Fwd: St. Kitts and Nevis concludes its fifth Destination SKN Roadshow in the UK with new partnerships cemented

St. Kitts and Nevis concludes its fifth Destination SKN Roadshow in the UK

with new partnerships cemented

              Dest SKN              - Hampton Court MAIN IMAGE

London, UK, 18 October 2017:  St. Kitts and Nevis Tourism officials and destination partners have concluded the fifth Destination St. Kitts and Nevis Roadshow in the UK with a Tour Operator Meetings and Networking Session at Hampton Court Palace on Thursday October 12.   The four day initiative from October 8 to 12, 2017, was led by The Hon. Lindsay F.P. Grant, Minister of Tourism, International Trade, Industry and Commerce, supported by Chairman of the Nevis Tourism Authority, Tim Thuell; CEO of the St. Kitts Tourism Authority, Racquel Brown and CEO of the Nevis Tourism Authority, Greg Phillip.

Against a background of Caribbean rhythms and tastes, the four day event provided the platform for tourism officials and destination partners to network with UK travel agents, media, tour operators and specially invited guests with the aim of creating visibility and awareness, pursuing future opportunities and to build business for the crucial booking season.

CEO’s Racquel Brown and Greg Phillip, together with Tim Thuell, Chairman of the NTA Board, spoke in one voice in highlighting the destination’s appeal to UK consumers seeking authentic experiences complemented by a desire for luxury, romance, great food and adventure.  Travel Agents, Media, Tour Operators and other guests were also treated to a preview of the destination’s videos showcasing the history, culture, food, friendly people and scenic natural beauty of the island.

Minister Lindsay Grant acknowledged the support of the UK travel industry and the special partnership with British Airways.

“As St. Kitts strives to compete in the global marketplace, this week’s initiative is crucial to building partnerships with the UK travel industry, even more so in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.  We emphasise that St. Kitts and Nevis is very much open for business and we ask your help in spreading that message. The Caribbean is in our prayers as we feel for those that were not fortunate enough to escape damage. “                                                                  Dest                SKN - Hampton Court - British Airways Group Photo     

Minister Lindsay Grant and CEO’s Greg Phillips and Racquel Brown, acknowledge Rajinder Johal from British Airways

The fifth Destination St. Kitts & Nevis Roadshow, from October 8 to 12, 2017, was part of a joint marketing initiative in partnership with British Airways and destination product representatives from both islands.

The week kicked off with well attended travel agent events in London and Manchester, where agents learnt the key facts about the destination through fun and educational Quiz Games and networking with destination partners.  On Day One, Monday 9 October, the stunning riverside surroundings of Winchester House in London provided the backdrop for the first of the travel agent events hosting agents from major travel companies including Kuoni, Caribtours, New Look Travel and Travel Counsellors in addition to many independent homeworkers.

On Day Two, Tuesday 10 October, the Hotel Football at Old Trafford Stadium, provided the backdrop for up to 40 attending agents representing travel companies including Elegant Resorts, Lusso, Trailfinders, British Airways Holidays, Carrier and Prestbury Travel.  


Minister Grant acknowledges the contribution from Selling Travel Magazine of the newly launched St. Kitts Travel Guide, with its Editor, Steve Hartridge

In London, at a ‘Taste of St. Kitts & Nevis’ media event, inspired by this year’s St. Kitts and Nevis Restaurant Week, tourism officials and partners networked with a variety of media from high-profile trade publications including Selling Travel and TTG to national travel writers and multi-media outlets such as Suitcase Magazine. New media were also well represented at the event with several lifestyle and food bloggers including Luxury Columnist, EatCookExplore and PipandtheCity, joined by niche media such as Yacht Investor, Planet Golf Review and The Voice.


St. Kitts and Nevis destination partners attend one-to-one meetings with UK Tour Operators

Finally, on Day Four, the historic venue of Hampton Court Palace in Surrey provided a platform for St. Kitts and Nevis hoteliers and travel services to facilitate new business and to build on existing business during a day of individual tour operator meetings.  Partners met with a range of tour operators, including Bailey Robinson, Osborne & Ebel, Red Savannah, British Airways Holidays, Expedia, The Turquoise Holiday Company and Funway Holidays. 


CEO’s Racquel Brown, SKTA and Greg Phillip, NTA in Manchester with  agents, Liz Mann, Caroline Beckett and Sally Woolley from Elegant Resorts


The 2017 Roadshow also marked the launch of the St. Kitts New Website and Specialist Training Programme in addition to the unveiling of a new St. Kitts Travel Guide, produced in conjunction with Selling Travel and British Airways.

Editor’s Notes

The Destination St. Kitts & Nevis delegation included:

Representing the Ministry of Tourism for the Federation: the Honourable Lindsay Grant, Minister of Tourism, International Trade, Industry and Commerce

From St. Kitts Tourism Authority: Racquel Brown, CEO

From Nevis:  Tim Thuell, Chairman, NTA Board; Greg Phillip, CEO and Julie Claxton, Sales & Marketing (UK)


Participating partners included

From St. Kitts: Park Hyatt St. Kitts, St. Kitts Marriott Resort and the Royal Beach Casino, St. James Travel & Tours and the YU Lounge Private Air Terminal.

From Nevis: Four Seasons Resort, Montpelier Plantation & Beach, Nisbet Plantation Beach Club, Oualie Beach Resort, The Hermitage and Mount Nevis Hotel. 

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