‘Fuming’: How Trump is reacting to his second impeachment

Moving trucks were seen outside the White House grounds as the Trump administration makes arrangements to leave office. CNN's Kaitlan Collins reports

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    1. @Dillon McCluskey and the argument is an easy one. You can not make more or less then the salary of the president, including private companies. So unless the salary is about 500+ million dollars a year, he violated the terms of being commander in chief, again

    2. @The Wizard of Croagz if that’s true why has Deutschland bank cut him off and why doesn’t he pay his taxes. Besides that how do you explain all his businesses going bankrupt.

      The math doesn’t add up!

    3. @DwynePen what makes you think Biden is going to ‘sell’ USA to China. I would ask if you knew how stupid you sound but i know your response would be something near ‘you’ll see’ but in different words of course

    1. @Moos Amen. But, do not make a conclusion yet, just because Trump lost the election, you are assuming that there will be peace and harmony in this country and all over the globe. Never forget that for now satan is ruling the whole universe, unless Biden and his allies, acknowledge God the Almighty and humbled themselves before God and repent, there will never be peace and love for each other, because what they are fighting right now, is power and fame and money. Joe Biden is not born again and so as Obama.

    2. @Nhoc Dug if you think you are preacher of God’s word, why then are you dipping your finger into joining the condemnation? You cannot mix God and also politics, your job is to pray, stop winging those who are still ignorant of God’s word.

    1. All he had to do was accepted that he’d lost the election. But he had to follow his audacity and afraid to be a loser

    1. @Michael Laughery well you can say that just like they said the election was stolen, it doesn’t mean it’s true even if you were to word it better it is nonsense.💯💕😷

    2. @CreoleRep7 caused no conflicts around the world???? I mean how could he?? He was too busy dividing his own country!

  1. I think the only farewell address we need is “here’s the keys Joe and Jill”. I don’t care what he thinks his ‘accomplishments’ are and the spin he’ll put on them

    1. @Margaret they do that when anyone moves in or out of the White House..who do you think you’re fooling?

    2. @K Mc ~ Eh … don’t worry … him listing all of his “accomplishments” will only take a minute or two. It will be the shortest Presidential Address ever.

    3. @Jack Brazda vlogs ~ Well, if Biden should be in a retirement home, so should Trump. Biden’s only 3 and 1/2 years older than Trump. Or did you not know that?

    4. If you call being impeached twice,committing insurrection,constant lying, no leadership,caging children and endless golfing achievements,then that’s Donald Trump.

    1. You ain’t kidding !!! Those bills are going to be massive .Then there will be the lawsuits from New York as well as the loans , pretty sure they are in the 3 – 400 million.

    2. He won’t pay.
      Trump’s caused businesses to go broke doing business with him, because he refused to pay, and tied them up in Court actions until they couldn’t afford to pursue him further.
      The man is an unmitigated villain, a crook and a bunko man. He has no conscience, no empathy, no care for anyone but himself.
      How does a man get to be so broken?

  2. Ahhhh. He’s angry. Breaking my heart…….but, I can’t seem to find my
    “I DON’T CARE, WHY DO YOU?” shirt.

    1. Exactly! Well, to be fair, he did rear his ugly head to give his friends the outrageous tax cut, also known as “The Great American Steal”.

    2. What is most depressing is the fact that 70,000,000 people voted for this man and most of them still supporting him.Does not bode well for the future of this country.

  3. I only hope that the *ENTIRE* White House is *completely* disinfected from top to bottom before any of the new administration steps foot in office.

  4. Hope they’re doing a deep disinfectant of the entire WH. Gonna take a lot to clean up all those covid germs lol

    1. @Fio I’ll second that, if you wanna read stupid, read the Art of Failure and Collapse😎 all good deals are crap

  5. The only thing on his schedule is the overthrow of our government. It’s been that way since the election.

    1. I’d be honored if some fellow concerned citizens would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performance of DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen on my YT channel in tribute to the United States of America and our next President, Joseph R. Biden. Peace and everybody stay safe out there.

    1. Affluenza is a psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy young people. … The term “affluenza” has also been used to refer to an inability to understand the consequences of one’s actions because of financial privilege.

    1. I’d be honored if some fellow concerned citizens would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performance of DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen on my YT channel in tribute to the United States of America and our next President, Joseph R. Biden. Peace and everybody stay safe.

    2. Trump always refers to himself in the third person so in a year from now he will be saying, Donald Trump,I don’t know him,never heard of him,but I hear he was impeached twice,what a loser.

    1. I have to agree. I’m sure he had to practice saying it so he wouldn’t look as stupid as he really is. He has mispronounced much easier words.

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