American figure skater Nathan Chen shares his plans for the remainder of the Beijing Olympics.
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#WinterOlympics #Beijing2022 #NathanChen #FigureSkating
I would like to express my gratitude to Nathan. I’ve been waiting for this moment for four years. Thanks for being an inspiration for us and giving so many emotions. We love you very much. All your performances are sublime and spectacular. Your hard work has been paid back. Thanks for these four incredible years. Keep it up, Champion).
Нэйтан,поздравляем, очень достойный победитель

It was so nice to see this young man stay with skating grinding it out day by day, skating the program of his life making Olympic history and winning a gold – CLEANLY (aka no illegal drugs or doping)! This is truly remarkable in my opinion – congratulations to Nathan and his family for all of their support in his victory! I haven’t watched skating in years, but got wind of Nathan’s success and watched live the other night – glad I did!
@Tatiana Melnik I watched what I wanted to, good clean American skating. No regrets whatsoever. What I missed was Russian doping and cheating. No great loss there. Thank goodness when I did watch, that this wasn’t an issue with the Americans.
Я смотрел то, что хотел, хорошее чистое американское катание. Никаких сожалений. Чего мне не хватало, так это российского допинга и мошенничества. Там нет больших потерь. Слава богу, когда я смотрел, это не было проблемой с американцами.
@LadyLibertyStacker о да, у Нэйтона Чана чисто американское катание: одна скучная техника, нет никакой хореографии, никакого артистизма. Ему бы лучше конькобежным спортом заниматься.)) А изящное катание японского гения Юдзуру Ханю – это спорт на грани высокого искусства!
А русские девочки – лучшие в мире! Поэтому против них устраивают различные провокации.
@Tatiana Melnik они оба гении, каждый со свои неповторимым стилем. Нейт заслужил свое признание и победу не меньше чем Ханю.
@Tatiana Melnik Твоя проблема не с Натаном. Твоя проблема с США. Американцы любят и болеют за российских фигуристов. Мы не хотим, чтобы кто-то употреблял наркотики из какой-либо страны, включая нашу. Россиянам нужно больше уверенности. Почему тренеры давали Валиевой ненужное вещество.

@Tatiana Melnik I guess you forgot about Russian figure skater, Sasha Trusova? All technique, no choreography??
Super smart and very intelligent. Great job Nathan!
So impressed with this man!! Yes, Nathan, you have reached your goal and thank you for letting us go along for the ride. I hope you will continue to grace us with you presence on the ice; wish you the best in your future endeavors

He’s fantastic. Not many people would be able to be as collected.
Well done Nathan!

Congratulations, Nathan! Go Team USA!
We love you, Nathan! Congrats!!!
Happy to hear that he’s sticking around to enjoy some relaxing time. Hopefully he continues to stay healthy so we can see him in the gala and the closing ceremony. As fans, we would love for him to go to Worlds and to continue skating even if he’s going back to school, however, we understand how stressful that can be. What’s most important is that Nathan do what’s best for himself and whatever makes him happy.
Nathan, King of figure skating!
God bless the parents that raised this MAN! omg what an articulated and smart way to answer. What a way of NOT BEEN A GOSSIPER! WOW! he is not just great at skating BUT he is super smart! Yale I think is waiting for him or he is attending? AW! I wish more of our youth is like him… a thriving man in the USA our kids have that opportunity the only problems is the MEDIA and CORRUPT POLITICIANS encouraging low lives to our youth.
Parents please WHAT and learn from the CHEN family..
The press is TOXIC.. he already said that he DOESN’T know about other players lifes!
Love him so much! So classy, humble, well spoken, and talented. An absolute gem of a human
An American hero. Makes me proud and happy! Thank you Nathan for you dedication and for giving such beauty for us to enjoy.
Phenomenal talent, supernova skater, humble and mature for his young age. His parents has raised him well.
Not just a creative artist but brainy as well— he majors in Statistic and Data Mathematics in Yale University. His future is like the rising sun.
Congratulations Nathan. We are so proud of you. The GOAT!!!
So poised, calm, and collected. Genuinely an admirable human. Well deserved gold medal win. All athletes work hard with unknown results. Anything can happen (2018 flashback) but this man came through and did more than amazing this time around. I hope he sticks around (maybe not full time because of Yale) and on to Italy for another win!
I love watching his performance again and again he’s superb
I have been watching Nathan Chen back when is was 10 year old kid. Congratulations Nathan Chen 2022
. Nathan is a champ for humans.
Such a well deserved gold medal for this young man. His performances were absolutely phenomenal and so much fun. He has been a great representative of the USA.