In this moment of protest, Rev. Al Sharpton gives an update on the individual cases that have sparked the new civil rights movement.
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From Breonna Taylor To Elijah McClain, Rev. Al Sharpton Clues In On Cases Of Police Brutality
Clearly there’s still so much work that needs to be done and the fight for social justice and equality needs to continue

Clearly China in is trouble.
Well you’re not going to have any of that unless they reform the educational system, and before that we have to get kids back in school
In some communities over half the kids drop out
And then you have to get most of them off of dope
@snoop alert it might help also to require people to manage house plants before they can make babies.
I am horrified and disgusted by the nature of these crimes. They may have racial motivations. I am shocked and my repulsion by these crimes seems to know no end.
@Uncle Ed Yes, we hate racism and injustice. But your candidate, Donald Trump, us endorsed by David Duke and the KKK, so there’s that.
@John Dozier BLM is a demon rat funded hate group…BLM has murdered 20+ people and destroyed countless lives in the last 3 weeks…The demon rats traded the KKK for the BLM…
@Beth Griesauer O how the leftards love to spin fake news data to support their baseless lies…You will realize one day that you are just a tool to help destroy America..I would hate to be a leftard when that day comes..
@Tommy Thompson Why didn’t you write the African American Community? Your exclusionary attitude and your lack of brotherhood are revealed in your horrendous, insulting, and yes, racist comment.
@Glock Coley – Parroting terms like “demon rat” and “leftard” is so immature and primitive. If you want to troll left-leaning sites like this, you should use grownup language to avoid embarrassing yourself.
It does beg the question why are the standards for charging a regular person for a legal violation different from that of those in power?
That where that police reform come in it needs to change they be charger like everybody else and also not only should you be able to sue the city or state but should be able to sue them individually, pension, house, bank account etc.
Because it’s there job and they’re lives are put at risk everyday. But don’t worry, eventually they’ll be gone because nobody wants to be a cop. People will simply go back to the days of the wild west and the law will be something of the past. Why? Because we have idiots like Sharpton who demonize and race bait cases that aren’t always the case. Instead of addressing issues in the African Community like crime or single parent homes he and many others simply blame whitey.
@Tommy Thompson
so you have no problem with Elijah McClain’s murder?
Jock Young no I have a problem of race baiting a situation like the media always does. Doe innocent people die yes, but the overwhelmingly majority aren’t….let’s quit acting like BLM cares about black people. If they did they would be protesting the streets of Chicago but they aren’t.
Cop are just a view of the general public that are racist. It’s just like the pedophiles that enters the Church, the type of person that wants to be cop is a type that demands authority and bullying. They see being a cop they can do as they please without being responsible.
How would you know? You’ve no clue what anybody else wants. Give it a rest. You’re nobody, don’t read minds, blabbering gibberish.
Blue lives matter
And you are just a few of the general public with an IQ under 62. Sad, you just murdered the English language
24james I guess you are great person that loves to demean. Only people that are worry about their IQ would even write that. I might have my faults but I better than you.I fought for this nation and what did you do? You are like the my maggots that are going down the tubes. You live in never land of stupidity and ignorance. Do you even live in this country, maybe living a pigpen.
Poor little boy. I bet you have a laundry list of insecurities.
This all makes me ashamed to be white more and more every day. I have been fighting since the late 60’s and I will continue to fight racism until my very last breath. I pray that we can rise above this. I know it probably doesn’t mean much but I am deeply sorry. Each incident rips at the core of my being. I never imagined the 21st century would look like this. God please help us find a way to love one another and erect a government that represents ALL people. It’s 2020! Our country’s unique diversities should be embraced and celebrated and voices for justice and equality must prevail. I grew up during a tumultuous time where we had realistic hope. This here, where we are now was not the dream.
@puffwheat9 Your heartfelt words brought tears to my eyes. Why haven’t humans learned that respecting that planet and respecting each other is what gives us life? How do we not know that greed, the struggle for power and exclusion result in death and destruction? Keep praying; keep speaking the truth. Keep up the activism. Know that you are not alone. Peace and blessings.
Well don’t be ashamed, but I understand where you’re coming from,has been plenty of times African Americans have done things and I felt the same.Long as we know that our hearts are in the right place we are part of the solution of the problem, not the problem.. so keep on continuing to do what’s right for your heart, and God bless you..
@Pink Lady no I’ll stay right here little girl
@Jillian Jillian democrats are the worser evil today, their policy ideas are anti American, anti capitalist.
@Truth Network Inc. Then were screwed.
Mr. Floyd’s passing started it. I want ELIJAH’S murder to end it!!
@Miriam Schiro
Don’t hate pal
@Jim Kelly
Don’t hate pal
Yeah there’s a silver lining in every cloud. We’re rid of imbecile floyd at least. Took long enough, kept having funerals for knothead Floyd?
@mike oren
Yeah right
Let’s see how feel one someone you were close to or loved oa killed by the cops in the same manner that George Floyd was murdered
If they were white, the liberal media would not care.
*“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King JR., ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ (1963)*
“judge someone by the content of their character not by the color of their skin” completely goes against al Sharpton and Black Lies Matter ideologies
“The only reason Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court is because hes black.” – Joe Biden, (Just one of his many racist comments)
@Dave Schultz Actually, there is a kernel of truth in that statement. Do you think Thomas chosen for his legal abilities? Check out his rise to the bench.
@Justi Siempre , “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
cops have tried to murder me many times thank you for standing up for me
@Spearhand i laughed it off 2
Stop committing crimes
@Uncle Ed i have a clean record stop being racist stop labeling and stop discriminating you roach
@Uncle Ed oh please don’t start that crap with all the videos of white people fighting the cops, beating them, and yet the live to see another day..but let me guess that’s different…
And u-soon..
RIP elijah mcclain, Breonna and Taylor Carlos Lopez
@ChimpCube chimpcube
Don’t hate pal
What do u call a Mexican that lost his car.

@ChimpCube chimpcube
You must really care… You can’t even get his name right.
RIP David Dorn. Shot by a LOOTER.
@ChimpCube chimpcube LOL he wasn’t a hero
What about the paramedic who overdosed Elijah with ketamine?????
@Autobot Diva It’s a paralytic, often used in conjunction with Succinylcholine, for intubation. By itself, though, it can be used as a sedative on a combative patient, but that’s not normally the first choice.
In short, I can’t answer that without knowing more about what was going on at the scene.
@Jim Kelly interesting. Wonder who gave the order to admin the drug?
@Autobot Diva I’m an EMT, but I work in a hospital, not the ambulance side but as I understand it, that order would’ve probably come from Aurora Fire.
Where did Mr. McClain die? I’ll bet that I can figure out which fire house responded to the call.
@Autobot Diva Found it. According to this article, it was a paramedic from the fire department that gave the fatal dose. And they appear to have overdosed him by about 140 milligrams, too. The highest IM dose range I’m finding says 6mg/kg. He was about 60kg so 360mg would be the max.
Look at the 15th paragraph from the top.
@Jim Kelly those meds should require a call to the nearest hospital correct? and they never explained why it was given without consent. odd
When will everyone get justice Bc I’m a color woman and I’m watching this happening over and over again. We can’t trust no one
not even cops
No American calls themselves “colored”. Are you just pretending to be black or are you of Indian descent from South Africa?
@Uncle Ed: all ppl commits crimes. Color has nothing to do w/it. We are all human! So what planet you come from? Do tell
Uncle Ed Yeah cuz wonder bread has never committed a crime, ever.
@Shelley Fitch: I’m black and I’m proud and I will say it it loud all day everyday! I say color w/class. Both parents are color folks..
There’s nobody to trust, it’s like sabatoge correct?
Injecting that kid with ketamine( a very odd drug) may be malpractice there was no informed consent
It’s a fairly common practice for “unruly” arrestees. It’s the same way Daniel Shraver died. Shot him up with a bunch of ketamine.
@Taygar Ian what happens to informed consent? That is an uncommon drug in the world of medicine
That was an unusual choice; normally, EMS uses Ativan or Haldol on a combative subject.
Drunk on Power, Worse than Animals .
Sickening , how we are as a country repeating history. I worked with the police. I seen it and when we reported it, it was ignored. In my academy we were called peace officers not killers. I want to say this, we took a oath to serve and protect!!! This president has brought racists out. I worked with NAACP to get rid of my racist boss. I did it by myself and watched the big bosses escort him out!! This is America and we need to act like it
Beth Malone Sadly, we’re not repeating history, it’s just continued but now we are all seeing it because of social media. Those that are approaching their mid-60s that came out of the 60s (me) see it but sadly younger people just don’t understand the history of this country especially when it comes to systemic racism and how police officers more and more act and react like the military towards regular people. With social media (For those who can afford it) we all are journalists and have a responsibility to use these tools that didn’t exist back in the day. I appreciate what you did. It was brave and courageous. I know how deep that blue code goes. Thank you
What happened to the young lady playing video games with her child killed by Cop’s shooting through her window ?
Her nephew. And, yes, what happened to her? And the guy eating ice cream and watching TV, who got shot by an off duty cop? And tbe six-year old girl who got shot through her living room window as she sat on tbe couch? There are thousands and thoudands of them.
And the 20 killed in Chicago??
Fired means a paid vacation.
The time is ripe for change. Let’s go forward and vote for a better justice and future for all. President Trump is making us aware of the importance of our voice. We must act now with peaceful demonstrations, without violence and abuse, and most importantly through the ballot box.
Too late!
May they souls RIP
Finally, social media has made it possible for the world to witness these injustices to black America. Finally all decent Americans will no longer tolerate police brutality and its ugly racism. POWER to the people to make these changes NOW!!!
“The only reason Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court is because hes Black” /Joe Biden/
My heart hurts a lot to hear this report. My mind is confounded. The strength of the communities of color has been monumental.
Strong enough to steal everything in sight whether it’s worth stealing or not, it’s getting stolen!