’s speech almost word-for-word. 🤭😷❄️🍼

    1. Normal white male response on violent hate crimes by other white males: having a bad day. So white male cop if he had a good day how many would he have killed then?

    2. @OrcaBob 27 No, the poor Hitler boy was just mad because the spa would not give him a Tucker Carlson, at any price! 🤭❄️🍼💩

  3. Robert took 8 Asian lives all because he had a bad day??? I think it is shameful for the cop to repeat such to such ludicrous.

    1. @Al D It was not my intention to ignore whites in the shooting. Just means that I stand corrected. I believe that this was an attack on the Asian community, but to prevent him from being charged with a *Hate Crime*, they are trying to change the narrative.

    2. @Barbara Woods hes unsympathetic when he said that, he hate asians too.. he printed a shirt with a text “covid19 imported virus from chy-na

    3. @T BZ Yes, but to viewers (around the world) this may come across as a mild way to justify his actions, and there’s no justification for the murders.

    4. @Barbara Woods There is nothing to change. Fact is 6 Asian, 2 White dead. 1 Hispanic in critical condition. Our communities are mixed. People of different ethnicities were killed. We can’t assume racism right away and start burning down the streets. Look, you have 96 likes on a false comment that 8 Asians were killed. That’s spreading misinformation. Not your fault, fake media bias probably got to you.

      Evidence needs to be gathered. He could have been targeting women, race, etc. Police have to do their job and need time. One thing in common was that all victims were in the spas. He didn’t run down the residential streets. All Lives Matter. My heart goes out to all families and victims. Thank you for response

    5. @Al D Thanks for the update… I just hate the temperature of our country at this time, and not understanding the heartless acts.

  4. Why are they saying he had a bad day..ithink the victims and their families were the ones who had a horrofic bad day…another pass for this killer

    1. @Technomage 201 Maybe if it was his wife and daughter who were gunned down, maybe he would say its a good day.

    2. they’re repeating his defense, not endorsing it… but this sheriff sounds too sympathetic, I’ll admit..

    3. @Violante de Rojas I don’t feel privileged I feel disgusted at the way some humans( and I’m using this term very loosely here for this murderer) treat other innocent humans, these ladies didn’t deserve this end, RIP ladies,

    4. @My Tale quite likely, look at today I’m Colorado, another bad day, so sad, father of 7 killed, 9 others as well, by what looks like 2 white males, we need to change us all of us

  5. “Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in this world… but it has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou

    1. Now that you’ve seen it. Ask yourself. Why do he have a job in law enforcement? Is that a bias?

  6. The look on the three black American police officers as this statement is read says it all, and that’s with their masks!

  7. same police captain promoting ” covid 19 imported from chyna” t-shirts… just one ws covering another ws.

  8. You need to look up on sheriff jay bakers posts on twitter he owned a printing shop that prints t shirt with texts “covid19 imported from chy-na” no wonder he jumps on the conclusion its not racially motivated, there us a chance he’s covering up because he’s the interrogator and has the same political views as Aaron long.. Can’t really trust this law enforcement

    1. True, but even without you can see his motivation. Either he’s stopping to take breaks. Or trying to remember his lies.

    1. That funny. I thought the police gave the answer. I didn’t hear him say anything. Just that thing. Saying he hope you believe.

    2. So what happened to the other killer that after driving miles got to a street carrying heavy duty rifle opened fire killing 3 or 4 people and also offered a stupid excuse for his actions .? And what about the one in El Paso Tx. Lame excuses and time passes and issue is forgotten.

  9. What do they mean it’s not racially motivated ?? This kid went to DIFFERENT places ALL of them are ASIAN businesses!

  10. I just had a horrible day, so I went out and bought myself a pack of Haagen-Dasz ice cream, strawberry,

  11. “Its a temptation that he wanted to eliminate”???!!! Is that law enforcement officer serious???? OMG😡🤬 So the murderer says “I fetishize Asian women therefore I must eliminate them”????Does he not realize that what he said is racist???? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤬🤬

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