Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., has announced her support for former VP Joe Biden. Heidi Przybyla has the exclusive report. Aired on 03/11/2020.
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Frmr. Rep. Gabby Giffords To Endorse Biden | MSNBC
Gabby’s husband will be the next Senator from Arizona flipping the
Blue ! Mcsally can only get appointed , not elected.
David Ellis ,

You dreamers are just to laughable..
go Hillary..lmao
I’m pulling for her and her husband. I hope he wins his election. They are genuinely good people, from my limited view.
Her and her husband and their gun grabbing garbage need to go the f away.
Sally McMartha can shove it
“No one saw this coming…” – No one
Mystic Madman
Did you?
..they were warned by a Michael Osterholm, the infectious disease expert who warned as far back as 2005 of an impending pandemic by a contagious virus but no one listened.
Except Obama. HE set up a bureau to deal with this pandemic ASAP. HE didn’t rely on “hunches” or a “gut feeling….”
@JayKB – Not true at all. “While American health officials declared a public health emergency on April 26, 2009, then-Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano downplayed the announcement, calling it “standard operating procedure,” adding that she would rather refer to it as a “declaration of emergency preparedness.”
It wasn’t until four months later in October, that then-President Obama himself declared an H1N1 national emergency.
CNN reported in October 2009:
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Trump is killing us !!!
Bankrupt America !!!
Just like Trump own Business !!!!
Greg Hunder It’s the quality of the jobs. Minimum wage jobs without benefits of any kind. They are service jobs. Manufacturing has been replaced by service in America. And employers don’t want to pay a livable wage. Elitists and conservatives say, “go to school”, “join a union” or “it’s a stepping stone job”. Instead of just valuing the dishwasher. The landscaper. The cleaning lady. The agriculture worker. People don’t even know what is and isn’t made in the US. They just want their cheap garbage. And growth is far too low to give tax breaks the the wealthy. The economy was strong already. Why stretch an already straining budget, and balloon deficit spending? When Trump took office, deficit spending was reduced by a almost trillion dollars a year. Obama had 5% growth in more than one quarter, during a recession and bailout. Trump has not had 5% growth in a quarter since his presidency started. And he has raised deficit spending to over a trillion dollars a year. How do you pay down debt if you can’t balance the budget and reduce deficit spending? You conservative clowns cry about the deficit until you have the power. Then conservatives blow it out of control. Then democrats reduce it. The hypocrisy of conservatism. It’s a disease. A social cancer. And the only cure is knowledge.
Trump is a billionaire and has been for decades. The economy is the best ever. You are fake news personified.
@Dae Dotfan19 how ??? only of you are free loading illegal or welfare slob
@Peanutbutter jellyfish ->Whats laughable is that you think raising taxes and regulations on business will somehow actually help them and spur on the economy. Businesses will once again move off shore to a tax haven country once again. Maybe…why don’t you try to get an education and get a higher paying job rather than think the govt will take care of you? Democrats… the Dem is for dementia.
Greg Hunder Not my opinion clown. If you actually took an American civics/government and history class, you would know what you’re communicating. See why it’s a disease. You spewing your feelings. Not what actually tool place in history.
*Gabby’s husband will be the next Senator from Arizona flipping the
Blue ! Mcsally can only get appointed , not elected.*
Wow ! I posted the same statement 15 minutes ago ! Imitation is flattery .
Wubble Productions more fake news you are gobbling up. He denounced them and here you are looking ignorant. So sad
Droppin Deuces I remember him saying “there are good people on both sides.” Geez, how many gallons of Ben Shapiro’s kool-aid do you drink daily?
@Droppin Deuces such a fool dummy..lmao. Good luck dreamer hahahahaha
@Droppin Deuces u prolly still believe in santa , tooth fairies , easter bunny that come from eggs…lmao
Maximas Vegas You’re a bot, I think the droppin deuces guy likes trump
Mcsally the hack is gonna get the boot in Arizona she going to get grabbed out of office Griffen for senator vote blue people time for change
Biden for president
Shana:. Gabby’s husband Mark Kelly is seeking the US Senate seat. Hope he gets it. Ill mannered McSally isn’t even there under her own steam. The seat was handed to her. So she thinks she’s a big wig, but she’s only a follower.
@Barbara McCormack Kelly is a fraud and a lightweight. He has nothing but his sympathy vote for his wife and gun grabbing. How about he let someone else run for the office and stop trying to use his wife to gain power. No more illegals in Arizona either. Build the wall and deport.
Then you have elected Trump, cause he will destroy slow Joe. Hopefully he remembers is name in the debate.
Endorsing someone after that someone became the clear winner. Some people are so … Biden.
I’m speculating she chose to back Biden not because he’s the better candidate, but because by doing so she brings more moderates in line behind her husband’s Senate candidacy.
Now…when is that Hawaiian going to say, “aloha?”
JayKB::. Wondering the same thing. There is something quite suspicious about that. She can’t have forgotten her name is still there. Haven’t seen her in debates, and haven’t heard where she suspended her campaign. I don’t have a good feeling about it.
The DNC changed the rules of the debate to prevent Tulsi Gabbard from participating in the upcoming debate that is only going to include Sanders and Biden.
@Ll G Why waste time and effort on someone who won’t be able to even make it on to state ballets? I just want to hear from contenders.
@JayKB ya because of the corrupt MSM war Propaganda channels. Same old lies to get war criminals running the Country like they have since WW2.

another biden sale out.
Good to see the crazy’s stick together!

Who cares who SHE endorses….
The last time I had that was from another Bernie supporter after Clyburn endorsed Biden in SC. I guess we all know how that turns out.
See who cares about that now? Bernie does. Maybe people more important and sensible than you cares.
@Sim Simma I don’t care about Bernie nor Biden. All I’m saying is …no one was pondering, ” I’m wondering who Gabby Giffords is endorsing “.
You’d care if she endorsed Bernie, though, wouldn’t you?
@Dean F. ….as stated…I did not care for Biden nor Bernie. Additionally, Gabby endorses Biden ” AFTER” he obtains a sizable lead…she really have confidence in him…..laughable
I’m disappointed in Ms. Gifford’s choice, as I was with Liz Warren’s. I see a re-run of 2016, with the “socially acceptable” Biden losing to 45. By fair means OR foul, he’ll lose.
I am glad that Joe Biden got her endorsement and I hope it helps him and hurt Donald Trump.
It’s a vote for war either way, but Biden has no chance on the debate stage against Trump. The rich Corrupt ones in the DNC are so crooked , that they were scared shitless , and that’s why Tulsi was screwed out of most of the debates, she would also destroy slow Joe. Vote for Joe is a vote for war.

@Dan Beaton Russian troll isn’t going to Work this time!!
Way to go Gabby, keep the bluewave going, vote blue vote blue vote blue.spread the word.
dump the trump Nov 2020
Great going, Gabby. Rooting for the hubs to win Arizona.
People !! Can we get a big shout out for all those suburban moms in the house ?? Woooo Hoooo ! Go ,Mom , Go !!
Pffffftt. Meh …..
Given enough money or other compensation, most anyone can be corrupted.