Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) joins MTP Daily to discuss the impeachment debate as support grows amongst Democrats.
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Full Gerry Connolly: Impeachment Can No Longer ‘Be Ignored’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
A sitting President MUST be allowed to be prosecuted…PERIOD.
@Brave Sir Robinwhat are you talking about? I was reminding you that Trump getting reelected is not guaranteed. You didn’t even know who I support. As a republican I’m not happy with your behaviour, keep it real, boy.
@Charisma Hornum-Fries That’s the most Communist thing I’ve ever heard. Have you ever heard of the 4th amendment? It’s about unreasonable search and seizure. If you wanna live in Communism you can move. I on the other hand plan on keeping my rights.
@Lu Men Maybe in the future say getting reelected is not guaranteed rather than you could be crying by yourself. You don’t have to be careful in your words but I do mine? All I did was remind you this media source is biased and reported none of the good news at the G7 summit. You initiated by poor word choice, boy.
@will drew telling his lawyer to lie to the american public and attempting to get his lawyer to congress. The secondo one is impeachable byitself.
Can’t we impeache him while he’s in one of his cages. Could be flown by helicopter immediately. We can lure him there by telling him a naked Ivanka is waiting.
For the good of the nation, no?
@will drew YOU are calling someone a nazi??? hahahaha that is soooo fekking rich.. most of trump’s base are alt right far right nazi loving people.. rofl
chucky calling them as a troll because all you do is yell naziiii naziii to anyone who disagrees it makes you sounds loony. Assuming everyone on the right is nazi is just stupidity and that is all

chucky I love how you avoided the you need proof part as well. Nice work

will drew Actually the Mueller report lays it out pretty well.. So did Michael Cohen so there is that… And you guys with this TDS,that’s actually something you would call a person who Supports Trump no matter, that’s deranged.. Speaking the truth about him isn’t deranged, it’s called seeing and hearing and calling it out… You want to talk about how he lied at the G7? Said he talked to China twice and then China made a statement saying they have not talked to Trump at all!!
You want to talk about how Trump lied and said he was in a meeting with Germany and India and that’s why he wasn’t at the climate change meeting while we can CLEARLY see those 2 sitting at the meeting… You want to talk about how Trump said his own wife respects and admires Kim Jon Un and SHE called him out and said she never met him! I can keep going.. The fact that you will not say anything about his constant lying actually makes YOU the one suffering from this made up TDS crap…
Keyword “inquiry” That Clown in the WH can’t be impeached without those swampy republicans putting country before party.
You have know idea how it actually works. The House of Representatives is the Prosecuter, THEY file the “Articles of Impeachment,” it’s the same as “filing the charges” in the Judicial branch of our Government, it can get down to one vote. The Senate is the Jury, at least 2/3rds would have to find them guilty before they can be removed from office, the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court is the Judge. It has happened twice to a President and once to a member of the Supreme Court, the Senate ruled they were innocent in all 3 cases.
@Mint Visto trumpturd jerk your lies mean nothing to real humans.
@Richie Tattersall traitor trump will go to prison when we all VOTE BLUE in 2020 and throw his azz out!
Get some proof and STFUP about it jackasses.
Macron ……, ” Waiter waiter, I think I will have a slice of that TRUMP IMPEACHMENT PIE. Goes well with a Moscow Mitch.”
“And a glass of lithium water for the “boy”.
ღSwnsasyღ _ It’s not that Europe is siding with Iran over the US – it’s that the Europeans are trying to keep alive a treaty that Trump withdrew from and then basically neutered by applying sanctions on Iran. The treaty was working, Europe is trying to keep it working.
@S A Are you talking about the Paris Climate Hoax?
@B.J Cameron Trump promised to deport the filthy moslems and he is deporting hispanics……so Trump is a liar.
S A Agreed! You said what I meant much better than I did.. Thank you for that…
will drew IT has zero to do with any Army.. What are you talking about? I said siding with Iran because the US illegally, according to NATO, sanctioned them when told not too! This has nothing to do with any army…
I thought the inquiry was already happening an inquiry is just gathering facts that’s what they’re doing
The committee Chair Jerry Nadler is in charge of. He asked couple days ago for all information other committees have.
I think the process that is taking place currently is called an “investigation”. “Inquiry” would probably address the question whether one has enough evidence to warrant the beginnings of an impeachment.
I don’t care if they actually impeach Traitor Trump or not, but I do believe there should definitely be an impeachment inquiry. That would go a long way into revealing a lot of things that Trump is trying to keep hidden from the American people.
@Brenda Heeligan Yer too stupid to insult.
@Brenda Heeligan But you do get a trophy for the absolute stupidity award of the evening.
@Brenda Heeligan That’s not a true statement. Obama was two faced. He didn’t follow through on anything he promised. He allowed Big Pharma and the insurance industry to write the Affordable Care Act. He increased regulations that put a strangle on the economy. He double the deficit in 8 years. He used the IRS to attack political opponents and he used counter intelligence to violate Mr. Trumps 4th amendment rights. So you only speak for yourself when you say the whole world admired Obama because it didn’t.
Impeachment blather is just a smoke screen for Deep State Investigations. McCabe will be first Prosecuted SOON.
@J Batson speaking of stupid. It’s “you’re” not “yer” and in your sentence is “too” not “to.”
If any other person behaved this way they’d be in a psych ward…
curandero verde
or beaten to death
or shot
or found dead in the bathtub
or run over by a truck
or hanging from a lamp post
or thrown into a wood chipper.
More likely you have no legitimate come back to make. So you resort to the imature fall back of all wanna be bullies. & call your opponent stupid, nasty ect. Because you’re unable to hold your own when debating them.
@Dave Schultz you’ve lost your entire teeny tiny mind.
@george washington Yer too stupid to insult.
“Impeachment can no longer be ignored”………DUH!
It never was ignored you airheads have been screaming impeachment for years. Unfortunately you need evidence
So you didn’t read the Mueller report, Comrade drew?

yawn trump is still in office mueller had nothing to say show me the section of the report that incriminates trump Orr shh snowflake you may melt
you have to prove trump guilty not the other way round.
America should be passed the point of impeachment of Adolf Trump. He should have impeached, removed and brought up on campaign finance charges to start.
Shiiiat That’s Hillary’s area of expertise there
@David M It’s not, voter suppression is definitely a Republican thing.
Well said Rashid!
@Pokarot So naive
@David M It’s not naive, it’s fact. Republican voter ID laws have been admitted by some members of the GOP to be intended to suppress votes from Democrats and minorities.
Democrats are not perfect in any aspect, but to pretend that they are the significant force behind voter suppression is just ignorant (Or you know better, and you’re lying, your choice).
Their greatest fear is that you will learn the truth.djt
TRUMPTURD jerk you know nothing and that is less than traitor trump knows.
Yep. No crime, no obstruction. You crazy idiots still talk about it though
@Kathleen Dunlap Aww Kathleen got twiggerrd
David M
It’s gonna be awesome when We The people of America get to watch President Trump unseal Obamas sealed birth certificate. Remember President Trump still hasn’t shown his tax return and We The People of America never got to see Obama’s real birth certificate.
@bobo wheeler Yea, because Obama is born in Kenya.
It’s about exposure. CRIME is CRIME!!!!! IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH!!!!!!
Put the pipe down. Stay off the bottle
No, wait until Trump nukes hurricanes and rakes the oceans.
We all knew he had itchy finger to hit that button.
only a moron would think of using a nuke for such a thing.
@Kathleen Dunlap Yer too stupid to insult.
@VladI Look at your picture.
If a weather system that’s headed for the US is nuked, where is the nuclear fallout going to end up?….hmm?
Jar Jar Binks could figure that out.
@Gary Halliday Why use a nuclear weapon when there are ways to use a fuel air bomb that were around many years ago just as obsolete as nukes?
Winning Bigly Exposing Names Draining the Swamp America First
Patricia Dixon
your children hate you,
don’t they.
Trump is insane…unable to fulfill the duties of his Office..end of discussion ….he MUST be removed before he gets us all killed !!!
Respect the constitution? Trump doesn’t have a clue what it says, means or his role in upholding it.
@Ann Moore What do you mean “his strange looking boy ” ? He has three in total, or, is it all three. Response please, I don’t really know much about this. Thanks in advance.
@corryjookit All three are strange, and unintelligent.
Do you?
@David Watson ANYONE knows more about upholding the laws of the Constitution than Moron45. If he did know then he wouldn’t have broken the Emoluments clause hundreds of times by having world leaders stay at his hotels or he would know not to obstruct justice numerous times which is stated in the Mueller report. He has broken more laws in the Constitution than all the other PRESIDENTS IN HISTORY COMBINED!!
@John Wood You may be right about that, let’s wait in case I get wn answer.
Impeach Trump, this is so freaking scary , Trump is a maniac.
Flash Alert: RGB in a coma…..
“We already know that the Left regards the United States Constitution as a noxious constraint on their dream of using the might of the state to compel obedience to their dogmas, however, they may evolve. The First and Second Amendments bother them a lot. But when the Supreme Court is dominated by liberals who make up rights they like from the previously unknown penumbra of the “living” Constitution, that pesky document matters less.
@RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING Blog posts aren’t considered reasonable sources.
Even though the votes will never be there in the Senate to remove Trump, the important thing is that ALL of Trump’s dirty laundry will be publicly aired and exposed complete with mandatory testifying from Don McGahn and others
egg zachary
Dump trump before he destroys the U.S. entirely and alienates ALL of our allies.
I am so far past impeachment, I want to see the 25th amendment invoked. In addition, let’s take a real poll. Put the question to the people on the primary ballot. Then see what the people really want. I only know of ONE person in all my acquaintances, that is against impeachment.
Lock Trump up in a mental hospital! Impeach Mitch McConnell and the GOP for supporting the lunatic
I agree.
Ali Roger
hang him and save a lot of tax payer money.
If the looney left tries to impeach that will give Trump a larger win in 2020.