Freshman Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) tells Lawrence O’Donnell that President Trump is making “empty promises” about protecting people with pre-existing conditions while promoting legislation to take away health care coverage for millions of Americans. Aired on 1/13/20.
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Freshman Dem Debunks Trump Claim About Pre-Existing Conditions | The Last Word | MSNBC
So, whatever happened to that “big beautiful healthcare replacement” that t’rump promised America in 2017?

Man, t’rump’s To-Do list for Jared must be a mile long at this point!
Randy Smith Please educate me on this mythical deal you speak of.

@Ro G the one McCain the RINO traitor quashed
@Randy Smith Ah yes, the one from July 2017.
Like I said, t’rump failed and then gave up. Thanks for clarifying my point for me! 

@Randy Smith Oh and one more thing….do you ever get tired of blaming others for t’rump’s failure to get anything done? Because t’rump supporters have gotten real good at that in the 3 years he’s failed to do anything! Art of the Deal? More like Art of the Fail!
How about dental and vision standard insurance…On disability and guess what I get from Trump..A big buetiful kiss
Such a shame to miss out on a chance to put our health care above a corrupt 3rd world country
very well said, ty rep underwood and mr o’donnell.
Did you hear about Trump suffering from scurvy in college?
The best he could do was a C minus.
You have herpes simplex A+
@John Pembroke You have Trumptarditis.
@James Dunn hahaha, your in here too. 2020, 4 more mthrfkn years bud
Cleverly funny!
If you like your doctor, you can keep them. Now who said that?
John Doe,
Obama did. Very likely because at the time he believed that would be the case. We’re talking about the man who actually _gave_ us the ACA, which allowed over 20 million Americans to get affordable health care. I’m sure they’d rather have to change doctors than not have any health insurance at all.
Trump, on the other hand, knows perfectly well that pre-existing conditions will not be covered by any Republican replacement of ACA. That’s why Republicans built their plan in secret, not allowing any Democrats to participate, and then released that huge document only about 12 hours before the floor vote on it. Talk about consciousness of guilt!
What’s the point of keeping your doctor if you can’t afford it ? Wharr the point of keeping your doctor if your “pre-existing conditions” makes it impossible to take care of your illness ??
John Doe, I’m tired of this statement to make a stupid point, did your life insurance stay the same, did your house payment stay the same, did your tuition stay the same , did your coverage switch doctors but stayed the same, did your credit card payment stay the same, did your airline ticket stay the same, when you closed on your house did all agreements stay the same?????????????????????????????????
Only Congress can change or protect your health care options Vote for the Senator and Representative who will do that according to your wishes.. Vote for the president who will not veto those improvements in health care options.
I have an idea. You pay for your body, I pay for mine.
Good right?
Yeah as soon as Congress, the Senate and potus pay for their own coverage.
@Bernadette Dunn
Great, we agree!
Wow, the trolls are out in droves. I guess the Russians aren’t just hacking Burisma.
If the Whitehouse inteligence wasn’t from esper, where did trump get that inteligence?
Americans ..just remember ..ANYTHING that comes from trump and his GOP and supporters are LIES, DISTORTIONS AND DISGRACEFUL .
Trump wants to gut every program that benefits and enruching himself and his criminal FAMILY . Trump will lose all ..
Gutting every program actually takes money out of the hands of the government. Think about it for a moment. A government with no programs can’t take money from people.
You have this all backwards.
Trump is the protector of no one except his self!!
It’s settled then Lorenzo the big dummy has it all figured out.
vote the gop/Greedy Old & Perverted men out,. problem solved
Putin’s Russia is an obstacle to human progress.
I hope the Russian people overthrow him soon!
He’s telling more lies to benefit his cause.
If we can pay football players $1000000 a game we should be able to solve all our Healthcare issues
Trump had a surgeon put an extra patch on his on his scalp
Health Insurance CEOs made $80 million in salary lat year