Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks about the mandatory 14-day isolation period to be enforced on people coming into Canada.
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Too Late Freeland, you and you’re liberals should have done that from the beginning
That’s the wrong your/you’re there smart guy
what if it was intentional ? they are Leftist …
When is the beginning??? There’s never a right time for you guys because all you do is sit there and criticize. What the Canadian governmentbis doing has to take a lot of work to coordinate everything, includes the $82 billion dollars for the cost of this log down . Don’t you know how difficult it is to gather $82 billion dollars with a plan on how to distribute to those who are really in need???? It’s definately not just a couple of words on YouTube or Twitter.
Ottawa is the new romper room.
This should have been done since January.
Mr Khan You are Correct in your thinking .
If Our Canadian Liberal Government was intelligent they would have done that
Use you brain and don’t you know every minute is burning money here. Starting from January, where does the money come from. You think the money are really just print outs and doesn’t need anything to back up???. You guys are so ignorant.
I had to check the date on this video several times… why is this only happening now?
Little tiran
Close the borders, and the BS.
She looks 20 years older now then the NAFTA negotiations.
That explains why she looks shorter
A day late & a dollar short!
They should have stopped all travel in the Canada
…This load of losers get better all the time.
Are the any actual canadians left in government? I know at least half were born here but they sure aren’t Canadian
Stop all inter national flights. Duh!
How about making it mandatory 2 months ago?
What are the methods to supervise them?(I didn’t hear any.)
What are the penalties for breaking the self-isolation? (I didn’t hear any, either.)
You’re late

Every person who has not left the country and is infected with covid19 or dead dries on your soul! You had time to stop the epidemic!
self isolate yourself on the moon Freeland the evil dwarf
I pray to protect you all peolpe cannadian frm philippines
I don’t suppose the entire government would go to a one day meeting in Europe or something?
Better late then never
No right on as planned. The barn is empty closing the doors won’t help.
No freedom with Freeland.