Quebec is shutting down schools, bars, casinos, theatres, and gyms as of 5 p.m. on Dec. 20 as COVID-19 cases soar.
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No money laundering on casinos this winter ! ca marche pour moi !
This will keep on happening if you don’t stop complying
Other way around
@david smith this will stop happening if you comply?
Just 2 more weeks
Cases, cases, cases smh. I’m celebrating Christmas and y’all ain’t gonna stop me!
I got a case…of beer!

Me too
Ooooooohhhhhhhhh !!
@C H i got 2 24’s and a 60 of whiskey lets do thiiiiiiis!
Here is a perfect example of why they got the jabs

Congratulations you put the last nail in the coffin for many small businesses. But hey at least we wont have the sniffles or a cough while were all living on the streets.
“Health officials” don’t give an EFF. They keep getting paid.
That’s what the government wants.
@Jamiethemtbaddict Why would the government want that. It’s costing them billions in taxes they’d otherwise receive from profitable businesses.
@Mark Green because they make much more off the taxes of big corporations duh
@Mark Green they make more money off of big business.
Can’t you see closing small business does nothing. But yet they allow big business to stay open.
What a fkn joke . This is never going to end .
Welcome to quebeckistan. Canada is now the new Afghanistan
I thought the pandemic ended last spring. What is the reason this time? Oh yeah, once you gave them a taste of how much power you’re willing to give up without a fight, they became addicted. Now you’ll have to fight to get it back.
We are committing self-destruction. Get gold, or something because this once great country is sinking fast.
Or, in your case, tinfoil…for your hat.
@C H Yeah, Everything is fine. Go put another mask on.
@C H Maybe 5 masks will help you?
Hear ye! Hear ye!
His Most Exalted Royal Highness King Legault I has decreed the horrible unwashed masses, the diseased common rabble, must once again be shut up in their homes lest their vile presence be seen by the King.
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Quebec lets them do whatever they want
Great story bro
Insanity = doing the same thing repeditively, expecting a different result. Maybe 3rd time, lucky?
This is 4th time for some. Netherlands and Germany some have had 4th booster and still sick.
The dislikes is surely in the 1,000’s
85 dislikes currently.
@MrJustliketht 136 now
Quebec is basically a prison colony
Quebec is the Province of PRC= People’s Republic of Canada
None of these measures do anything. Time to move on with our lives
This stopped being about health and safety well over a year ago.
they need to cut off the road ways the bus system and the tap water.