Freed By Senate GOP, Trump Appears To Formalize Ukraine Scheme Through Barr | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on William Barr's confirmation that he is setting up a process for receiving information from Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani as he looks for dirt on Joe Biden in Ukraine. Aired on 2/10/2020.
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Freed By Senate GOP, Trump Appears To Formalize Ukraine Scheme Through Barr | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Freed By Senate GOP, Trump Appears To Formalize Ukraine Scheme Through Barr | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. you mean he gets punished, loses his medals and retirement, gets jail time. then forgiven and given a talk show?

  1. Like I said soon we’re going to see arrest of every Democrats ,media ,and every person who says anything against this fake president !

    1. You’re so right, – meglomaniacs can’t stand criticsm from anyone or anything, – it undermines their fragile self-confidence!

  2. On Dec 16th 2019, Rudy admitted in an interview with Laura Ingraham, that as Trump’s personal lawyer, he became a central figure in US foreign policy in Ukraine, promoting Trump’s desire for an investigation into nonexistent Ukrainian election meddling; taking trips to advance a bogus investigation into the Bidens; and, by his own admission, exerting control over US diplomatic staffing in that country to serve the interests of his client.

    Rudy admitted he played a leading role in the removal of Marie Yovanovitch, which set the stage for Trump efforts over the summer to bribe Ukraine into investigations of the Bidens for Trump’s own political gain.

    Rudy: “I forced her out because she’s corrupt,” Giuliani said. I came back with a document that will show unequivocally that she committed perjury when she said that she turned down the visa for Viktor Shokin because of corruption …. there’s no question that she was acting corruptly in that position, and had to be removed. She should have been fired, if the State Department weren’t part of the deep state. I believed that I needed Yovanovitch out of the way,” he said. “She was going to make the investigations difficult for everybody.”

    Keep in mind, Rudy is NOT, I repeat NOT, a State Department employee. He has NOT been appointed by Trump for some sort of special diplomatic role, like a US envoy. He has no official title, and he has no security clearance. He is simply an out of control arsonist, serving as Trump’s personal goon,  I mean attorney..

  3. Remember when Barr was on the Senate floor answering questions about things like this. Remember when Kamala had him mixing up his words

  4. So basically Rudy is going to be feeding Russian propaganda directly to the DoJ. 😲
    So Putin will now have control of the White House and the US Department of Justice. Let that sink in for a moment.

    1. @Kyle Jameus Here is Joe Biden talking about extorting the Ukrainian government.–dj2-CY

      Are you going to believe Rachel Maddow or your own eyes and ears? This isn’t Russian propaganda. This is Joe Biden admitting to leveraging one billion dollars in loan guarantees to the Ukriane in efforts to get a prosecutor fired that was investigating Brisma. At very least this needs to be investigated. We need to find out exactly what happened over there.

      Wasnt it you idiots on the left who believe that moronic Russian narrative? Even after it was proven to be false you morons still want to believe it. So who’s really uneducated? Who’s really delusional? Rachel Maddow misled you idiots for years and you still think she has credibility. And Trump supporters are the uneducated ones?

    2. @Merrilou Neigenfind Are you literally that stupid? Or are you still living in 2014?
      The 2014 “health basket” of medical services and medications approved by Israel’s cabinet Sunday (Jan. 5) includes free abortions for Israeli women aged 20 to 33, regardless of the circumstances.

      President Donald Trump’s executive order this week blocking foreign aid or federal funding to any nongovernmental organizations that perform or “actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.”
      🤔 Obama paid for abortions. Trump stopped paying for them. Then you ask why religious people support Trump? 😒
      Your out of the “present time”. 🤣😂

    3. @J Thomas I can’t even believe that a Catholic school would let a student wear a MAGA hat which is the new White Hood. Of course Trump is the new leader of the KKK.

  5. And if Joe Biden is not selected at the end? Let them waste their time and energy. They will have nothing left when the real Democrat Candidat is chosen. Ukrain will not help them if Joe Biden is out of the picture.

  6. Rudy Colludy is being paid by Parnas and Fruman who are being funded by Dmitry Firtash, so essentially Russian organised crime is financing Rudy Colludy’s work on behalf of the President. Now the DOJ is a party to openly peddling Putin propaganda.

  7. Why are they still going after Biden? They’ve successfully assassinated his campaign.
    What dirt will they throw at Bernie now?

  8. When Trump was first elected I said he was the greatest threat to democracy in history. I wish I had been wrong.

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