2020 presidential candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) joins MTP Daily to discuss the aftermath of the deadly mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton and the role of the president.
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Full Klobuchar: 'This President Has Used Words As A Dagger' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Who else thinks Trump’s behavior incites violence? This alone demands impeaching the mofo.
He’s always been a violent man. I don’t understand why he’s still in our White House.
The lies that the extensions of the democrat party spew cause the hate… stations like MSNBC,CNN,ABC, NBC,CBS are FAKE NEWS.
*Stop MSNBCannibal Human Experimentation on Illegal aliens!! Andrea is trying to create a army of undead zombies that she can control via Remote control the word I’m hearing is some of these undead illegal aliens can shoot lightning from their eyes but ANdrea stopped further development in fear her Illegal alien ZOMBIE Army may turn against her and go against the MSNBCannibalHolocaust agenda!!!!!*
Dotard Trump uses hate, discord & incites violence. He should be prosecuted & charged for this let alone for his criminal corruption & treasonous & treacherous behaviour. Fox Entertainment Faux News is also guilty of this.
Maggot 4 Eva dah ruskie : Sorry comrade I’am an Atheist & worship no god, demon or mere man like Trumpie or Putin!
@P J that’s not something to be proud of. Sorry you must of had a rough life and you’re in my prayers.
Amanda : Save your prayers for your sorry self & shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. Okie dokie!
PJ probably just finished giving a BJ to his dad. Lol
so its not going well then???
I am a gun owner. We need to have gun safety discussions.
True. Remember when the NRA actually advertised their safety training classes for parents and kids? Now they are Russian money laundering. Things have changed. Now law abiding citizens are the scapegoats for the crazies and extremists on all fronts.
Formally Informal hopefully you mean the ENTIRE constitution and not just the parts you agree with
Some people have nuttz when they hold a gun..and when they don’t they are just nuttz.
Like Chris Rock says, we should make each bullet cost $5000.
Then the black market would be filled with ammunition, just like drugs.
Thank you for making this an issue. White nationalists and white supremacy is a blight on America. Trumps rhetoric has encouraged this hatred. Trump should be held accountable for the hatred he has inspired. America will never be great under Trump.
Au contraire, USA is going downhill FAST ! ……………….
America is great u see trump, democrats and their stupid supporters are ruining everything.
Haha white nationalism
If mental illness is the cause for mass shootings, why did Trump lift the ban on mental patients from buying a gun?
Our biggest problem in addition to trump is the fact that congress has spent year doing nothing. Passing no real comprehensive laws on guns. Now they want us to believe what they say…Nope! They wear the blood of meny people on their hands because they had a chance and they failed to act.
If Trump said the sky was blue .. you would say he’s racist
Trump is a moron, doesn’t even know what color the sky is.
Trump is not racist it’s the democrats job to paint him as such. It’s obvious by now.
@George Sanchez And he makes the job so easy by saying so many racist things.
Hahaha. She’s

She is great.
She’s amazing; Intelligent and competent, with good policy. The country would be doing much better in her hands than it is now.
@Deborah Freedman I agree.
Multiple witnesses report seeing multiple shooters, all dressed in black and wearing masks
Mascow Mitch, Linnengrad Linsey and Dump Trump.
Sweet Tea who is reporting that? What witnesses? Or are you just spreading misinformation?
Time for arrests NOW before we have more false flags and before real patriots get hurt anymore people are getting into a frenzy
MSNBC spreading TDS
And winning.
Msnpc is fake news
It’s inappropriate to use words that can be understood as a “ WEAPON “ in any reference after a fully preventable mass terrorism irbid butchering innocent children and ANY citizen or tourist in a targeted ongoing terror display and mindset and this politician should be questioned weather she is instigating violence and terrorism using knives or weapons for a non understandable extremist cause Google needs to remove video
MSDNC blames trump for everything.
I know!! Somebody did something right.
MSNBC = must spread new brand communism.
Trump is going to die in prison. Nothing can stop it now.
Les Wexner sold Epstein his mansion (the largest in NY) for $10!
All the messages you post seem to point to you being a Russian bot.
Trump’s racism is like a binder thrown at the head of America. Trump is the abusive boss we need to ditch now.
We should pass a bill that makes murder illegal