Fmr. FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi reacts to the news that the Feds are investigating Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Aired on 10/11/19.
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Frank Figuliuzzi: Rudy Giuliani Just Threw Trump Under The Bus | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Can two people simultaneously throw each other under the bus?
@Eastwood Unforgiven I was trying to be polite
Yes if while getting thrown you drag him with you.
REKT. Inb4 Trump never met Giuliani in his entire existence.
@Kip McEwen people are getting arrested for a reason. Keep up!
@Gabe Dudley christ people dont learn anything! He can’t arrest a sitting president but he will be shortly from the looks of things. Thick headed trumpsters!!!
Trump: Rudy was never my lawyer he just came around every so often.
@Gabe Dudley Is being stupid a Republican trait? Because you’re a shining example of stupid.
Well he did said that at the end he would be the hero so he might be the Snape of the history
@car. A wasn’t he working for some billionaire backed by the Russians under house arrest?
@Kenny Both he and Manafort were being paid by Deripaska.
@Kenny yep. I don’t think you wait until you’re in your 70s to get involved with Russian criminals. I bet he’s been at it a long long time…..Of course if its ever proven that Guiliani was working with Russians since the 90s, conspiracy theorists will have a whole lot more to think about with 9/11
Hahaha Harry Potter reference. I appreciate that.
Wow, thats quite the insult slung at Snape

No collusion…ok ok ….COLUSION!
It’s a plethora of collusion….
Collusion isn’t collusion.
I am losing track of the whole bus accident. Who is driving, who got tickets, who is inside and who are under ??
Only the best buses.
I spit my coffee out laughing … im so lost too and I really don’t care. As of now I got bills to pay as long as they’ll let me do it
yuge buses

CHARLIE o why you say i am a sheep?
Who ever is driving, they’re looking at the mother of DUIs..
Maybe they are driving their buses head on into each other. Let’s all just watch
Yes 5 more years of watching. Remember last season when mueller was your hero?

Trump is starting to distance himself from Rudy, just like he did with Cohen! Imagine if Rudy now turns on trump!!!!!!
Bitchc connel will turn next because nobody in their right mind would go. Down for trump except maybe stormy daniels. Ha. Ha. Ha. !!!! Get real america this liece of crap has disgraced our country.
@Kip McEwen Rudy is his personal lawyer and is not a member of the US government nor does he have the security clearances to conduct US government business.
Like the MAGA Rally chants…
Gabe Dudley you need to get a job man you’re on cnn and MSNBC videos using these childish insults simply because you can’t admit you’re wrong and don’t know how to stop being ignorant.
@Gabe Dudley …why would I vote for irrelevant Hillary?… are you hoping trump will win the popular vote THIS time?… keep on drinking the kkkoolaid inbreeder…
Gabe Dudley you going for the child molester look
It sure is getting to be hazardous driving a bus these days in Washington, leads to post traumatic stress syndrome
this is glorious, watching this shitshow of the trump administration go down in flames.
@thersten Amoral? I’m not sure. Trump is probably amoral, through whatever dissociative psychological condition it is he suffers from. The rest know they’re corrupt shitsters.
I love it. Watching from Europe. But scared that the impeachment and removal are a political decision
@TheVeryhumble I feel like removing him would be a national security issue…His mental capacity is surely lacking,the only thing I see is a vindictive corrupt bully…And that’s my ” nice language”…have a good day)))
@TheVeryhumble The Senate is the problem. He’s entitled to a Senate trial. And the corrupt GOP owns it. Those Bible belt (!) states who think Trump’s “The Chosen One” will still vote him and those pandering senators in. We are not out of the woods yet.
I’d like to see Rudy’s financial records to see the amount of money he’s been making off of all of this. I bet he was being paid handsomely.
@Clarky Gaming so much to keep track of…… I forget how deep the coruption runs. I think there was a trump airlines too. BANKRUPT!
Not handsomely enough. Have you SEEN the man?
@Buck Browning you obviously think Hillary withheld her financial documents like Trump did, she actually let the world go through her finances. Guess what, your alleged payment doesn’t exist, nor do any payments to the 11 others who also approved the deal *for the department of energy* who manages the nuclear materials in the US. Hillary was State Department, not Department of Energy like who would control the approval of Urainium One…
Then you’ll be pleased to know the reporting is that he was being paid by 2 LLC’s one named Fraud Guaranteed the other Mafia something…they’re already pulling Rudy’s finances cause he isn’t on the tax payers dime nor employed by the government. He’s running around in Europe like he’s a government employee and he’s totally NOT.
Cohen’s wondering why they just moved bunk beds in his cell !
I guess that’s his punishment.
Having to listen to gouleeeHONEEE talk talk talk talk talk talk tal… ta.. t…..
Oh my gosh how funny, I’m crying
haha- funny as heck. -” I get the top bunk- no, I get top bunk!”
They’re trying to throw each other under the short bus.
Let us hope they are _both_ successful.
@Frank Winkhorst Obviously in that scenario, only ONE will be successful.
Kind of like a sumo wresting match.
Can you imagine what their gluttonous dinners look like? Puke
That is called loralty!!
Oh, cofveve…who is Rudy? Never met him, just sat in a meeting with him once. He’s like a coffee boy to me.
Lmbo yes I can see him saying that
The bus no longer touches the road, it has so many Trumpeteers under it.
Trumpeteer checking in
KAG 2020
*Hahahah that made me laugh
Road is paved With Inbred Trumpers* 
Two old criminals standing in the middle of the street, wrestling to throw the other under the bus. I kind of like that picture.
Knowing that Rudy is the best Trump can afford is heart warming
Who’s this Rudy guy? I never met him. Heard he’s perfect tho. No quid pro quo, no collusion , witch hunt , Peter struck , Hillary, wall…..
ok ? if they offer a deal will Judy take the offer
Ted Zeiller best comment on this thread.
Jesus, how high off the ground is this bus? There’s like 15 people under it already.
American prisons could use more wealthy old white male population.
Prison is OK provided all their assets are frozen and then they are faced with many lawsuits for the people that they insulted embarrassed and did whatever it took to ruin them. When Trump is out of office he is going to be faced with so many lawsuits he is going to be stuck in court for so long that he will go bankrupt. Plus, his name will be sticken from wherever it appears because no one will ever want to associate themselves with him.
Yeah; but commissary prices will go up. Soap will be $50.00 a bar. Royal Crown even higher.
That’s who should be there the most. Busting people with an ounce of pot etc is ridiculous
They just end up killing themselves.