Freeland ‘disturbed’ by decision to keep Vice-Admiral Baines after he golfed with Vance

Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland says she's 'disturbed' by the decision to keep Vice-Admiral Baines in his job, after golfing with ex-defence chief Jonathan Vance.

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    1. If that’s the case then you are a very weak person just say I myself am conservative even I am not that weak…

    2. Liberals are a nightmare but don’t expect blackface supporters to understand economics.

    3. @Blackface Liberal When it comes to economics the Conservative Party has never done any better and I would argue usually worse than the Liberals when it comes to economic activity. Mayors of big cities vote for Governments that they think will be best for their populations and lately most have been supporting Liberals. OToole LoL 😂 😂 😂

  1. Meanwhile, you can be a provincial minister, go on a Caribbean vacation during a pandemic related stay-at-home order, resign in disgrace, and then get hired back even as your boss stumps for tighter border restrictions.

  2. I can believe it. This liberal government has to go.
    Also I have to put Freeland on 2x speed. I can’t tolerate her speaking.

  3. I guess it didn’t work out for Trudeau putting someone with a business background into the ministry of finance. So let’s just put someone who’s totally incompetent in the same ministry.

  4. She should reflect on her party on how they are handling the situation. How would she feel as a Canadian woman when the defence ministry is not taking this seriously?

  5. Why do Liberals talk as though they’re speaking to 5 year olds? I treat my dog with more reverence than Freeland treats the public.

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