U.S. President Joe Biden ordered heavy U.S. financial sanctions against Russian banks and oligarchs on Tuesday, stepping up the West's confrontation with Moscow, even as Russian lawmakers authorized President Vladimir Putin to use military force outside their country.
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Not a bad way to distract from problems at home
There you have it!
For stable Europe Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, ChekSlovakia, EastGermany, Romania, Bulgaria they should be all green zone no NATO or Russia Okay!!!
@D Blaze ahhh noooo that no…. XD. Thanks that I do not include Crimea.. Oh wait !!!
@Mirklok it’s like a place that Russia can anexionate gradually without issues… Or a beergarden for Putin’s holidays… Who knows…
There is no EastGermany anymore. Greetings from Germany.
@Daniel Banfield Grüße ausm Osten
Bin aber froh zum politischen Westen zu gehören
@Dustin Brandt Dass Deutschland wie jedes Land einen Osten hat, bezweifelt ja niemand. Das meinte er aber nicht.
we are “uninen” 7:20 …four times he says uninen. what does uninen mean?
Hes forgot the word united. This guy can barely talk..im surehe shits his pants
The president of the United States of America cannot say UNITED. How did this happen
I love how our gov cares more about the Ukraine border than our own southern border.
What’s there to worry?
you must be a big fan of avocados.
There’s no problem on the southern border.
Well, get your MEGA hat and go cry at the corner. Make sure to also order your burrito so you don’t get hungry.
All I heard was I’m the big guy and I want my cheques from Ukraine.
They need to blame Russia when the grid goes down. Russian hackers
“If you don’t know what you’re doing, neither does your enemy”
– Joe Tzu
Thought that was George Dubyah?
why is this news? didn’t they inform russia about six months ago that they will be doing this exact thing so to give the russians ample of time to prepare for it and thus annul its effects?
Because he’s looking for an excuse to start a war and distract from his incompetence.
Only Trudeau gets to do this.
we did exactly same think over serbia (kosovo)
There is no need to display dislike numbers when at this moment the endorsement ratio is at a dismal 0.808 percent .The controllers are at the point where the thumbs up numbers will be hidden as well and for that matter why not eliminate the amount of veiws simultaneously . Unfortunately I’m unable to determine whether the thumbs down surpasses its counterpart , however I know for sure there was at least one cast so its close statistically nonetheless , lol . “Walk away Joe”
What a beautiful distraction.
From what?
Turn on Canada’s pipeline dummy.
Is it just me or do they all look like game show hosts! Biden is reading the Teleprompter with very little articulation and clarity. What is going on in this world?!
I hope a day to laugh at USA under sanctions for things like destroy iraq for the unique intent of contracting new petrol contracts…. At least Putin are clear, and fair. He call every part to sit down and talk, and he didnt change a single word or intention from day one!
This guy is just reading off the teleprompter.. he doesn’t even know what he’s saying lmao
I can’t take Biden serious , ever since someone put the baby filter on the debate against Trump .
Fumbly bumbly biden
The last person Putin would ever listen to lol
“I have condemned any organizer of war, regardless of his rank or nationality.”
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Losing of Trump was hazardous to all world
,,,,lot to see in 2022 after Corona