Fractured GOP’s Fight Over Reps. Greene And Cheney Boils Over | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Rep. Liz Cheney has survived a challenge to her leadership from within her own party after voting to support Trump's impeachment as Democrats push ahead with plans to vote on punishing GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over her past controversial comments. Aired on 2/4/2021.
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#GOP #RepsGreene #MSNBC

Fractured GOP's Fight Over Reps. Greene And Cheney Boils Over | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fractured GOP's Fight Over Reps. Greene And Cheney Boils Over | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Green is using the Trump playbook… be as outrageous as you can publicly… as often as you can… make so much of a stink, that your name is everywhere… lie as often as you can… so no one will know what the truth is… never tell the truth… lie about your lies…

    1. @Cliff Medina
      It ain’t over till it’s over. America is stronger than you think… Being liberal isn’t a crime, nor is being conservative a crime…
      You can be either and be a good person… You can be either and be a patriot… You either stand up for America, no matter who is in charge, or you don’t.
      Am I totally happy with Biden… no… but he is the person in the job… let him do it… The things he’s done aren’t wrong… they just aren’t what You want.
      So, you want America to be exactly what You say it should be… To me, that looks like you want to be a Dictator and tell everyone what they should do… or else…
      That what a dictator is… America is not a dictatorship… to Trump that’s a problem. To everyone else it’s fine. Is living in a dictatorship fine for you?

    2. @Mistair Arts Yup. Time for everyone to reach across the divide when and where they can, drop the demonizing and insulting terms for each other, unite to help our new president even if that means respectful criticism.
      “A house divided cannot stand”
      Abraham Lincoln

    3. @Mistair Arts Thanks again. We can recognize that many minds working together come up with various solutions, some better than others, as individuals working as a nonpartisan team using their talents vs aligning solely along party lines. Congress has been frozen and impotent for years on this basis.

    4. @A. Munoz
      If we make our friend into our enemies, then what will we do when a real enemy comes at our back…
      Like the Russians… Political issues are real, but so are American enemies… enemies that would be perfectly happy to take advantage…

    5. @Mistair Arts Exactly…. they are and have been taking advantage for some time. This is what Trump completely failed to address when issues about Russian interference occurred in 2016. He chose (or deliberately portrayed it to be) a personal attack on his candidacy, rather than address the far important issue that it was an attack on the general election/electoral process of this country. On this basis, his administration was totally un-co-operative with an investigation of this problem and its remedy for future candidates and elections. His election was not the first and will not be the last time foreign interference is attempted. The completely defensive posture too many Americans have adopted on this issue continues o keep us far more vulnerable than we need to be,

    1. Nope, he was just expressing himself,they did the stuff. Ask Manson all about that. They lack critical thinking skills.

    1. @Bill Rodriguez What about Fox New /OAN / NEWMAXTV. THE REAL fake entertainment. You can’t call it NEWS

    2. @Bill Rodriguez Somewhere out there, there are a couple of trees working really hard to replace the oxygen you’re consuming. Now go & apologize to them.

  2. Whatever happened to “We don’t make deals with domestic terrorists?”. If Republicans don’t do the right thing now, they and their families will live in fear for the rest of their lives.

    1. @Robert Tackett Yes, And you voted for “Space Force” which turned to be a big money grab for Donald Trump and his crooked friends. Lol, and what did you get? 20yrs for “insurrection”. Lol, I’m happy with Green Deal. What about You? How’s that 20yrs looking.

    2. @Robert Tackett Wow, you packed a lot of lies and ignorance into a couple of “sentences”. Go get your GED, Marvin.

    1. @The Truth Is Out 777 but this is the House Minority leader who gets top level briefings on anything whenever he wants, the Gang of 8 and chamber leadership gets as much info as anyone not named President.

  3. McCarthy is ‘doing’ Greene. That’s the reason he won’t fire her. How’s that as a conspiracy theory..

  4. Kick Greene out altogether! How can you entertain having someone so poisonous and virulent within your governing body?

    1. Well if those are the new rules you better get rid of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, all of the squad, and all the other wasteful, useless commiecrats.

    1. Patriots love their country (meaning of the word patriot).
      Trump about Qanon: I just heard they love their country.
      This means Trump thinks Qanon are patriots.
      The FBI wanted to declare Qanon terrorist.
      This means Trumps patriots are terrorists.
      He considers having an own party, the patriot party.
      He wants to have a domestic terrorist organisation.
      Why not impeach him, so that he can not do this?

      He wanted to have Greene in the education section.
      “We will teach our children to love their country”.

  5. President Biden is correct. There has to be a trial. Both sides must be heard. Otherwise justice has no meaning or purpose.

    1. @The Truth Is Out 777 maybe you are really good at telling someone else what to do. I hope you have a great day. Joe Biden is a decent man, and he is not the one on trial. Donald Trump is. So I suggest you be the one to SU.

    2. @The Truth Is Out 777Do you have good, reasoned arguments to present in a rebuttal that readers might consider or learn from? Do you think that this kind of comment helps the nation heal? Do you expect the target of this comment to endorse your insulting characterization of them? Nothing is gained here by you if you intend to win hearts and minds to your point of view.

  6. Sir Kevin “Que-on” McCarthy, I suggest you refer to your Qanon butt-tattoo for the correct pronunciation.

    1. @hunterrgntr You must LOVE reading everything here(LOL), being contrary and getting some of that attention you so desperately need. Must be cold in mommy’s basement.

    1. Never thought I would see someone with less than spine than Graham & McConnell but just when you think you have reached the lowest depth, someone comes along to drop it further.

  7. “dont know what qanon is”, wtf is wrong with these people? this is what represents the usa?? didnt they notice they’re now “minority” leaders, its apparently not a winning strategy?

  8. They should also require that woman wear an “I’m with stupid” shirt with an arrow pointing to her face.

    1. Another trump both liars better to say dont know what it is yet they fully know, they play dumb, they forget everything is recorded

  9. The GOP wants control they don’t care how they get it or who gives it to them, it’s power they strive for.

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