Former Democratic Sen. Al Franken and former GOP congressman Charlie Dent discuss classified docs found at Mar-a-Lago, and former President Trump’s influence on elections in Pennsylvania.
#CNN #News
Franken calls Trump team’s response to DOJ investigation ‘lame’

@Que Dizzle you toning down rhetoric

and youre a risk to small children, right?
I agree with you.
Al Franken should never have resigned. He was one of our best senators. I hope he will run again!
@Dale McCary Well you like grouping ex president trump so don’t be hypocrite !
Eric Herschmann to Trump’s lawyers-“I’m going to give you the best free legal advice you’re ever getting in your life: Get yourself a great f’ing criminal defense lawyer, you’re gonna need one!”
@帥哥 no need to ask for a blanket pardon ahead of grime, if you didn’t committ a crime!
@帥哥 There is a need for an attorney if there is any contact with investigators, subponeas requesting interviews/statements or if the person is out there making any statements (On Fox News Much?) about the subject of the investigation….and all that comes long before indictment. Your “legal advice” would get you Disbarred.
Aw, did the poor MAGA folks get their little feelings hurt by facts laid out by President Biden?
@Real American Aaaaww, why the uppercut?
. And, so what if I’m a little on the heavy side…ok, maybe a little more than a little. I have a big heart. And, I have no idea if you’re a man or woman, but I have to say, I really don’t care. Love the “big boy” talk.
@Jason C Then vote blue, dumpling.
Accurate but Dent just doesn’t like the label.
If Trump came out and admitted he lost and said there was no voter fraud – I think many of his supporters would call him a Rino!
@Carol Miller How does him admitting that he lost have anything to do with holding office again? You are allowed to run again after you lose.
@DAMON MARCUS You can’t admit something that is true, if you believe it isn’t true. Such as Trump’s version of the Renoir painting ‘Two Sisters’.
@Chucks Grace and Billy stole a bicycle whataboutism
@DAMON MARCUS you do it all the time it looks like ( to something ) not true and you can put metal into a microwave oven ; it’s not a good idea but here we are ? people confess to things they had nothing to do with all the time . you can’t play smart when you ain’t. is moree like it .
For the sake of national security, Trump should be immediately arrested and indicted. Indicting Trump should NOT wait until after the mid-term elections, Trump does not deserve to be treated with kid gloves. Also several GQP members visited Maralago in the past 18 months and should be investigated.
@Rebecca Windinwood Nope, hypocrisy. Typical Democrat “Rules for thee, but not for me”.
@soylentdean Bring it on, baby. That’s NOTHING compared to Trump’s traitorous behavior.
I’ll also throw out that the Trump appointed judge sure is bending over backwards to accommodate requests that have nothing to do with her jurisdiction…
She want be a judge she make a bad decision.
@****PUTIN 1day old troll account TROLL ALERT!!!
@Chucks Grace BULL CRAP. Deflecting again
Rally tonight? When he speaks, he gets himself in deeper. Let’s hope he does it again
@Brian Croner amen
Every time Trump speaks he reaches a new form.
@Dawn Carlson everything he spews can be used against him, in a court of law
All TRUMP needs is 11,780 days in prison !!!
Love it!!
@Davon Lloyd explain why we should.
which is one more than we need
@DAMON MARCUS Nice “sentence”. I’m guessing you don’t have a diploma.
@DAMON MARCUS Class of ’76 for me
Al Franken is always a breath of fresh air, wisdom and humor, wrapped into one…
@psycobleach46 tullis well but it was investigated but he settled with the NINE WOMEN out of court
@Paul Itix NO, it was not investigated, there was no settlement
@Paul Itix why take the fifth unless you’re guilty
@Paul Itix annnnd?….was he charged?
@imso smart WTF are you talking about Mr imso smart..
People please
just the thought that Trump would be in any position of authority in the future scares me and should terrify any USA citizen. We have to stop him. THANK YOU ACOSTA
Love Al Franken! He should have never been forced to step down!
Well, he wasn’t exactly forced. I think he decided that he didn’t want to serve alongside a herd of humorless femi-nazis like Gillibrand. Not worth the hassle.
@Paul Itix With trump it was like 5000 women and also children accuse him of sexual crimes
Then why don’t you marry him then. Hack
Al Franken is the best. His pressured resignation was a travesty.
Especially taking into account what all sorts of people have done since he left-Democrats were pressured. That jerk Matt Gaetz wasn’t pressured to resign and what he did is much worse! Al Come on back-Please!
@Paul Itix I think those harpies li d is get attention
@anne hersey OK but please is unnecessary it’s annoying like Trump and those harpies who lied about Al Franken
The problem with calling them semi fascists is that he said semi.
buy a dictionary
@DAMON MARCUS fascism n.
1 an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. 2 (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Al Franken should run again, he was innocent of false charges! America misses Senator Al Franken!
Now we know what Putin and Donnie talked about in Helsinki that’s why no interpreters were allowed. It don’t take a rocket scientist to see.
I think the Saudis got a peek. 2 billion to Kushner.
Well Said, right on Target
If it talks and walks like a fascist, then it’s a fascist. I see no problem in calling the Republicans fascists.
Me either and the coac went to Hungary and had Victor Orbon for a speaker its exactly
@NBA1 must be hard to function with an I Q of 1.

Franken needs to go BACK on the senate. The reason he resigned is such a NON issue, especially when you look At how far the decency ‘post’ as moved in the past few years.
@therobwayneshow oh… Here’s hoping!
@Phuffyb no, he’s a creep and had to resign, settled with the accusers
People need to yell at DT everywhere he goes, “Where’s the documents?!”
They should make him pass lie detector test and ask him if documents were showed to people who don’t have the security clearance to view them. Then ask if photocopies were made. Are there citizens of other countries that have viewed them or have copies. My bet is he would fail all of them
@Julie C can you imagine a Donald Trump lie detector test? The machine would self destruct.