The Trump campaign is suing journalists heading into the 2020 campaign, and veteran legal reporter and lawyer Dan Abrams calls out the attacks on the press, noting Trump's case is so weak this is more a political strategy than an actual attempt to prevail in court. Abrams is joined by Multi-platinum rapper Jadakiss, as part of Fallback Friday, an irreverent segment on the news show “The Beat with Ari Melber,” and the two also discuss Jadakiss's run-ins with Trump in New York; the coronavirus, and Jadakiss's new album "Ignatius" and Abrams' new book "John Adams Under Fire: The Founding Father's Fight for Justice in the Boston Massacre Murder Trial." (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 3/6/2020.
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‘Frivolous’: Trump Rebuked For Suing Journalists In 2020 Campaign | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
He doesn’t want to be the Pres anyway, now that he has to be an adult.
@mark evans Another Trump snowflake projecting… what a surprise. Did his comment get you in the feels, Princess?
mark evans you sound desperate

He’s incapable of acting in an adult fashion. Trump is a pathetic child. My three year old has more integrity.
tRump is so full of it.
He now needs to be full of some Corona
tUck fRump.
Trump derangement
Speaking of lawsuits, whatever happened to t’rump university?

@Dave Schultz still on the docket. When he loses his title, he will be prosecuted
@Nadia Silvershine not much of his life to save considering his morals and ethics. He is as bankrupt in his heart and mind as are his business ventures and what he is trying to do to our country.
Reputinclan Party in Full Effect
Yeah, that pesky 1st amendment.
Always harshing Trump’s* mellow (do people still say that?).
Fox News seems to test the limits on a constant basis.
Okay but for example Sean Hannity doesn’t claim to be a journalist. He says hes an opinion host. Thats the difference between MSM and most of fox.
@Mike Matthews faux entertainment does not have its license to calm it’s a “. News ” organisation the
” journalists ” like Hannity are paid actors….
Why is this coming up again ????? I.thought it was settled a long time ago, and everyone knew
@Mike Matthews Hannity doesn’t claim to be a journalist he just plays one on TV
Maybe Trump should be barred from filing frivolous lawsuits…
@Craig Crawford the media needs to be purged
@Chicken Speed No its not, but when he does soooo many frivolous suits, he should be made to pay ALL costs – then he would perhaps think twice before wasting the Peoples time and money for courtrooms and staffing. (in that sense Trump is a socialist, actually – just too funny)
@Joseph Willis I think the Democrats should payback all the money wasted on trying to impeach trump
Donald Trump is attempting to delegitimize the legitimate media, delegitimize the American Intelligence Agencies, Delegitimize the FBI, attack the Justice Department, attack and threaten any member of Congress who doesn’t support him 100%, attack our Courts and our judges and attacked NATO. Trump also has been attacking our allies such as Germany, Canada, England, and Australia while praising Putin of Russia, Erdogan of Turkey, Duterte of the Philippines, Xi Jinping of China, Kim Jon-un of North Korea and King Salman of Saudi Arabia and his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman. All of the leaders Trump praises have been accused of human rights violations and most of them have also been accused of having people who opposed them murdered. Trump has also refused to denounce the violence of the White Nationalists at Charlottesville and refused to say the White Nationalism and White Supremacy is a serious problem even though the majority of mass murders in America are caused by white males who viewed themselves as White Nationalists.
Donald Trump is dangerous to the continuation of the experiment our Forefathers called American Democracy and everyday Americans like ourselves are in danger of losing the freedoms our Forefathers fought and died to achieve for a greater America.
Trump calls himself a Nationalist, not a White Nationalist, just a Nationalist. Nationalism and Nationalists are a subset of Fascism and Nazism. Nazis were German white nationalists! Despite co-opting the name of Socialism and some of the socialist rhetoric by calling themselves the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, Hitler, and his Nazi Party had vastly different goals than that of socialists. The Nazis weren’t leftists or socialists, the Nazis were Fascists!
Members of the Nazi Party who defended socialism were often ejected from the party, sent to concentration camps or even murdered. Hitler wasn’t a Socialist. Hitler was a Fascist with the desire to achieve total totalitarian power!
Donald Trump has studied and admired Hitler and Donald Trump wants to turn America into a fascist country ruled by a totalitarian dictator, Donald Trump! Donald Trump has commented multiple times that maybe he should rule America for life, like Xi Jinping, the president of China.
If you read the history of the Nazi Party, the history of Hitler, the history of Mussolini, and the history of the Fascist Party of Italy you will see parallels to what Donald Trump is doing in America that should make you scared for the future of America.
Donald Trump wants to turn America into a Fascist State, much like Hitler did with Germany. Fascism emphasizes direct action, including supporting the legitimacy of political violence, as a core part of its politics. Fascism views violent action as a necessity in politics that fascism identifies as being an “endless struggle”. This emphasis on the use of political violence means that most fascist parties have also created their own private militias just like Trump talked about doing in conjunction with Erik Prince.
Fascism promotes the establishment of a totalitarian state and it opposes liberal democracy, rejects multi-party systems and supports a one-party state. A major element of fascist ideology that has been deemed to be far-right is its stated goal to promote the right of a supposedly superior people who will dominate while purging society of supposedly inferior elements.
Robert Paxton wrote an article identifying five stages of a fascist movement, although he notes that only Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy progressed through all five:
1) Intellectual exploration, where disillusionment with popular democracy manifests itself in discussions of lost national vigor
2) Rooting, where a fascist movement, aided by political deadlock and polarization, becomes a player on the national stage
3) Arrival to power, where conservatives seeking to control rising leftist opposition invite classical liberals (capitalist, conservative elite) to share power
4) Exercise of power, where the movement and its charismatic leader control the state in balance with state institutions such as the police and traditional elites such as the clergy and business magnates.
5) Radicalization or entropy, where the state either becomes increasingly radical, as did Nazi Germany or slips into traditional authoritarian rule, as did Fascist Italy
America is in Stage four!
Donald Trump is very dangerous to American Democracy!
@Sicklady That just shows you that Stupidity doesn’t discriminate. Even in your family!
Rick Ammon —You see, I’ve firsthand knowledge living under authoritarian regime so trump fascism is a big red flags heading into dictatorship.
I’ve been afraid for my children future since trump took office and will NEVER gave up fighting for American values, democracy and the rule of law.
@ZENSIBLE just how are your parents related ?
@Nanette White the very thought of voting for someone completely, ideologically opposed to what Bernie stands for, the working class, is almost totally repugnant. The only totally, totally repugnant thing would be Trump in office for another four years! Talk about a dilemma for voters.
Ask trump which of his donors is receiving the contracts to supply Corona test kits.
That is the only reason for the delay. Ask how much will someone have to pay for the test.
Gary Reid
You are clearly on to something, much like the contracts for his fabled border wall effort must be put under the microscope. Everything is about lining his own pocket directly or indirectly.
When his regime is over, there is a lot to investigate.
Trump lies and then denies the lie and everyone believes him.
. Because people are so gullible and stupid nowadays is the reason trump can get away with this.
All of that. The easily gulled and gullible worship the Con Man and genuflect before him.
“It is easy for the Con Man to con the Fool. It is nearly impossible for the Fool to believe the Honest Man who points out the fact that the Fool has been fooled by the Con Man.”
Mick Mulvaney gone! Mark meadows now the new chief of staff!!! Great!! When trumps gone…so is he!!! Another congressman out!!! Great news!!!
He is worried about losing because if he does he’ll be heading to jail not too long after. All republicans should vote for someone else because otherwise mark my words you’ll regret it. Is dirty dirty dirty
Two words for you. Durham Report!
Remember when Trump sued Maher over a joke? Then produced his birth certificate to prove he isn’t the spawn of an orangutan? Lol Trump is such a thin-skinned pansy.
Hah, yea! That was hilarious! And he lost the case anyway… and to this day gets mocked by Bill every now and then. What a pansy indeed.
Remember he lost because
Bill produced evidence Trumps mother had an affair.
Now he could have left well enough alone and been less the wiser.
Trump then couldn’t prove in court he wasn’t spawn of an Orangutan.
Nobody knows what happened in court.
Trump may have had a bad hair day, some orange lighting or decided to give a speech about his new mom, Hillary. Anyway, they decided the Orangutan thing was a possibility.
I’m not sure if there was a zoo line up and follow up questioning of the primate suspects.
Ffs Nunes sued a parody twitter account called *Nunes’s Cow*.. that just about sums these a-holes up…
He cows to noone.
Americans stop buying Corona beer .. wow.. that only just highlights how uneducated and irrational the public really are. Just pure stupidity.
They should put out a story telling people it’s the cure. Sales will go through the roof
People definitely need to educate themselves or each other. It’s ridiculous.
I don’t drink, I ought to go get some to prove a point.
I thought that when a law suit is declared a frivolous suit the one who initially filed it have to pay the legal cost for both sides if this is not true it should be
Sometimes it is true. Sometimes in the US the winner can get compensatory and punitive damages from the crook.
Exactly Ruthanne – if that frivolous turd was made to pay all the costs for his b.s., he might actually not do it! (I believe in the tooth fairy too).
Somebody give the Coronavirus directions to the White House. And Mar-a-Lago.
Supposedly Pence shook hands with a women who has tested positive in Texas.
,hope that gives you hope
Senate, too.
Pee pee trump must face a military firing squad for treason
I’m volunteering for it GLADLY, bring me a gatling gun
Denis Bailey no, send him to a psychiatrist clinic. He’ll never get out of it
“they are all in the loop” bought and paid criminals and they know once trump is brought justice he will tell on the Republicans crimes
Two words for you. Durham Report!
Wow the beer has nothing to do with the virus, some people are hurting their brains on that one